
Naturologic Western Horsemanship, Horse Health
Lessons, Training, Therapy



You pay that hefty training bill for the month.

You look to have you horse in training as little as possible so it doesn’t break the bank.

You’re disappointed when after 30 days or 60 days or 90 days, there’s still more work to be done or the goal hasn’t been met. Worse yet, it looks good, you take the horse home and it unravels piece by piece. All that money “wasted”.

When you pay a trainer, that money isn’t paying for a result, it’s paying for someone’s skilled effort.

At least for me, when someone gets unhappy that their horse “isn’t fixed yet”, or comes “untrained” after it’s been home a while, makes the task of training horses for other people, discouraging. Discouraging because the efforts are being made, usually my best efforts that are filled with compassion, determination and lots of ruminating on how to fix complex issues a horse may have. Their disappointment becomes my failure basically. I know that’s not an actual truth but it’s never rewarding when someone is disappointed due to their own expectations.

Training a horse is NOT like being a mechanic on a car. Its not a tune up, it’s not the simple replacement of a part. It’s an animal with thoughts, feelings, emotions, habits, talents, etc. You don’t just program them, tune them up or replace a faulty part and send it back good as new.

You arent paying for results to happen within your timeline, you are paying for the time it takes to reach a desired result. The more complicated the project, the bigger the investment. The more baggage a horse has, the more effort it takes to unravel the mess. The bigger the goal, the greater the investment.

People send their horses to certain trainers because they want the outcome that trainer proves they can achieve. The problem is, people want that result in the shortest time frame possible because time, again, is money. It takes the time it takes to create the vision and time costs money. People who have a diy mentality, value the effort so much more when they themselves invest their own energy into a horse rather than just paying for it. I really feel that those who do it themselves, come to appreciate the efforts it takes far more than those who sign the check.

Be nice to your trainers, they work hard for you and your horse!

Written by: katy Negranti
Katy Negranti Performance Horsemanship


Back home from the DRHA End Of The Year Show.
Busy show! Great to see many people come and watch!❗️

'Blue Eyed Yankee' really stepped up! Score 140 ( ) in the Snaffle Bit on Saturday evening!👏️
So happy with him on his second show in a class with strong riders and good horses! From start to show I got to train him and he hasn't disappointed.
Also he scored a 69,5 in Novice Horse Open (( #13) on Friday.
'Steppin on Pearls' also closes the season with a good score of 137 ( #11) in the Limited Open👊️
Very happy ending the show season with these results! Both horses came through and stuck to their training. I look forward to what next show season brings!

Of course I want to thank all that supported! Foremost owners Evelien Lalesse and Krista Winters.
Further to all the people that came to cheer or supported! Ira-Marie Hubert for great company, assistent Vera Ouwerkerk. Special thanks to the crew of Oak Ranch Reining Horses, Joke Overbeek and Robert Overbeek for keeping the homefront and making it possible for me to go on show all year. Thanks Dutch Reining Horse Association for a great show!

Euro-Horse western riding supplies
Marstall Premium Paardenvoer
NML health



This c**t called Nash is to be started under saddle. Free lounging is part of my normal routine with all the young ones I start. Joining up with them is still always such a nice experience!



It's been a great year so far! Ups-and-downs, challanges and achievements! 😃
❗I sent an email to most cliënts about new prices for services. Didnt get the email? Let me know, then I can add you to the list or sent it to you! Also for other questions about training or lessons, let me know!


Playing with the baby's! 😊 First time over block :)


👉"New listings alert! Explore top-quality reining horses now available at
Whether you're looking for a promising 2-year-old or a seasoned show horse, we have something for every rider and budget.
Don't miss your chance to own a champion in the making—check out our updated sales page today and find your next reining partner!

We came home safe last night from the EAC in Paris. What a great show it was!Both horses gave it their best, even though...

We came home safe last night from the EAC in Paris. What a great show it was!
Both horses gave it their best, even though it was pretty hot and a long trip getting there. I am happy that even though we had some runs with mistakes, overall we were consistent. Neither of them let me down and were there in the showpenn.

I want to thank everybody that supported! But especially the owners of the horses, Saskia Aloserij and Melanie Greven for giving me the opportunity to show their horses at this event.
Also proud of Saskia Aloserij for her own rides on Scarlet and giving it her best and coming out with a score! Not everyone is brave enough to go show abroad like this after only showing reining for a short while.

Thanks to Filip Wissel for his support and fun times througout the week. Of course also thanks to Joke Overbeek and Robert Overbeek Oak Ranch Reining Horses for keeping my other horses well taken care of while I was away the whole week and their advice and support for showing. Thanks to farrier Karsten Hanebeck for coming over especially to get my horses feet in order to go show.
Also thanks to: Euro-Horse western riding supplies for providing some of the equipment and Marstall Premium Paardenvoer.

Big Time Diamond:
5th Rookie Pro EAC

Im Especial Spark:
6th Novice Horse Open L3
5th Rookie Pro Jackpot
9th Rookie Pro EAC


Last night on Saturdayevening at the NRHA EAC we gave it our best shot in the Limited Open/Open class!My horses tried th...

Last night on Saturdayevening at the NRHA EAC we gave it our best shot in the Limited Open/Open class!
My horses tried their best and both had clean runs and scores of 205,5. In such a strong field of competition it was not enough to end up in the prices but I am still really happy with the rides and consistency at a international show like this. Today we are in our way back home.
Big Time Diamond
Im Especial Spark


Still going well at the NRHA EAC! It's really hot here but we're getting along keeping the horses well rested, fed and o...

