Hurkmans ET - ICSI

Hurkmans ET -  ICSI Hurkmans ET & VCSomeren offer full OPU-ICSI-IVP procedures including freezing or fresh transfers off equine embryos in own receipients.



Schutboomsestraat 10
5763 BR


0031 638919783


Embryo transfer, OPU ICSI IVP


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Total concept OPU-ICSI-IVF

In cooperation with Veterinair Centrum Someren , Hurkmans ET BV offers total concept off OPU-ICSI-IVF. OPU sessions are performed at VCSomeren clinic and the ICSI and IVF procedures are performed at Hurkmans ET IVF lab facilities. We also offer housing off donormares and possibilities to lease recepientmares in the herd off VCSomeren.