Join us as spectator this weekend at Open Clinic Ecole de Légèreté with Nicoló Ballatore!
#rsvpnow #savethedate
Join us as spectator at Open Clinic Ecole de Légèreté with Nicolò Ballatore, find the program and book your ticket clicking the link below!
#rsvpnow #savethedate
Today Balance Exercises on the yoga ball with Valentina and all Fair to Horses instructors. Find your center and your core and then use it for stability! Extremely helpful for horse riding! 🐴 #horsebackriding #balance #centerriding #core #corestability #yourcenter
Before and today…and something in between…Percha, his transformation and our journey
Percha and our process under saddle ❤️
Percha saddle up process
The progress of Percha finding relaxation and balance with the saddle and accepting the rider on him
Thank you everyone for this lovely Day 1 of the second open clinic of the year of “Discover Ecole de légèreté with Nicolò Ballatore” at Fair to Horses!
A beautiful day of lessons at Riverland Horse Farm with Elena Bacchini Equestrian Coach and her beautiful horses and students! Always inspiring to see Nicolò Ballatore explaining EDL principles and watch the immediate response of the horses to lightness! #lightness #classical #horses #beauty
Creating Liberty
Having the control of each single step, the control of his energy, having him connected to my gut feeling, it’s something so special that I wish for everyone to feel at least once in life.
When I started him 4 years ago, I knew deep inside me that there was something very special hidden behind this scared horse. There it is, in all his beauty and proud.
- Clinic Alyssa Pellei Equestrian Art April 2024 - Part 1
“what I found in my journey, that most of the emotional problems come or are linked to a balance problem…” (Alizee Froment)This is something I realized as well, especially the time i worked with horses who needed rehab or with my traumatized horse who learned to have a posture ready to fly in all the situations and because of the tension held in his body for very long time, the chest was contracted so the shoulders could not freely move, the jaw was constantly tight, the back was blocked, and so he would constantly panic. the moment he found out the neck extension and release of the chest tension, shoulder would move freely and the energy could go from the atlas to the spine along the back and connect finally the movement of behind and front legs, there it was the time when he started to change and become a more secure horse. This is a video of this summer, simple rope halter, the horse is able to have a stretch and a quiet trot and able to canter and go back to trot walk and halt. The halt at this stage isn’t square yet, now it improved.
Dancing between connection and disconnection.
I was thinking that usually we publish videos when things work, when the horse is connected and responds to the aids softly. However, it’s not always easy, it’s not always in connection, it’s not always looking relaxing! Sometimes disconnection happens, because we aren’t tune into the NOW of the horse and we make mistakes on the what, the how and/or the when. A video of a disconnection moment with my horse, where excitement, overthinking, anxiety from the exercise came up because I run too quick too soon into an exercise with higher energy level. Awareness of what we do it’s the key to not compromise the training process. The attitude we have in those moments is the only thing which will make the difference for the horse. Judgmental thoughts, frustration, disappointment, guilt, will compromise your horse behavior and his response in respect to you. If you aren’t aware of your mistakes the horse will learn wrong things, but if you are aware of your mistakes in the moment you make them because you read your horse then there is no learned behavior to correct and the training process isn’t compromise.
The bit work on the ground is a great way to explain the horse the meaning of our hand, teaching him to follow the contact and to gymnastic the horse body. With work in hand you can introduce a large variety of exercises which you can then repeat under saddle. The horse has then time to understand the movement and find relaxation without the weight and the influence of the rider, and the rider can understand and feel how the horse move through the feeling of its mouth.