Robins Horse Training

Robins Horse Training Welkom op mijn pagina.

Chiara’s second time being sat on🤩 and she takes it like a real pro. Damn I love these mustangs🥰

Chiara’s second time being sat on🤩 and she takes it like a real pro. Damn I love these mustangs🥰

Today I heard a qoute I wanted to share with you. It goes like this. “Being on a ship in the harbor is safe, but that’s ...

Today I heard a qoute I wanted to share with you. It goes like this. “Being on a ship in the harbor is safe, but that’s not what ships are made for”.
And even though I might be known for taking the risk (and breaking the fall). This gave me a new perspective.
Haily was my first ever horse. She is one in a million. She knows me. She will heal me when feeling sad and push me away when I am not being good for myself. She will do anything in her power to annoy me when I am in a hurry and will be brave and soft when I take time for her.
A few weeks ago I lost the land where I kept my horses. With a lot of power and anger I wanted to keep it. While on the other hand I wanted to find something new as fast as possible. The options were limited and the guy who I rented the land from was putting a lot of pressure on me. When I decided to go for one last ride at my beloved Oeffelt she really gave her opinion to me. Jumping, kicking, flying, unresponsive.

I guess sometimes it is time to leave the harbor even though you’re not quite ready for it. And you might find a harbor where thing actually feel safe to relax for a while❤️

I have been riding haily for 2 weeks again now. I feel like her management is exactly what it should be and it shows🤩

A big thank you to all the people who helped me sail ⛵️

As some of you might know I am very interisted in ( .equestre ) the Portugese riding school and their exercises. The exe...

As some of you might know I am very interisted in ( .equestre ) the Portugese riding school and their exercises. The exercises they use to train every muscle in the horse. This was used so the horses would stay fit and strong to fight in the war. Horses couldn’t be poorly trained because that meant they had to either leave them behind and walk or loose a fight.

Tivo is a real superstar when It comes to these moves. He is a really eager learner and has the body strength of a warrior. In this picture we are working on the lavade. This traines the core muscles and knees. You can look at it as if us humans are doing a squad💪🏽.

Look at those muscles 🤩

📔New Chapter 📔When starting a new chapter you’ll never know what is going to happen. You start reading and the lines all...

📔New Chapter 📔

When starting a new chapter you’ll never know what is going to happen. You start reading and the lines all slowly come together to form a story. The story has twists and turns and al you can do is follow along as it all plays out in front of you.

Yet. Today I have started writing my own Chapter.

My horses moved to MY OWN STABLE. A place where I write the story line. Where in the future people and their horse can come and train with me. Where I can take horses in and help them with their challenges.
And most of all where I can just BE me.

Does anyone know a good stable name that fits me and my style?

📸 this beautiful picture is taken by

Stay close for more pictures and updates!

Wie kan mijn lieve goedgekeurde hengst ulon een nieuw thuisje bieden?

Wie kan mijn lieve goedgekeurde hengst ulon een nieuw thuisje bieden?

Ardenner, Koudbloed ✔ Hoofddiscipline: Tuigpaarden - Hengst - 5 Jaar en 160 cm - Rood schimmel ► Vind nu jouw droompaard!

Things are taking a turn for the better! ❤️More coming soon!Also, Tivo’s first baby in the netherlands is almost due to ...

Things are taking a turn for the better! ❤️

More coming soon!

Also, Tivo’s first baby in the netherlands is almost due to meet the world💕 hopeing for a healthy baby and a smooth delivery 🤞🏽

💥TIVO💥MUSTANG  HENGST ter dekking in heel Nederland. De Kiger Mustang is een ras afkomstig uit Oregon, Amerika. Van orig...

MUSTANG HENGST ter dekking in heel Nederland.

De Kiger Mustang is een ras afkomstig uit Oregon, Amerika. Van origine leefde dit ras op Kiger Mountain. Overleven in dit gebied was niet gemakkelijk, waardoor dit ras een zeer sterke ontwikkeling heeft doorgemaakt. De omgeving met gladde en heuvelachtige rotsen heeft gezorgd voor stevig beenwerk, sterke hoeven, en toch de behendigheid en souplesse die je in dit ras terug ziet. De koude winters in dit gebied hebben gezorgd voor een ras met dikke vacht in combinatie met een duurzame vertering van voedsel. De zomers hebben daarentegen gezorgd voor een sterk uithoudingsvermogen en goed
ontwikkelde spieren.

Tivo blinkt uit in zijn Galop en is 1,55 hoog.

