Happy Paws - Grooming dog SPA Salon

Happy Paws - Grooming dog SPA Salon Pet grooming services & spa treatments for dogs, with a smile and passion for the profession! Dog pick up & return at home addresses. traumatic experience, etc).

Special discount prices for dogs adopted from local shelters or owners who are working and/or supporting any kind of charity work for animals. Treatments adjusted also for dogs with special needs (e.g.

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!!!

Bye bye our little black mamba…Momi…the story will be long but worth of every word…After few hard weeks of trying to com...

Bye bye our little black mamba…Momi…the story will be long but worth of every word…
After few hard weeks of trying to comfort our old and sick pet, Happy Paws crew had to say forever goodbye to our 16,5 y old cat Momi…
Momi story started some 16,5 years ago when the groomer had a regular office job and her colleague from UK came one morning with very crazy story about the small black kitten…
It was actually kitten from her aunt who decided to come and visit her niece from UK to Amsterdam for a weekend. Few days before that aunt got small black kitten and would leave it for a weekend at home with plenty of food and water with neighbor to visit her when she can. She packed her carry on bag, tried to call kitten to give her goodbye kiss and since she couldn’t find her thinking she sleeps somewhere warm at home, she left to the airport. That February is was quite cold with lot of snow and some flights were delayed, the bag was scanned twice, nobody saw anything and when she arrived to Amsterdam, she opened the bag to show my colleague gifts she brought from UK, the small black kitten said Mijaouuuuuu….the kitten was brought in the carry on bag without any knowledge of the aunt to Amsterdam….they both were shocked…my colleague had severe cat hair allergy so she couldn’t keep the kitten and her landlord wouldn’t approve it anyway….and if they want to get kitten back to UK, it must stay in the quarantine for 6 months…what a sad life would that be. They brought kitten to the animal shelter for cats in Amsterdam and left it there….now our groomer heard that story and was shocked on the fact that kitten actually survived in the bag full of clothes and gifts. One important moment was crucial for our groomer to go and get this kitten (without driver knowledge), and that was the fact that this kitten was completely black….our driver had a black cat for long time before he met the groomer, it was his roommate and the best buddy at that time. Unfortunately, it had issues with kidneys and had to be put down…now there is a small black kitten in this specific shelter, they didn’t announce it for adoption yet and our groomer really wanted to adopt this crazy adventurous kitten. She arranged everything with the shelter (some close connections needed to be pulled) but she did it all without driver’s knowledge, during office hours kitten ended up for the rest of the working day in groomers’ office where all colleagues came there and were sitting on the floor playing with the kitten. Nobody worked, all meetings were cancelled and it was the most funniest day in the office ever for all employees on our floor. Now the trick was how to bring kitten home and ‘convince’ driver to keep it…we already had 2 cats and one dog…no kids at that time. Groomer learn a super nice trick saying that kitten was the gift and you can’t say no to the gift….at least in her culture it was very impolite to reject a gift….so it worked. The moment our driver saw this little black kitten in the middle of the room was the nicest look groomer saw on his face….kitten officially got a home but we were struggling with the name…since she is from uk we were thinking of Lady Di, or even Margaret , but after we realized she is nothing sweet and lovely as she presented herself at the first day, we started calling her terrorist…now will explain why: she tortured our driver…out of the sudden she would jump and bite his toes sticking under the blanket during the sleep, or start licking his head also during the night, but only one spot that one morning when driver woke up he thought he has bald spot on his head, during attending online meetings from home, she would jump on his back sticking her nails to his skin where he wouldn’t be able to get her off himself and all colleagues had to laugh hard….even our Head of Entertainment department ended up at the doctor as 3 months old baby when she jumped on his head while in playing and scratched him, groomer’s father who was holding baby while it happened almost had heart attack seeing it…baby and grandpa survived….and Momi got her official name Osama (yes we know it is not politically correct but it fitted her so well). Then when she started going out in the garden we didn’t want to scare our neighbors calling her this name, we renamed it into nickname Momi…but our vet still called her Terror.
Momi lived to be 16,5 y old, we loved her dearly, especially our driver…it was his black mamba as he called her….until yesterday. We all made decision to put her to sleep….she had brain stroke, couldn’t walk anymore, started having more pain and was urinating and p**p over herself. For 2 months we could manage it but last weekend we said, it is game end.

