Meet Google 🤍
Google is a new horse I’m working with to help him find better ways to release tension in stressful situations. When things get overwhelming, he has a tendency to rear up. His owner has invested a lot of time working with him from the ground, which has really helped him feel more secure. However, riding remains a bit of a challenge.
Today, we tried riding for the first time. My goal was to show him that even with the saddle, he could still trust and rely on me. But Google started to feel insecure, and our connection broke down.
He struggled during this first ride, and it reminded me just how important it is to offer horses consistent support and close connection throughout their journey.
Stay tuned for his progress 🙏🏻
Royal Hope is growing more confident and steady with each passing day 🥰🌺
Soon, we will take the next step and explore the enchanting forest trails!🌳🍃
Favicii 🤍
This little diamond is with me to be started under the saddle.
She is a wonderful horse, though she can easily become overwhelmed, causing her focus to scatter. Her caring owner has already put in a lot of love and effort, teaching Favicii various exercises to help her relax in these overwhelming situations.
Before we actually start riding, I love to show her how to integrate these lessons and truly release her tension. I want her to let go of distractions and connect with her heart.
This was such a cute moment of her finding some release and softness. ♥️
Living with ease, love, and surrounded by horses sounds like a beautiful intention for the year 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
📷 @carinapaul_fotografie
Through hours of practice, Lou, once acclimated to pulling hard on the rope, now gracefully walks beside the scootmobil.
Starting step by step, I guided Lou away from his accustomed role of pulling on the rope.
Over the past few weeks, I introduced him to various groundwork practices, aiding his understanding of the tasks at hand.
Emphasizing communication through body language and a gentle energy, rather than relying on the pressure of the halter, was paramount.
Lou will mostly be guided by a very special woman 🤍
who mostly works from a chair or scootmobil.
Knowing that, made it even more crucial to ensure his comfort with subtle cues and the presence of the scootmobil itself.
I am thoroughly enjoying training with Lou 🤍
Rhapsody is with me to be started under saddle. There’s only a first time for everything, and it’s so important that their first ride is filled with joy, trust, and enthusiasm. Yesterday, we rode together for the first time! Then, I immediately removed the halter to feel the freedom even more. What a horse! ♥️
We believe that foundation is the key to a great relationship with your horse 🤍
It’s been a while since this lovely youngster Bless was with us to be started under the saddle. I really miss riding and just had to look back at these moments to get into the magical feeling again ✨️
We had so much fun together! Bless has a hilarious pernsonality and always managed to get a smile on everyones faces 😂
Everything went smoothly, from the first time with the saddle to the first time riding and going outside 🌿 If the trust is there and the horse knows he can rely on your intention, these first times doesn’t have to be scary at all 🥰
The name reveal of my Mustang! 🤩
I’m trusting my intuition more then ever before. Mustang is leading with his feel and I’ll listen. I act upon what he is offering and today I felt beyond gratefull with such an open hearted mustang by my side 🤍🤍
It has been a wonderful week already with Mustang 🤍
He is carrying a very special energy with him and he let me touch him for the very first time 🥰
I wanted to let him get used to his new place quietly. But this week we’ll start training a bit because I think he is ready for more 🍀🌞
Joyce heeft samen met haar paard Ozzy een prachtige transformatie doorgemaakt. Afgelopen week mocht Ozzy weer met haar mee naar huis 🥰
Ozzy is door haar eigenaresse Joyce zelf beleerd onder het zadel maar ze liepen tegen een aantal blokkades aan. Joyce gaf aan het lastig te vinden om Ozzy vertrouwen te geven in haar been, ze ging dan stil staan en in zichzelf keren. Daarvoor is Ozzy bij ons in training gekomen.
Tijdens de eerste week training zijn we er achter gekomen dat er nog weinig bevestigd was in de basis communicatie en vertrouwen. Ze kwam snel omhoog duwde ons zo aan de kant. Ze trapte makkelijk van zich af en kon geen kalme connectie vinden ❌️
We zijn begonnen met het herstellen van Ozzy haar positie tegenover ons. Ozzy had een vrij dominante houding en geen respect voor ons. Ze was heel zeker van haarzelf, nieuwschierig en nergens bang voor.
Toen we het gevoel hadden dat de connectie zuiver was zijn we begonnen onder het zadel. Dat verliep eigenlijk ontzettend goed. Ze vond het leuk en was heel voorwaarts 🚀
Wel merkte we dat Ozzy best wel een binnenvetter is en als ze iets lastig vind en op zo'n moment niet de juiste begeleiding krijgt keert ze in zichzelf.
We hebben Joyce geleerd hoe ze haar kan begeleiden en daarmee kan voorkomen dat zo'n moment optreed.
Ze heeft met Mighty, het paard van Cherinda, gereden om te voelen hoe ze haar positie in het zadel een klein beetje kan aanpassen om meer in de voorwaartse flow te komen 🤩
De laatste week hebben we dit op Ozzy toegepast en toen konden ze samen weer heerlijk voorwaarts rijden in de bak en op buitenrit 🍀
We zijn super trots op Joyce die het volop is aangegaan en op Ozzy die alle kansen aangepakt heeft om te transformeren ✨️