Voor meer info whatsapp +31646745573

🧠 Horse Brainer🧠Part 2 🙃The vatral vagal: the safe and connected mode.This is the nervous system we want to be in most o...

🧠 Horse Brainer🧠

Part 2 🙃

The vatral vagal: the safe and connected mode.

This is the nervous system we want to be in most of the time. When this one is activated we feel safe and connected with ourselves.

We now have the ability to:
- consider consequences
- see logic
- be reasonable
- focus
- solve problems
- be curious

We also have access to:
- love and be loved
- enjoy
- feel at peace
- have patience
- be kind
- be gentle

And we are aware of:
- our selves
- Time
- Space
- others

We have optimal energy!
Remember that all these things aren’t accessible when the other nervous systems are triggered. Some people and horses even live life only using flight or fight mode.. which is the sad truth. After I explained the 3 systems and what they give u access to I would love to explain how we can help our horses towards the safe and connected mode❤️
I really hope I am not the only one who finds this really interesting🙃

How can we see if a horse is in a safe and connected state?

-Does your horse show emotion?
-Does he blink at a normal rate?
-Are his jaws unlocked?
-Does he walk in confidence without holding back or over-speeding?
-Is looking around?
-Are his muscles relaxed?

If all questions are answered with Yes your horse is probably in a safe and social state!

🎞️ ! Check him out!!

A little refresher for today!! 🧠Let me tell you something.🤓We as mammals all have almost the same nervous system.  The n...

A little refresher for today!! 🧠

Let me tell you something.🤓

We as mammals all have almost the same nervous system. The nervous system has a lot of great features.
It tells us how we feel, what we see, what we smell but it also tells us how to react on certain situations.

And there is where things get interesting!

There’s 3 kind of nervous systems.
1️⃣ ventral vagal: this one is used for social engagement.
2️⃣Sympathetic: this one is for flight or fight mode.
3️⃣Dorsal Vagal: this one is in use when you freeze.

The thing is, when you access one of the nervous systems the other ones and their functions can not be used. You are able to shift between them but only in one order. 1-2-3 or 3-2-1.

Every set of nerves comes with their own opportunities and connects to some of your intestines. I would love to highlight every one of them separately in a post.

This all applies to humans aswel as horses and every other mammal!


🍂Consciousness 🍂I think the biggest art to being good with horses is to NOTICE. NOTICE the little ear twitch when you wa...

🍂Consciousness 🍂
I think the biggest art to being good with horses is to NOTICE.
NOTICE the little ear twitch when you walk over.
NOTICE the eyecontact when you walk past their pasture.
NOTICE the little tail swing when they are not sure what you’re asking.
NOTICE the way they learn and investigate.

And once you NOTICE you KNOW

As says:

“being seen 🙈, being heard🙉, feeling felt🙊, getting gotten🐵” are the things that makes a big difference!


Being present and taking the time makes a world of difference 🕰️                            🎞️

Being present and taking the time makes a world of difference 🕰️


Connection🖤                               🎞️ by the great


🎞️ by the great

❤️Te Koop❤️Door mijn huidige omstandigheden moet ik helaas een nieuw thuis zoeken voor meerdere van mijn paardjes. Dus h...

❤️Te Koop❤️

Door mijn huidige omstandigheden moet ik helaas een nieuw thuis zoeken voor meerdere van mijn paardjes. Dus houd je ogen open of jouw nieuwe beste vriend of vriendin er tussen zit!


Bambi is een 9 jaar jonge cruzado merrie zonder stamboom. Wij hebben bambi een paar jaar terug gekocht. Ik heb haar een tijdje gereden maar wat helaas heel duidelijk was was dat ze daar geen plezier in had. Ze heeft toen een tijdje voor de koets gelopen, dat vond ze erg leuk. Het afgelopen jaar was de bedoeling haar te dekken maar heeft ze alleen maar in de wei gestaan. Daardoor heeft ze inmiddels een lekker buikje ontwikkelt 😅
Ze is super sociaal en lief. Wil het liefst de hele dag knuffelen. Het enigste waar ze nogsteeds een beetje moeite mee heeft is trailer laden. Maar oefening baart kunst!
Ik denk dat bambi het beste tot haar recht komt als coaching paard. Ze is ook bekent met grondwerk! Ze is heel braaf bij de hoefsmid en tandarts. Voor vragen zie ik graag een privé berichtje verschijnen!


