Cold-Blooded Farm

Cold-Blooded Farm Mijn collectie dieren met actueel aanbod nakweek. My collection of animals with current stock CB.

The slightly odd naming comes from myself, being a "simple" farmers son interested in all kinds of animals, so i kept it wide with cold-blooded as summary since i keep invertebrate, fish, amfibia's as well as reptiles. De misschien wat aparte benaming komt als een soort van zelfspot, gezien ik een "simpele" boerenzoon ben. mijn interesse ligt eigenlijk wel bij alle diergroepen vandaar dat ik het b

reed gehouden heb met cold-blooded. ik houd veel soorten koudbloedigen waaronder ongewervelden, vissen, amfibieën en dus ook reptielen.

Fingers crossed!Four out of five pairing are through shed!The last is still actively copulating.Hoping to prove out some...

Fingers crossed!
Four out of five pairing are through shed!
The last is still actively copulating.
Hoping to prove out some possible hets this year. (Mainly kahl/leopard combos)

All set up and ready to help you to your wonderfull animal today at Houten expo!

All set up and ready to help you to your wonderfull animal today at Houten expo!

Completely forgot to post in the weekend 😅Fingers crossed, the ladies are looking more and more promising, though some p...

Completely forgot to post in the weekend 😅
Fingers crossed, the ladies are looking more and more promising, though some pretend to not know what to do.

Some quick snaps from next seasons projects, fingers crossed!

Some quick snaps from next seasons projects, fingers crossed!

I wasn't really looking for new blood but I saw this stunning lass today and really couldn't leave her for another to ta...

I wasn't really looking for new blood but I saw this stunning lass today and really couldn't leave her for another to take 🙈
Welcome you gorgeous Sunglow 66%het Blood! (She is incedibly red)

Ready to welcome you at snakeday Houten!

Ready to welcome you at snakeday Houten!

Ready to welcome you at the Houten show today!I have some extra's with me today besides the normal collection of snakes!

Ready to welcome you at the Houten show today!
I have some extra's with me today besides the normal collection of snakes!

The table location for Houten this Sunday has been announced, it's not my usual spot on the back row. You can find me in...

The table location for Houten this Sunday has been announced, it's not my usual spot on the back row. You can find me in the right corner of the main hall.
Right next to aluracks
Hope to see you all there!

Some quick snaps from this years cornsnakes, more info coming as soon as I have time to take decent pictures!

Some quick snaps from this years cornsnakes, more info coming as soon as I have time to take decent pictures!

Phew I'm glad the waiting is over for my boas, this girl decided to finally let her babies go after 128 days 😅 (normally...

Phew I'm glad the waiting is over for my boas, this girl decided to finally let her babies go after 128 days 😅 (normally 105 after pos)
They all grew gigantic with those extra days. Unfortunately the male didn't prove sharp albino, but there are some awesome patterns among them!

A week past due date, patience is key 🥲😅

A week past due date, patience is key 🥲😅




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