Still going well at the NRHA EAC! It's really hot here but we're getting along keeping the horses well rested, fed and of course hydrated.
Thursday, Im Especial Spark (Ivy) made 5th place in the Rookie Professional Jackpot class. On Big Time Diamond (Scarlet) I had a good run but I missed one spin, doh.... Scarlet was solid as ever of course!
Today, Friday Scarlet made 5th place in the Rookie Pro EAC class. On Ivy I had a mistake wich really cost me points, but she was still really good for me in the showpenn. This little yellow mare really likes the showpenn! Just one more day to go showing tomorrow.

"Set goals high, so you have to grow to achieve them!"'Stepping on Pearls' at DRHA show.       **tstarting              ...

"Set goals high, so you have to grow to achieve them!"

'Stepping on Pearls' at DRHA show.


Liking these riding 'Cal Blue' jeans by Kimes Ranch Jeans! Now I've been riding in the known Wrangler jeans almost all m...

Liking these riding 'Cal Blue' jeans by Kimes Ranch Jeans!
Now I've been riding in the known Wrangler jeans almost all my life and I don't change brands often but these jeans by Kimes actually get the job done very well also! Really like the knife pouch (good horseman always carries one in my opinion ) Thanks Euro-Horse western riding supplies! Available at their store and website.


Master Joker On Tour bij Oak Ranch Reining Horses ! 🤠🐎
Durf jij de uitdaging aan te gaan met jezelf uit liefde voor je paard?
Dan is deze clinic iets voor jou! 🥳🐴

Op zaterdag 14 en zondag 15 september komt Horse Simulator Master Joker van MindBodyHorse bij Oak Ranch Reining Horses (vlakbij Heerenveen) en jij kan meedoen, op Master Joker maar ook op je eigen paard! 🏇🏻

Wijzen jouw tenen steeds naar buiten en je sporen naar binnen? Heb je moeite met galopswissels? Valt je paard in de bocht over de schouder? Of heb je een ander steeds terugkerend ruiter probleem? Op Master Joker krijg je feilloos inzicht in je onbewuste houding en bewegingspatronen. 🤠

Master Joker is een briljante mechanische horse simulator die totaal eerlijke feedback geeft waar jij in je rijden en in je ruiterlijf nog blokkades, scheefheden en/of ineffectieve bewegingsgewoontes hebt. 🏇🏻
In tegenstelling tot je paard, compenseert Master Joker niets, dus op Master Joker kom je direct te weten waar en hoe er winst te halen valt voor jou in je rijden.

Het voordeel van het rijden op een horse simulator is dat jij je volledig kan focussen op jezelf zonder je paard te hoeven bijsturen, last hebt van omgevingsfactoren of afgeleid bent door medebakgebruikers. Zo leer je veel Sneller en Effectiever hoe jij jezelf en je paard beter kan begeleiden in jullie samenwerking. ✅

Wil jij ook je Western, Engelse of Dresuur ruiterskills testen en verbeteren? Dan is deze unieke Master Joker Houding & Zit Tour wat voor jou! De lessen zijn namelijk geschikt voor alle disciplines en alle niveaus. 💪🏻

Wat gaan we doen?
We starten met een half uur privé les op MasterJoker. Master Joker laat jou je eigen scheefheden en ineffectieve bewegingsgewoontes ontdekken die er in de jaren ingeslopen zijn en die je onbewust aan je paard door geeft. Een half uur les kost €55 euro.
Wil je na de les op Joker je nieuw gevonden inzichten en houdingspatronen uit proberen te paard? Dat kan! Een half uur Houding & Zit privé rijles erbij op je eigen paard is €55.

Per dag is er plek voor 6 deelnemers met paard, de lessen worden opgedeeld in 3 blokken van 2 uur:
Per blok hebben 2 deelnemers eerst ieder hun privé Master Joker les van Houding & Zit expert Hansje van MindBodyHorse en aansluitend privé les te paard. Zo is er genoeg tijd voor de deelnemers om te zadelen.

Wil je alleen een les op Master Joker dan kan dat natuurlijk ook!

Deelnemers kunnen de gehele dag met elkaar meekijken want leren observeren is ook leren.

Er is dus beperkt plek! Dus wacht niet te lang met je opgeven! 😃

Master Joker lessen zijn geschikt voor beginnende, medior en (ver)gevorderde ruiters van alle disciplines. Maar ook revaliderende ruiters, angstige ruiters of herintreders helpt Master Joker in het zadel.

De lessen zijn leuk en worden voor jou op maat gemaakt dus je hoeft niet zenuwachtig te zijn of bang te zijn dat je het niet goed doet of niet kan. Ik vind het belangrijk om voor paard en mens een fijne veilige ontspannen leeromgeving te creëren omdat zowel mens als dier daar beter en sneller in leert. 💪🏻

Doe je mee? 🤩
Geef je op via pb via the Northern Western Riders of via Hansje van MindBodyhorse.

Master Joker en Hansje hopen je te zien op 14 en 15 september bij de Oak Ranch!👍🏻

* Master Joker is een mechanische (geen elektrische) paardrij simulator.
*Je rijdt in principe op Master Joker met je eigen zadel en als je geen geschikt zadel hebt rij je op het veelzijdigheidszadel van Master Joker.
*De minimum leeftijd is 16 jaar en het maximum gewicht is 100 kg.
*Op Joker draag je gewoon je normale rij kleding en (schone) rij schoeisel en een EU gecertificeerd cap.







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