We all are heart broken, so many stories and memories we could write a boot about her but we took her all around her favorite places outside of our home, then the garden she loved to lay and sunbathing, her shed she would often sleep on a warm mat….then our groomer asked her to drop by sometimes when we are in the garden as she would always be around sitting area, that this will always stay her garden and to give her a sign that she is doing ok even not being here with us anymore…lot of tears in Happy Paws and will stay for a while but Momi did as she promised. Yesterday going out of the vet with her dead body in groomer’s hands, there was this bird out of nowhere into groomers face that went into the sky so high showing that Momi soul is somewhere above and last night snowing was also a sign for us as groomer asked her to send something falling from high above (thinking of feather). It was a sign and she is doing ok…
We are still in mourning over so much of love and so many memories but the show must go on and all the grooming appointments are on schedule for this week…

Thanks Momi, terrorist, black mamba, our little old lady
Sad/Happy Paws

Little sign of life from Happy Paws….After the renovation we got so busy again to make all our furry customers in nice s...

Little sign of life from Happy Paws….
After the renovation we got so busy again to make all our furry customers in nice shape for beginning of this year! For us the New Year celebration feels so long ago but our groomer is very happy to see some small plants coming out in our Happy Garden meaning spring & sun is on its way!!!
Unfortunately because of small accident our groomer had we had to reschedule few doggies but all went well and all doggies are done….but then Liander energy provider also decided to do some local reconstruction in the power lines leaving shop without electricity for a day so our shop will be open few Sundays to fit all doggies in time for their spa day with us. So, we would like to thank to owners for the flexibility.
And one super nice news: Happy Paws will be temporary home for one more stray puppy that will arrive to NL in 2 weeks and we all are soooo excited. His name is Aki and he is one of 3 little brothers left in front of the animal shelter we support. Two of his brothers already got their home sweet home here in NL and he would be the only one left behind…then the groomer & head of entertainment department managed to convince the driver with their sad eyes to offer little Aki home for a while…as the driver is also the youngest of 3 brothers so it actually worked (again) but don’t tell him (LOL)
We’ll be sharing pictures and nice adventures so if you know anyone who would be interested, let us know!

Much love from Happy Paws crew


Today we also want to share with you all one very special place that our super driver Alex is responsible for....we'll share the link here and let your curiosity lead you...hugs to all!


Hypnotherapie & Life Coaching

Aloha from Happy Paws!!!All the renovation is done, it was quite a project but we didn’t give in! Whenever we would shar...

Aloha from Happy Paws!!!

All the renovation is done, it was quite a project but we didn’t give in! Whenever we would share pictures about the progress of the renovation, people would first say: oh my Gosh….well good luck!
We all here were thinking: should we start to worry or do they see something we don’t???? (LOL)

But it didn’t discourage us and the result is absolutely wonderful. Our groomer spent time assembling few new pieces of the furniture and painting walls and windows while specialized company took care of the floors as it had to be a special waterproof installation. So, all done and we love it!!!

We already started with all our regular activities as of this week and because of the small accident our groomer had to reschedule few dogs, but everyone got their new appointment date, and we will continue as planned. So many new products for our spa treatments are on their way to our shop and we simply can’t wait to see the results on doggies hair….
Don’t forget to ‘like’ our channel in Watsapp as we’ll be sharing there some important updates for those customers who do not use Facebook (and will keep doing it here too).
For now our Happy Paws crew is sending you all love, some warmth with hope that we’ll see some sun soon!!!

And before we forget, little Doerak sends her message to all those 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🤩🙏🏻😇🙋🏼‍♀️🐶❤️who are not nice to the animals!!!

GOOD NEWS>DOG IS BACK HOME! Yippie!(HOND IS WEER THUIS)______________________________________________________________DOG...


DOG FOUND IN NIEUWVEEN! (English version)
For all our local customers, please have a look at the pictures and let us know if you recognise the dog. Our neighbour found it on the street this morning and got her in home to see if they can find the owner. Dierenambulance is informed and they will be visiting them to see if the dog is chipped but if anyone recognise the dog, please let us know and we'll try to get the owner to pick her up!