A horseman or woman dedicated to their craft is not distracted by validation or praise any more than they are by criticism. They are hooked on to the opinion of the horse, seeking to tune out all outside voices. They are not satisfied with adoration because they are driven to be a better person daily for the horse- and they know if they settle into comfort in fame and approval, they lose the battle toward real self improvement.

Happy Sunday from Mr. cash❤️

Happy Sunday from Mr. cash❤️

Keeping Tivo strong trough the winter❤️🤩

Keeping Tivo strong trough the winter❤️🤩

🌟NEWS🌟Zoals sommige van jullie wellicht al gehoord of gezien hebben ben ik na een korte intensieve periode in Oost-Duits...


Zoals sommige van jullie wellicht al gehoord of gezien hebben ben ik na een korte intensieve periode in Oost-Duitsland gewoond te hebben inmiddels weer terug met mijn paarden in het mooie Oeffelt.

Graag wil ik weer langzaam wat werk gaan oppakken. Ik heb besloten om het bekappen in eerste instantie achterwege te laten en mij vooral te gaan focussen op het onderwijzen van mensen over het gedrag, lichaam, management en vooral de hersenwerking en het instinct van paarden en hoe je hier mee kunt werken.

De volgende dingen wil ik graag weer aanbieden:

🐴 Clinic academisch grondwerk

🐴 Theorieles ‘hoe werken de hersen van een paard’

🐴 Hulp bij training jonge paarden vanaf veulen

🐴 Halve lesdag op locatie bij mij (samen mijn paarden trainen met 1 op 1 contact)

🐴 Hulp bij gedragsproblemen zowel onder het zadel als vanaf de grond

Voor meer info mag je gerust een mailtje sturen naar: [email protected]

Hopelijk tot in de toekomst!


🌟NEWS🌟Zoals sommige van jullie wellicht al gehoord of gezien hebben ben ik na een korte intensieve periode in Oost-Duits...


Zoals sommige van jullie wellicht al gehoord of gezien hebben ben ik na een korte intensieve periode in Oost-Duitsland gewoond te hebben inmiddels weer terug met mijn paarden in het mooie Oeffelt.

Graag wil ik weer langzaam wat werk gaan oppakken. Ik heb besloten om het bekappen in eerste instantie achterwege te laten en mij vooral te gaan focussen op het onderwijzen van mensen over het gedrag, lichaam, management en vooral de hersenwerking en het instinct van paarden en hoe je hier mee kunt werken.

De volgende dingen wil ik graag weer aanbieden:

🐴 Clinic academisch grondwerk

🐴 Theorieles ‘hoe werken de hersen van een paard’

🐴 Hulp bij training jonge paarden vanaf veulen

🐴 Halve lesdag op locatie bij mij. (samen mijn paarden trainen met 1 op 1 contact)ook voor mensen zonder paarden!

🐴 Hulp bij gedragsproblemen zowel onder het zadel als vanaf de grond

Voor meer info mag je gerust een mailtje sturen naar: [email protected]

Hopelijk tot in de toekomst!


Horse psychology on DogsFor 2 weeks now I have 5 dogs living at my tiny mobile home. 2 are mine, 2 are my mans’ and 1 is...

Horse psychology on Dogs

For 2 weeks now I have 5 dogs living at my tiny mobile home. 2 are mine, 2 are my mans’ and 1 is visiting due to vacation. Yet it is very busy in there. Normally I take my dogs to the field when I feed the horses. And my man takes care of his two dogs and all the dogs are satisfied at home by noon. But since they are with 5 now it gets a bit to energetic in our tiny home soo I decided to go for a big walk every morning and sometimes evening. We have a lot of space around our place so they all walk off leash. Today I noticed as I was crossing the field from corner to corner that al the dogs would go of to one side then once in a while look back at my to see where I was going and correct there route. This reminded me of something. When I start horses every time my horses will decide to go to the left or right without me telling them to I would take a turn to the opposite side until they can walk a straight line on their own with confidence. Since I love experimenting I decided to give it a try. Every time the dogs would wander to the right I would take a sharp turn to the left until they corrected their path and vice versa. At the end of the walk this was my view.

🌟GEZOCHT🌟Manege, trainingstal, oude boerderij, fokkerij te huur of particuliere koop. -plek voor ca. 20 paarden (liefst ...


Manege, trainingstal, oude boerderij, fokkerij te huur of particuliere koop.
-plek voor ca. 20 paarden (liefst inloopstallen, kan ook losse boxen)
-een bak of mogenlijkheid tot aanleggen van
-2 hectare grond
-met woonmogenlijkheid (minimalistisch)
-rustig gelegen

Graag alles aanbieden!

