Skanlab Vet

Skanlab Vet Injured horse?

Skanlab Vet: A DEEP HEAT stimuli that works in depth of the tissue
- Increases the temperature and metabolism in the tissue
- Increases circulation
- Increases elasticity
- Reduces edema / swelling
- Better regeneration
- Pain releaf

Skanlab Vet wishes All the Best for Christmas/X-mas holidays! Winter has also arrived in Norway! Even Santa complained l...

Skanlab Vet wishes All the Best for Christmas/X-mas holidays! Winter has also arrived in Norway! Even Santa complained last night! And Happy New Year to all!

Skanlab Vet wishes everybody really Happy Easter holidays. Take care of each other!

Skanlab Vet wishes everybody really Happy Easter holidays. Take care of each other!

This is an 8 years old Islandic horse with a DDFT injury. In the beginning of august he was treated with an injection of...

This is an 8 years old Islandic horse with a DDFT injury. In the beginning of august he was treated with an injection of PRP (Platelet-rich plasma). A week after this I started to treat the Deep Digital Flexor Tendon. For 3 weeks the horse had a total of 12 treatments with the Skanlab Vet / Tecarpuls VM before going for a new control at the veterinarian clinic.
Already then, the swelling was gone, and there was no lameness in walk or trott anymore. The veterinarian was very pleased with the healing process and cancelled giving the horse shockwave treatments, and recommended the horse owner to continue with the Skanlab VET/ Tecarpuls VM treatments.
Now, the horse has received a total of 25 treatments over 2 months, and the tendon is almost totally healed. The last ultrasound scanning showed only a few fibres of scar-tissue on the lateral side of the tendon. In the deeper part of the tendon there is a very good healing, without any scar-tissue. Now it is up to the owner to follow up the rehabilitation training.

And we continue to publish success stories from Physiotherapist Roland Svensson treating horses with Skanlab Vet – Tecar...

And we continue to publish success stories from Physiotherapist Roland Svensson treating horses with Skanlab Vet – Tecarpuls VM.

Roland: “These are two Cold Blooded trotting horses. They are now used for trail riding. I have been treating these horses 2 or 3 times a year – due to minor knee degeneration problems. Each horse receives 5 treatments over 5 days with Skanlab Vet/Tecarpuls VM. With this frequency during the year, the horses are kept sound, and the owner does not need to go to the veterinarian 2 or 3 times a year for injections in the joints. That was the alternative before we started this preventive treatment!”
Friends and followers: This treatment is well suited as prevention of problems and injuries also!

Exciting story Part  # 2 (also read Part 1 below): Physiotherapist Roland Svensson was invited to give a lecture and dem...

Exciting story Part # 2 (also read Part 1 below):
Physiotherapist Roland Svensson was invited to give a lecture and demonstration on treatment with Skanlab Vet /Tecarpuls VM on horses.
This was during a national training week for some of the top horse owners/competitors within carriage driving horses, and other horse sports.
After the lecture he demonstrated a couple of treatments on one of the horses. Here you see the treatment on the back of the horse.

The pictures are taken before and a few minutes after treatment. The pictures were taken with a FLIR T530 camera – an advanced camera in the high-end!

The pictures taken are from straight behind the horse, on two different treatment areas, # 1 and # 2. Area #1 was treated first.

Area #1 is along the right side of the back spine, and area #2 is more focused on the low back area left side. They show pre-treatment temperature of 31.5- and 31.7-degrees C.
NB! The figures on the right side of each picture are just the color scale degrees of this particular picture – this differs from picture to picture
Area #1 shows an increase from 31.7 to 33.7 degrees C, and area #2 increases from 31.5 to 33.2 degrees C. Area #1 was treated first.
Area #2 received a much shorter treatment time, as the purpose of this was just demonstration to the participants of the course.

Why are the temperature levels less increasing than on the leg? Easy explanation. The back has deeper structures, more muscle mass for the treatment heat to work with, but this temperature increase is more then sufficient enough to give an optimal healing effect with back issues. The large muscles on back are much better vascularized, and therefore transports the heat deeper into the tissues. Treatment with this device secures pe*******on of heat into the deeper structures and tissues. This also shows the heat is still stored in the tissue in area #1 - 10 minutes after ended treatment of area #2.

Treatment time:
Area #1: 9 min with Skanlab Vet/Tecarpuls VM, on level 9-8.
Area #2: Just 4-5 minutes same treatment.

This is very beneficial for a healing process!
See leg treatment below!

Exciting story: Physiotherapist Roland Svensson was invited to give a lecture and demonstration on treatment with Skanla...

Exciting story:
Physiotherapist Roland Svensson was invited to give a lecture and demonstration on treatment with Skanlab Vet /Tecarpuls VM on horses.
This was during a national training week for some of the top horse owners/competitors within carriage driving horses, and other horse sports.
After the lecture he demonstrated a couple of treatments on one of the horses. Here you see the treatment of left front leg.
One of the participants asked to control the effect of treatment with a thermography camera. The pictures are taken before and a few minutes after treatment. The pictures were taken with a FLIR T530 camera – an advanced camera in the high-end!
The pictures support the findings on humans, where we have in-vivo measuring with needle thermometers deep into the Hamstring muscles on humans. Skanlab treatment provides heat into the tissues and structures, and the heat lasts for hours.
The figures on the right side of each picture is just the color scale degrees of this particular picture – this differs from picture to picture
The pictures from an angle behind the horse show pre-treatment temperature of 27,7 degrees C.
Treatment 8 minutes – level 7, temperature show 33,7 degrees C.
This is very beneficial for the healing processes!
Pictures from treatment on back of horse will follow in a few days - keep watching!

July 2022: Really a «sunshine story”, even though complete healing was not achieved. This is a Quarter mare that had rup...

