Hoe krijg je Gala binnen een paas seconden bij je...schudden met de slagroomspuit.
How do you get Gala to you in a few seconds...shake with the whipped cream.
Hope (RB var) & Angel (Neb) playing with their toy. They're both daughters of Issie*.
Our little Penny is back with us for a visit. She just arrived and is already feeling at home. Her engine didn't stop purring.
Arthur approves this whole catnip around the roses idea.
First real kitten nomnom. Sadly they don't get born with table manners, which is why there is a plastic thing underneath her.
Eerste keer kittenvoer. Helaas worden ze niet geboren met tafelmanieren, wat de reden is dat er een plastic ding onder ligt.
She's so cute. 3,5 weeks now.
Baby Dreamy x Arthur
After a long break we are finally having babies coming again <3 Dreamy and Arthur are expecting 2 little bundles of joy in the first week of februari. The babies can be longhair or shorthair and have already got home or homes waiting for them. There is a possibility that one of the little ones will remain here.
Mom and baby are doing well.
Moeder en kind maken het goed.
They got a "new" toy to play with.