Voor al onze lokale klanten, bekijk de foto's en laat ons weten of u de hond herkent. Onze buurman vond hem vanmorgen op straat en heeft haar meegenomen om te kijken of ze de eigenaar kunnen vinden. Dierenambulance is op de hoogte en ze komen langs om te kijken of de hond gechipt is, maar als iemand de hond herkent, laat het ons dan weten en we proberen de eigenaar te laten komen om haar op te halen!


Happy Paws Watsapp channel group!!!

Since in the past years we realized that almost 30% of our work time goes for all kind of communication with our customers which is very important in our line of business but cost so much of private time of our crew, we were exploring possibilities to keep everyone up to date at any given moment. Since beginning of our Happy Paws adventure, we used Facebook and it works really well, but when we announce some important changes in our work, not everyone would be timely informed as not everyone has facebook profile. To send individual WhatsApp messages to all our customers and to respond to all responses after, would take about half week as we have A LOT of 350 currently active customers, including those who left NL but love to hear from us.

So, we found a nice and easy way to use WhatsApp since that is our main way of the communication where we send appointment details, reminders and all other pet related messages.
We created so called WhatsApp Happy Paws Channel group and will send link to our current customers. Basically, beside Facebook regular updates as so far, we’ll also post short messages in this group so everyone can be informed in timely manner. This group posts can be done only by us (Happy Paws) which means customers cannot comment there at all which makes it really nice tool; for clear and straightforward share of the important messages and information when it comes to our services. If anyone have specific questions, you can always reach us as so far via individual WhatsApp message.

On the end: you will see group chat appearing in your watsapp as in picture below coming your way!!!

Any questions, you know where to find us!

Happy Paws crew

(p.s. all communication remains in English but if needed send us individual message for Dutch or other languages)

Please use this link to access our channel:

SCHEDULING NEW APPOINTMENTS THIS WEEK!!!Although the Happy Paws shop is still closed for the renovation, this week (our ...


Although the Happy Paws shop is still closed for the renovation, this week (our groomer is soooo excited as it will look wonderful) we'll continue with scheduling new appointments, so if your dog doesn't have confirmed date yet, our groomer will reach you this week. All dogs that we groom at Happy Paws will get appointment date, even if we have to open shop on Sunday to make sure it fits its regular grooming timeframes, so nothing to worry!

If you wish to schedule appointments for complete year, that is also possible, especially for dogs that visits us quarterly. It is much easier for both us and the owners and this way we can also reduce our communication when it comes to the appointments.

So we are starting 2025 with admin tasks and in a new shop 'outfit' our groomer dreamt so long about and with lot of nice new ideas!

Much love to everyone!
Happy Paws crew

Happy Paws shop in a renovation! We are still ‘on holidays’ but as you see we are busy removing old flooring and install...

Happy Paws shop in a renovation!
We are still ‘on holidays’ but as you see we are busy removing old flooring and installing the new one that will be better water resistant. Our groomer will be busy painting the walls and our driver will be assembling few pieces of the new furniture. We can’t wait to open the shop door again and start working but we’ll keep you posted. All already scheduled appointments will go as planned and our groomer will get back to all owners where we did not schedule next appointment early next week.
Lot of owners schedule their dog’s appointments for all year in advance based on the grooming timeframe for their pet so if you wish to do that, just inform our groomer next week and we’ll set it all up in our booking system!
Stay tuned for all new developments! Groomer head is bursting with new ideas when it comes to our services!!!

Sign of life from the Happy Paws! Last year just before X-mas we placed an order to one local dog food delivery shop to ...

Sign of life from the Happy Paws!
Last year just before X-mas we placed an order to one local dog food delivery shop to deliver food in the amount of 600€ we collected over all 2024 year as tips or small donations from our customers and would like to confirm that the food has been delivered to the shelter dogs we support (“Posljednja Oaza” in Orasje). We are attaching few pictures Svjetlana (owner of the shelter) sent us of the food and invoices. Please note that the currency is in local money and the rate is about 1€=2KM, so 600€ equals to just bit below of 1120KM.
With this charity action we concluded the last year. All items we collected in the shop were also delivered by our super driver Alex to the mail storrage location nearby Zwolle.
This world might be crazy place nowadays but with every drop of kindness we all share, it might become bit better…let’s walk in this year being kind to each others and our beloved animals!
Happy Paws crew

Dear customers, people, animal lovers, followers....Very short message from your groomer to wish to all those who celebr...

