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A new study “Saddle Thigh Block Design Can Influence Rider and Horse Biomechanics”, published in Animals Open Access
Rachel Murray, Mark Fisher, Vanessa Fairfax and Russell MacKechnie-Guire
Link to read full study: https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/13/13/2127
There is increasing interest in the effect of saddle design on horse kinematics, but little evidence of the influence on rider–saddle interaction and how this affects horse movement patterns.
We aimed to investigate the effect of changing the design of the saddle’s thigh block on the interaction between the rider and saddle and the effect this has on rider movement and horse movement.
To do this, we used a seat pressure mat between the rider and the saddle and tracking technology to analyse horse and rider movement. Elite level sports horses, ridden by elite level riders, were trotted in well-fitting dressage saddles that were identical, except for the thigh block design.
During straight-line locomotion when in sitting trot, results showed that a thigh block with a more deformable face (thigh block F) resulted in a greater contact area and more pressure between the rider’s seat and the saddle as well as a more upright rider position when the horse’s limbs were on the ground. An association between thigh block design, horse spinal movement, and forelimb flexion was also seen. These findings illustrated the importance of optimizing rider–saddle–horse interaction.