Stal Hexagon

Stal Hexagon Stal Hexagon: Kwaliteit in Beweging! Hier kun je terecht voor de laatste nieuwtjes van Stal Hexagon en haar Team!

Blijf op de hoogte van (alledaagse) gebeurtenissen, en leef mee met de mensen en paarden op Stal Hexagon!

💔 Saying goodbye to Hexagons Leon was a  emotional decision. But what matters most is that he’s found an incredible new ...

💔 Saying goodbye to Hexagons Leon was a emotional decision.
But what matters most is that he’s found an incredible new home with Akiko! 🏡❤️
A huge thank you to Akiko for giving him such a loving and beautiful new life, and for the wonderful time we shared in and around San Francisco. Also, a special thank you to Jochen Arl for making this perfect match possible.
Thamar spent a few days with them to help him settle in, and now she’s on the way back home. Wishing Leon and Akiko all the love, happiness, and unforgettable moments ahead! ✨

Leunus van Lieren overledenNa een bijzonder en liefdevol afscheid is gisteren Leunus van Lieren overleden. De paardenman...

Leunus van Lieren overleden

Na een bijzonder en liefdevol afscheid is gisteren Leunus van Lieren overleden. De paardenman in hart en nieren was de laatste dagen omringd door familie, vrienden, zijn team van Stal Hexagon en zijn paarden. Zijn pure passie en liefde voor paarden en mensen heeft hij tot zijn laatste dag kunnen tonen. Leunus is 71 jaar geworden.

Er is gelegenheid om op informele wijze afscheid te nemen en het leven van Leunus te vieren op donderdag 12 december op Stal Hexagon, Eeweg 9 in Schore, tussen 17:00 en 21:00.
De begrafenis zal vrijdag in besloten kring plaatsvinden.

Hexagons Oprahmanda and Tessa got a 80,6 % and a 3th place in the Subli cup for 5yr old horses 👌🏻👌🏻

Hexagons Oprahmanda and Tessa got a 80,6 % and a 3th place in the Subli cup for 5yr old horses 👌🏻👌🏻

An impressive debut for Tessa and Hexagons La Caprinomana in the Inter 2, with a fantastic score of 72.4%! They showed a...

An impressive debut for Tessa and Hexagons La Caprinomana in the Inter 2, with a fantastic score of 72.4%!
They showed a super piaffe passage in the test and very pretty pirouettes. The judges praised them for the beautiful silhouette and friendly presentation.

Thrilled with Power Dutch and Anke’s stunning 88% score and 2nd place at the Subli Cup last weekend!! 🤩👌🏻

Thrilled with Power Dutch and Anke’s stunning 88% score and 2nd place at the Subli Cup last weekend!! 🤩👌🏻

Cute Odesse 🥰 and Tessa did a super nice performance in the Subli Cup last weekend 👌🏻 With a score of 78.4% 👏🏼

Cute Odesse 🥰 and Tessa did a super nice performance in the Subli Cup last weekend 👌🏻 With a score of 78.4% 👏🏼

We are thrilled to announce that our NRPS-approved stallion, Hexagons Matteo, has been sold to the US! 🇺🇸 Congratulation...

We are thrilled to announce that our NRPS-approved stallion, Hexagons Matteo, has been sold to the US! 🇺🇸 Congratulations to on acquiring this incredibly talented horse.
It’s always a bittersweet moment to sell such a special horse, but we know Matteo has a bright future ahead.
A big thank you to for the great collaboration.
Wishing Matteo and his new team all the best! 🌟

For breeders: a limited amount of frozen semen is still available.

Hexagons Leon 🤩🥰 Debut Grand Prix Victory ✨What an unforgettable moment! 🏆 Hexagons Leon made his Grand Prix debut at ju...

Hexagons Leon 🤩🥰 Debut Grand Prix Victory ✨

What an unforgettable moment! 🏆 Hexagons Leon made his Grand Prix debut at just 8 years old with a stunning performance, earning a winning score of 72.7%! 🌟
We are so proud and grateful that we can work with such a talented horse!!

Luxuriouzz N.O.P.T 🥰 wins his international debut in the 3* special!! With 8th and 9th for his piaffe 🤩🤩 and some expens...

Luxuriouzz N.O.P.T 🥰 wins his international debut in the 3* special!!
With 8th and 9th for his piaffe 🤩🤩 and some expensive mistakes (mostly because of a bit to much excitement and energy) we came at a score of 71%

Thanks for all the training 🙏
and for all the great team work!

Mr. Magnum Shines Again! ✨Our amazing 7-year-old, Mr. Magnum, delivered a fantastic test yesterday, securing a 4th place...

Mr. Magnum Shines Again! ✨

Our amazing 7-year-old, Mr. Magnum, delivered a fantastic test yesterday, securing a 4th place here at the WorldChampionships in 🌟 We couldn’t be happier with his performance and composure in the ring.

Now, fingers crossed for the final tomorrow! 🤞🏼🐴

Thank you to everyone for the ongoing support—let’s go for it! 💪🏼

Wow wow Hexagons Power Dutch ✨What an incredible week with our 4-year-old stallion at the World Championships. 🥉 Placing...

Wow wow Hexagons Power Dutch ✨

What an incredible week with our 4-year-old stallion at the World Championships. 🥉 Placing 3rd is something we’re truly proud of.

He behaved so well throughout the week and received compliments from the judges for his power in all gaits. We are incredibly grateful for this moment and excited for what the future holds. 🐴💫

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has supported us. This journey is only just beginning.

Hexagons Power Dutch 🤩😍 really showed off his talent in the 4-year-old class at the World Championships with Anke van Mo...

Hexagons Power Dutch 🤩😍 really showed off his talent in the 4-year-old class at the World Championships with Anke van Moer.
So excited they’re headed to the big final on Saturday!


Hexagons Luxuriouzz N.O.P.T. (Johnson x San Remo) liet in zijn korte Grand Prix-carrière al veel mooie dingen zien en nu deed hij daar nog een schep

Zo fijn als je fok product goed terecht komt!! Knappe Latino word US Kampioen! Gefeliciteerd Sabine Schut-kery!!

Zo fijn als je fok product goed terecht komt!!
Knappe Latino word US Kampioen!
Gefeliciteerd Sabine Schut-kery!!

Gorgeous Latino National Champion
🔹Developing Horse Prix St Georges🔹

Stallion, Gorgeous Latino (Glocks Toto Jr/Rubiquil) and Sabine Schut-Kery take the National Championship again! The pair scored a 71.064 this morning on the second leg of the competition winning earlier in the week with a 70. This is the second year in a row the pair have claimed the national championship! Way to go!

Nentine and Anke   . Nentine also earned her sport predicate with an impressive score of 68%.

Nentine and Anke .
Nentine also earned her sport predicate with an impressive score of 68%.

Update Leunus van LierenLeunus maakt het naar omstandigheden goed, en mag vandaag het ziekenhuis verlaten. De eerste sta...

Update Leunus van Lieren

Leunus maakt het naar omstandigheden goed, en mag vandaag het ziekenhuis verlaten. De eerste stappen van zijn herstel verlopen naar wens, en hij kijkt ernaar uit om weer thuis te zijn, en naar zijn paarden en ruiters te kunnen kijken. Zijn verdere revalidatie zal nog de nodige tijd in beslag nemen, maar Leunus gaat er vol goede moed mee aan de slag!
Langs deze weg willen we jullie bedanken voor jullie hulp, beterschapswensen en medeleven. Dat heeft hem (en ons allen) zeker goed gedaan!!


Eeweg 9


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