
Moodforwoodshop.Belgium � Handmade Dog/Cat ID Tags with Wood and Resin
� Handmade accessories and much more
� Inspire


Even een update !!!

Morgen komt eindelijk mijn nieuwe schuurmachine aan.

Dat wilt zeggen dat ik de laaste afwerkingen kan afwerken en verzenden 😘

Veel liefs Angelica
Mood For Wood Shop

🐾 PAWPRINT 🐾HI SWEETIES ,As you have already seen, I also make personalized slate coasters, but also a larger version of...



As you have already seen, I also make personalized slate coasters, but also a larger version of them. You can use this as a cheese board🧀 or fruit board 🍇 so that you have a complete set. But for those who prefer them on the cupboard, that is also possible.

You can personalize your own slate how you prefer it. These will be added to the webshop when I reopen again.
I'm curious about everyone's reaction ☺️?
[email protected]

My heart beat because of them ❤️🐾❤️

°•▪︎☆__GIVEAWAY TIME__☆▪︎•°Because im not doing well and I'm not so active this week, I want to do a small GIVEAWAY for ...

°•▪︎☆__GIVEAWAY TIME__☆▪︎•°

Because im not doing well and I'm not so active this week, I want to do a small GIVEAWAY for the dog pawrents this time🥰

So what do you WIN??
PERSINALIZED SET OF 4 SLATE COASTERS ( gepersonaliseerde onderzetters van leisteen)

Rules for Winning this SET OF SLATE COASTERS 🥳:

▪︎ FOLLOW .shop ( Instagram)
▪︎ TAG 5 FRIENDS WHO LIKE TO WIN THIS TOO " do you tag more friends ? the more you have the chance to win "
▪︎ POST THIS ON YOUR STORIE dont forget to tag .shop

This giveaway will end on 27th of January at Midnight.

31 January I will announce the winner via Storie 🥰🥳

Shipping cost are not included!

Good Luck 🍀 to all of you cuties out there 😘

Wat heb ik genoten om dit te maken voor deze lieverds hun baasjes. Set van 4 gepersonaliseerde onderzetters van leisteen...

Wat heb ik genoten om dit te maken voor deze lieverds hun baasjes.

Set van 4 gepersonaliseerde onderzetters van leisteen maakt het toch nog dat tikkeltje extra cute🥰.
Vind je niet😍?

Verkrijgbaar bij Mood for wood shop
[email protected]

Veel liefs Angelica 😘

Love this duo allot ❣️

Love this duo allot ❣️


My favorite time of the year! All those lights. Awesome!! What I only dream of is for a white Christmas. I like the cold and the snow.
What is your favorite time of year?
shop (Code “𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐚𝟏𝟓” -15%)


#德國牧羊犬 #ジャーマンシェパード #독일셰퍼드 #荷蘭牧羊犬 #ダッチシェパード #더치셰퍼드

▪︎▪︎▪︎°•☆ DELTA ☆•°▪︎▪︎▪︎Howl you doing?I hope everyone is is feeling well and that you all have a nice Saturday.  Today...

▪︎▪︎▪︎°•☆ DELTA ☆•°▪︎▪︎▪︎

Howl you doing?

I hope everyone is is feeling well and that you all have a nice Saturday. Today it is very foggy and frosty, I can't complain because the bears are just happy with this weather. My bloodpressure is still verry low, so most of the time I need to make sure I eat something salty🧂🥨.

My sanding machine is still not working😫... but Michael is trying to fix the problem. Because yesterday it was like fire work🎆 coming out... thank god🙏 nothing happend with the kitchen.

So I was thinking dear god that 2021 en 2022 is defently not my year ... so I hope that 2023 brings allot of luck🍀 to everyone.

Because of you guy's I will keep going to reach the top some day 🙏❤️

Thank you for all those amazing picture with your MFW tag. Im so blessed to have you all in my life ❤️

📸 .wild.shepherds

°•▪︎☆ GOOFY ☆▪︎•° "Excuse me while I be absolutely adorable."  Look at those ears 😍 How stunning is he😍Explore the world...

°•▪︎☆ GOOFY ☆▪︎•°

"Excuse me while I be absolutely adorable." Look at those ears 😍 How stunning is he😍

Explore the world sweet Goof 😘

Its friday today and for allot of you guy's its almost weekend🥳... for me im working on orders its like my hand is falling off 🙈..

Yesterday when I wanted to check if the tags where dry and I saw 3 tags aren’t looking how they needed to look. So something went wrong and I think I know how this happend... Even when I close the door Maya our cat can open Doors like no one els can do... like I dont know how she does it..
We are middle of renovation So our doors dont have a lock yet. So I think she went inside and jump on the table and push some tags to eachother. So when I saw this my stomic turned completely around.. So I have to make new today, which again brings a lot of stress😭...

But hi we need to keep going otherwise it wont work 😘... But let's hope we get everything done asap 🙏🍀.

I wish you all a very nice Friday and ofcours the best weekend. I think allot of you will go for a nice winter walk in the weekend 🤩... wish we could go to ...

