Auto Dog Brush

Auto Dog Brush ADB Petite, small automatic slicker brush for brushing and dematting pets who need to be brushed on a regular basis. It is a real coatsaver! It saves your arms!

It makes 500 brushstrokes per minute, has a safety chip which ensures petfriendly brushing.

De ADB Petite (Automatische slickerborstel) helpt je de vacht van je doodle klitvrij te houden op een hele aangename man...

De ADB Petite (Automatische slickerborstel) helpt je de vacht van je doodle klitvrij te houden op een hele aangename manier voor zowel jou als je doodle. Lees onze nieuwste reviews hier

adb petite REVIEWS


Als je eenmaal handig bent geworden met de ADB Petite borstel je er zelfs met groot gemak klitten mee weg op de oren van een pup.

Nooit eerder was borstelen van je huisdier zo leuk om te doen.

De ADB Petite is verkrijgbaar via

Dear customers of the ADB PetiteAs you know brushing with the ADB Petite is a total NEW WAY of brushingReviews help pote...

Dear customers of the ADB Petite

As you know brushing with the ADB Petite is a total NEW WAY of brushing

Reviews help potential buyers to decide if they should buy the ADB Petite or not.

So if you are a fan of the ADB Petite you would help us a lot by writing your honoust review at the bottom of our website:

Thank you very much!

Dog brush for petfriendly brushing. Saves time and effort. Saves arms. Saves coats. Approved by thousands of dogowners, vets and petgroomers.


Elke borstelslag met de ADB Petite staat gelijk aan tenminste 5 borstelslagen met de hand.

Dus dat betekend dat je met de ADB Petite altijd heel grondig borstelt zonder dat je dat veel energie kost.


Each brushstroke with the ADB Petite equals at least 5 brushstrokes done by hand.

So the ADB Petite brushes always very thoroughly without you getting tired.

We wish that 2025 will be a good and happy year for everyone!

We wish that 2025 will be a good and happy year for everyone!

What if we tell you that you could get your ADB Petite for free?What if we tell you about the "EARN YOUR MONEY BACK"" pr...

What if we tell you that you could get your ADB Petite for free?

What if we tell you about the
"EARN YOUR MONEY BACK"" program we have?

How it works?
Your invoicenumber is your unique code.
Show our ADB Petite to your friends and family
When they are going to order one for themselves,,,ask them to put your Unique code at customer remarks.

When we have 10 new sales with your unique code, we will refund you the money you have paid for your ADB Petite including shippingcosts.

So you will brush for free.

And your friends and family who bought the brush all get their own unique code.

So they can get a refund the exact same way.

Never before was brushing your pet so relaxing!

ADB PetiteAutomatic Slicker Brush for brushing and dematting pets. The hardest part is to let the brush do the brushingB...

ADB Petite
Automatic Slicker Brush for brushing and dematting pets.

The hardest part is to let the brush do the brushing
But if you follow the steps I show on this video exactly you will master the ADB Petite very quickly.

Never before was brushing your pet so relaxing!

On this video we show you step by step how to brush the right way with the ADB Petite. It is a totally new way of brushing, so you have to learn to work with...


Like with riding a bike you have to learn how to brush with the ADB Petite. Because it is a totally new way of brushing. The hardest part is to let the ADB Petite do the brushing. But if you follow these staps you will master it very fast.


Because the ADB Petite brushes very petfriendly all dogs I brush accept to be brushed with it and are loose on my groomingtable. For them it feels like a nice massage.
You can order it at and


Automatic dog brush now also available on
99% of our buyers are very happy with it!


If you brush like this...making small brush very thoroughly and for your dog it feels like to be nicely tickled!

Soon available on

ADB PetiteAutomatic Slicker brush for brushing and dematting pets in a very easy and petfriendly way!Approved by thousan...

ADB Petite
Automatic Slicker brush for brushing and dematting pets in a very easy and petfriendly way!

Approved by thousands of doodle owners in the Netherlands, professional groomers and vets worldwide.

Now also on and

Soon available on!

Price..ADB Petite Ready Set to Go 99,50


Heesakker 4B


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Auto Dog Brush

We, Hans and Nanja de Koning living in the Netherlands invented the Auto Dog Brush for brushing our own dogs. It worked so well, that we decided to sell it worldwide so everyone could have the benefits of our automatic dog brush. It requires less effort, is better for your lungs and it helps you brushing your dog in less brushing time so you'll have more time to play with your dog.