How does your dog sleep?
Although there are differences between human and canine sleeping patterns, there are many similarities in sleep phases. Dogs, like humans, have a distinct REM phase, in which the eyes move rapidly back and forth when the eyelids are closed. You probably have seen it: in dogs it is often accompanied by squeaking, vigorously moving paws, sometimes jerking. Very likely dogs then dream, just like humans in that phase. This is important for processing things that happened during the day.
Researchers have found that dogs almost exclusively have REM sleep while lying stretched out, it happens much less often when they are curled up. Therefore, the conclusion is that it is important for your dog to have a sleeping place where they can lie down, and fully stretch out. Enough sleep, and enough REM sleep, is just as important for dogs as it is for humans!
By the way, when given the choice, dogs appear to prefer to sleep in the company of others, humans or dogs. It has also been shown that dogs get the best quality sleep when they can sleep in familiar company, and when they have choice over where and how they lie down. My current pair definitely chooses to lie with us, and as soon as we get up the bed is taken -in fact usually before that š (no of course that bed is not made yet, the dogs are still in it :-p )
Where do your dogs sleep? And is there a favorite sleeping position?