Very worthwhile to read!

Very worthwhile to read!

Herdbound horses -

Herdbound horses are a common complaint- all over the country, horses are attached to a buddy or buddies, often to a level that can make them dangerous to take out alone, or sometimes even five feet away.
There are many opinions on different “fixes,” everything from running them ragged near their friend in frantic circles and resting them away from their friend, to a carrot on a stick or Hansel and Greek trail of treats on the path away from the friend. But the reality is, a herd structure is central to a horses survival, and companionship of other horses is part of their feeling of safety- no training can override the horses desire to be a horse witbout shutting them down


The Herdbound horse is one who is not doing well!

In almost every clinic I’ve taught, the most Herdbound horse in the group is the one in roughest shape- tight back, sucked up flank, pain face, tight groin - the works. Horses that are in physical crisis are much more likely to feel vulnerable, stressed, and feel a strong pull toward comfort- which is another horse.

A horse who is not feeling well in their body, who is not feeling confident in their handler who is fighting against their body (it’s a hard truth because that usually isn’t the desire of the handler, but that is what’s happening), who is in a new and unsafe environment is going to seek out safety, and that pull is as strong as the tide.

What’s the fix for Herdbound issues?
Lifestyle fixes
Horses need a herd, they can’t live happily alone, I don’t care who has a horse that tolerates it, solitary confinement is not a way of life for a horse. They need a group, or at least one other friend at the bare minimum. But they are likely to be less secure with just one friend, and far more worried about leaving

Body fixes
Don’t just write off their body because you get routine Bodywork. Get their back moving, help their groin function without being spastic, create a functional body with a moving back and healthy gut so they can think and not be stuck in survival mode

Rider fixes
Make it so whenever you’re around, they feel safe and they feel secure. That means calm your own energy, learn how to guide, be aware of your environment, don’t nitpick, and make your body make their body feel stable and wonderful. Good riding is moving Bodywork- make it so when you sit on their back they are in better shape than out in the pasture - that is a tall order but I believe it’s entirely possible, and I see it happen all the time.

A Herdbound horse is a stressed out horse - the fix is in your hands entirely.


Raising them right

Do you see where the point of balance is? First time neckrope riding with tivo😍

Do you see where the point of balance is? First time neckrope riding with tivo😍


Wat moeten we met de mens op de veluwe.

💭Thoughts about comfortzone💭 A while ago I stopped trying new things with my babys. People who know me know I love doing...

💭Thoughts about comfortzone💭
A while ago I stopped trying new things with my babys. People who know me know I love doing new things, looking for adrenaline and expanding my knowledge and ability. But with every first time new thing it is gonna take a lot of energy. And only after you have done it, you will know where you can work on to improve it.
Soo don’t be afraid to do new things. It is only going answer a lot of questions and you will probably make you smarter!



I mean....

Ulon & Tivo!Working with breeding stallions is a whole new level of training for me. They are much more easily distracte...

Ulon & Tivo!

Working with breeding stallions is a whole new level of training for me. They are much more easily distracter by smells for instance. And they can come on way stronger then my mares. But on the other hand once they know, THEY KNOW and they will show you their best behavior every chance they get.
I am currently trying to keep my boys socialized. In the beginning when I passed Ulon with Tivo and other way around they would start a strongest man competition 💪🏽 Which made my ‘strongest woman karakter’ act up some times🤪
But nothing ever happened. So I decided to let them interact more often. This way they can socialize with one another in a safe way and perhaps stand next to each-other in the stable or pasture some day. I really want to do my best to meet their needs in the best way possible. They both get the chance to play with a gelding once in a while. But they have the tendency to come on a little strong🐔 and since we also have some mares on the property I like to keep the peace a bit❤️



Dit jaar ben ik mijn eigen hengstenhouderij begonnen! Met de prachtige Mustang hengst Tivo en De aller liefste ardenner hengst Ulon! En nog 4 mooie beloften voor de toekomst!

Dat betekent dat je dit jaar je merrie kunt laten dekken met Tivo of Ulon🤩😱

Wat een prachtige veulentjes zullen er volgendjaar op de wereld komen!

Voor meer info stuur gerust een whatsapp

Dit prachtige filmpje is gemaakt door madinjaphotography
Inmiddels is Tivo weer wat verder in zijn opleiding en zal ik snel weer een nieuw filmpje maken!
Geniet ervan❤️




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Andere Ottersum dierenwinkels

Alles Zien

Dit vind je misschien ook leuk