Tag : Perak's Triangular Mettalic Orange size M

•▪︎☆ KYONA ☆▪︎••" I'm a VIP: Very Important Pei."There are allot of dog breed that stole my heart. Even I have 2 America...

•▪︎☆ KYONA ☆▪︎••

" I'm a VIP: Very Important Pei."

There are allot of dog breed that stole my heart. Even I have 2 American Akitas and believe me im lucky to have them in my life. The reason why I fall in love about the Akita breed is because the character really appealed to me. You do need a large manual for this, but it was worth it. But having IG that mean " you will meet allot of breeds." So allot of them stole my heart for sure. So a American Akita will always be my first choose.

But I like to know which top 5 breeds you all like ?

My top 5 would be :

- Australian shepherd
- Czechoslovakian Wolfdog
- Alaska-malamute
- Rhodesian ridgeback
- Shar Pei


☆•° Happy °•☆It's always so nice to receive such great photos.  Every time I am so amazed by your beautiful photos. And ...

☆•° Happy °•☆

It's always so nice to receive such great photos. Every time I am so amazed by your beautiful photos. And I love how you all show your tricks 😊.

What tricks can you all do?

📸 .wild.shepherds - Delta

Tag : Perak's Triangular Blue size M

☆•° Happy °•☆It's always so nice to receive such great photos.  Every time I am so amazed by your beautiful photos. And ...

☆•° Happy °•☆

It's always so nice to receive such great photos. Every time I am so amazed by your beautiful photos. And I love how you all show your tricks 😊.

What tricks can you all do?

📸 .wild.shepherds

Tag : Perak's Triangular Blue size M

"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold."- Aristotle📸  ( IG ) How do you handl...

"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold."
- Aristotle

📸 ( IG )

How do you handle those cold cold day's🥶 ?
[email protected]

☆▪︎•° Speechless °•▪︎☆"Even the stars were jealous of the sparkle in her eyes"Unbelievable how beautiful Iris is.  The w...

☆▪︎•° Speechless °•▪︎☆

"Even the stars were jealous of the sparkle in her eyes"

Unbelievable how beautiful Iris is. The whole picture is perfect🙌

Did you also spot her tag?

Collar from
Tag Winter Wonderland ☃️❄️ .shop
Collab'21 Forestwolf x Moodforwood

📸 big thank you to .delicious for this stunning picture ♡

There’s no better way to wake up in the morning than with a smile on your face. While a good night's sleep and beautiful...

There’s no better way to wake up in the morning than with a smile on your face. While a good night's sleep and beautiful dreams aren’t always the case, the one thing you can always count on is creating your own happiness.

Dont forget that -> “Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have.” – Lemony Snicket

How cute are you Snobben 😍 rocking with your Mood For Wood Tag

For more info about your order or tags pleas email me
[email protected]

Lots of love Angelica


Happy Animals Day!!! I can't imagine a world without you 2!!
shop (Code “𝐃𝐞𝐥𝐭𝐚𝟏𝟓” -15%)
Slipcollar, Grab Tab

#德國牧羊犬 #ジャーマンシェパード #독일셰퍼드 #荷蘭牧羊犬 #ダッチシェパード #더치셰퍼드



Hi darlings finally I had some time to start the model search. Normally it would happen yesterday on my birthday. But unfortunately I didn't succeed because I didn't feel well. Because I turned 35 🎉on September 5, I wanted to do a fun model search. So im doing it now 😘...
My Team will choose 4 New Models together.

What do we expect when you join our team?

▪︎We are looking for Dogs / cats , small / large who are very active on Instagram, especially posting on your Story and on your feed.
▪︎Photography is your passion, quality photos are a must.
▪︎We related at least 3 post per month (if you would like to post more, that is certainly allowed) and we are very grateful for that.
▪︎For your efforts and your support you will receive a personal discount code and also a discount code for your followers. If your code has been used 5times, you will of course receive an extra gift with your next order.
▪︎You can also see and test the new collection.

This colab will also only last for 6 months, so that other furries also get the chance to model for Mood For Wood Shop. Are you the one we are looking for and the one who is a real fan of MFW Shop? Dont wait to long and definitely participate, maybe you'll be the one we can welcome to our team.

How to participate?

▪︎ Follow Mood For Wood Shop 🌲] and all Models ( you find all Models in the Highlight)
▪︎ Post a picture on your feed and tel us why you want to be a model for us dont forget to tag us and use
▪︎ Tag 5 Friends who you think will love our handmade tags,... and love to model for us.
▪︎ Post this on your feed and tag Mood For Wood Shop 🌲]

This model Search start now and will end 30th of September 22 , on the 5th of October we will announce the 4 Models via Post and Story. 🎉

Me and my team we can't wait to see who will join our team 🥰🥂🍾🥳

Good luck to all of you 🍀🐾🙏

📷 big thank you for this perfect stunning duo .wild.shepherds 😍


Ik ben vanaf dinsdag terug aan het werk. Alles is goed verlopen in het ziekenhuis. Nu is even rusten en vanaf dinsdag ben ik weer om aan jullie orders te kunnen werken.

Nogmaals bedankt aan al mijn klantjes vrienden en familie voor jullie lieve berichtjes.

Veel liefs Angelica




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