Dear customers, people, animal lovers, followers....
Very short message from your groomer to wish to all those who celebrate Merry Christmas! Hope lot of love, happiness, good health, warm light and hope come your way...your doggie will definitely show you the way, you just need to follow them...
The groomer

Good morning from very emotional but very-very happy groomer…and now we’ll explain why…😊As you all probably know by now,...

Good morning from very emotional but very-very happy groomer…and now we’ll explain why…😊
As you all probably know by now, aside of our jobs here at Happy Paws we all have a soft spot for stray animals and trying to help whenever we can. We collect from old food your dogs don’t want to eat, pots, towels, dog toys, blankets, old necklaces or leashes (in brief anything one dog shelter can use) and monetary donations we make a list of and put in a separate 'saving jar'.

Last evening when all dogies were on their way back home, the groomer and the Head of the Entertainment Department took all the money that was collected in all 2024 year and started counting…
This money came as a tip for our good work or small charity support donations from owners, even our driver donated money he got from owners of the dog from our neighbors that he was looking after this summer after dog’s operation (owners wanted to cancel their holidays but he said NO, you go and I’ll take care of your dog)….so every little cent or Euro we would get aside of the price for our service, was placed in this special jar. We didn’t touch it all year until last night…

Late last night we counted all the collected money and rounded it from our own pocket to have one ‘rounded’ amount. In total we collected 600E!!! Then we checked what are the local prices of the food (this time they have in storage 20kg bags of dry food/24E per bag) and we placed order for in total around 500kg of dry food….just stop for a moment and think about it…dogs there eat once a day in a small portion (around 100g of food) and when they do not have dry dog food, they pick old bread from local bakery, dip it in the soup made of various remining bones from the local butchery and that would be their daily meal. ☹

These doggies will have a nice meal for this X-mas (and much longer) and that is what makes us all emotional here…it has a special meaning for us as our own dog Nelly is adopted from there, then her sister Abby is also rehomed in NL via us, then little Mila (the bunch of joy to her bigger furry sister Mara) and the last doggie we rehomed recently called Nacho. There is organization that helps with rehoming these dogs, but we also try to do it whenever we can.

If you know anyone who would be interested to adopt such a dog, please let us know and we’ll get in touch with the owner of the shelter. All the information and dog pictures you can find here: https://www.facebook.com/posljednjaoaza

So all those who helped us in this adventure (never mentioning names out of the respect & privacy) but want to send one BIG virtual hug and huge THANKS for all your support to this charity! You can trust us when we say that every little donation counts and goes straight to this place! We’ll share here invoice of the purchased food once it is available and some pictures of delivered food so you know it reached its destination.

On the end we just can say old good saying; “Be the change you want to se in the world!”


Happy Paws Crew

Beany is actually part of duo Beany and Pasha who comes to us for long time now. Unfortunately her big furry brother doe...

Beany is actually part of duo Beany and Pasha who comes to us for long time now. Unfortunately her big furry brother doesn’t feel that well anymore and maybe his days are even counted…
So this visit was quite emotional for our groomer because he was soooo missed in the shop. She sent him our famous bow and little lucky ‘popetje’ to keep him safe…please send some good vibes for Beany brother, hope he makes it to the X-mas…🙏🏻🎄🎅🏻❤️🐶🙏🏻🥺


This little boy is Bowie and he is absolute adorable when with us! If you want to meet him in the person and have some of his furry love and hugs, you need to visit great hairsalon ‘Svemir’ in Amsterdam as he is part of their welcome board!! ❤️❤️❤️🐶❤️🐶

It is simply impossible to make a picture with the groomer when Skye and Lizzy are together! 🤣🤓😇🐶❤️

It is simply impossible to make a picture with the groomer when Skye and Lizzy are together! 🤣🤓😇🐶❤️


Muggenlaan 10


Maandag 09:00 - 17:00
Dinsdag 09:00 - 17:00
Woensdag 08:00 - 17:00
Donderdag 09:00 - 17:00
Vrijdag 08:00 - 17:00
Zaterdag 08:00 - 20:00


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Our Story

Dog pick up & return at home addresses. Special discount prices for dogs adopted from local shelters or owners who are working and/or supporting any kind of charity work for animals. Treatments adjusted also for dogs with special needs (e.g. traumatic experience, etc).