July 2022: Really a «sunshine story”, even though complete healing was not achieved.
This is a Quarter mare that had ruptured both the superficial and the deep flexor tendon in the hindleg due to a trauma. She had to undergo surgery, where the deep tendon was attached, but the superficial tendon was not able to be fixed and attached.
Half a year after the surgery, the horse arrived at our ranch, to be treated with Skanlab Vet / Tecarpuls VM.
She was still lame in the hindleg, and had a lot of scar tissue and swelling.
After almost 30 treatments, both the swelling and the scar tissues were reduced. She also walks much better. She will not be a riding and competition horse again, but the Veterinarian was very pleased with the results, and said it would be OK to breed her.
And now she is in foal, and expecting a baby next summer!

July 2022 - another horse treatment with success from Roland Svensson, Physiotherapist, horse owner and competitor! This...

July 2022 - another horse treatment with success from Roland Svensson, Physiotherapist, horse owner and competitor!
This is a 4 year old Quarter mare. She has a affection of ligament annulare, a tendovaginitis and a small injury in the DDFT (deep digital flexion tendon). All was diagnosed by a veterinarian with ultrasound.
When she came to me there was a swelling and lameness.
After 14 days and 12 treatments she was much better, but still some swelling and affection on the tendon. The veterinarian recommended 2 more weeks with Skanlab Vet treatment.
She received 8 more treatments with Skanlab VET/ Tecarpuls VM.

She was then rescanned with ultrasound, and the swelling tendovaginitis was completely gone, and so had also the swelling. The Ligament Annulare had also healed completely, and the DDFT was almost completed healed as well. The veterinarian was surprised over the good result in a pretty short time. Now it’s up to the owner to start with the rehabilitation training.

July 2022: Another success story with Skanlab Vet treatment: This is a 15-year-old Quarter gelding. He came to me for lo...

July 2022: Another success story with Skanlab Vet treatment: This is a 15-year-old Quarter gelding. He came to me for low back problem - pain and increased tension in the low back muscles. On the legs there was inflammation in right front knee and both hocks in the hind.
A week before he came to me, he had had injections in the hocks and the front knee. But he was recommended by the veterinarian to have treatments with Skanlab VET / Tecarpuls VM for the joints and the low back.
He was treated daily for 9 days, and 14 days after this he was back at the veterinarian clinic for control. He was then moving much better and was much freer in his movement. The back did not show any pain or stiffness anymore. The veterinarian was very pleased with the result.

We were so lucky to be invited to one of the most beautiful and modern horse stables, Aalerud Stall, https://www.faceboo...

We were so lucky to be invited to one of the most beautiful and modern horse stables, Aalerud Stall,, Hamar, in Norway, where Physiotherapist, horse owner and Western Riding competitor Roland Svensson, was giving a lecture upon his experiences in treating horses with Skanlab Vet treatment, in close cooperation with veterinarians through many years.
Approx. 25 participants from all over Norway had spent several days here on course and training. A very interesting lecture, with lots of questions and comments.
After the lecture session he demonstrated 2 different treatments, one on the low back region, and one on the front leg of the horse. One of the participants had thermal photography camera, and this really showed the effects on the heating of the tissues.
Thanks to Maria Henriksson and Aalerud Stall for an unforgettable guided tour of the farm. This place is really recommendable!

Check out our website for more info, news and offers for the most of the tools you need in treatment with many issues wi...

Check out our website for more info, news and offers for the most of the tools you need in treatment with many issues within veterinarian treatment!

Sjekk de fantastiske resultatene  med en 17 år gammel Islandshest. Hevelse og smerter i Illiosacral leddet, samt skader i begge forbein. Veterinær diagnostisert. Kontroll en måned før tiden, og Skanlab Vet behandling viste fantastiske resultater!

A new case - just arrived - June 2022: This is a 17 years old Icelandic horse, with low back problems due to an irritate...

A new case - just arrived - June 2022: This is a 17 years old Icelandic horse, with low back problems due to an irritated ligament in the area of the IS joint in the lumbosacral connection. The area was painful by palpation and there was a visible swelling in the area
He was diagnosed by a veterinarian with ultrasound.
In addition to this he had injured both his DDFT in the front legs lateral branch on both legs. Also diagnosed by the veterinarian. A short week after he had been to the veterinarian, he came to me to be treated with Skanlab VET/ Tecarpuls VM. He was treated for 8 days in a row on the back and both legs. 14 days after the last treatment he was returned to the veterinarian for control, more than a month earlier than was planned!
Result? The back was totally fine, no swelling and no pain . The tendon on the left leg had healed completely. The right leg the healing process had started, but due to that the injury was in an other phase of the healing process, the healing was not fully accomplished yet.
Both the owner and the veterinarian were very pleased over the result. And in much shorter time than expected by the veterinarian!
Skanlab Therapy shows results in real life – not just theoretically!

* How does Skanlab Vet work? * Why use Skanlab Vet?Listen to this intro, and you will understand why this device should ...

* How does Skanlab Vet work?
* Why use Skanlab Vet?
Listen to this intro, and you will understand why this device should be a main part in treating your horse!
How long should your horse suffer and what does that cost?

January 2022 - American Painthorse - Neck ProblemsThis American Painthorse was not able to extend the neck due to pain a...

January 2022 - American Painthorse - Neck Problems
This American Painthorse was not able to extend the neck due to pain and blockage in the mid-part of the neck, combined with she was very tense in the neck. We decided to treat the stiffness in the neck, by treating the neck-muscles. The horse was treated daily for 4 days in a row. After this, she was treated once every second day with 4 additional treatments.
After the total of 8 treatments, the horse moved freely again, and the tension in the muscles were back to normal.
Who said the Skanlab Vet Deep Heat Therapy treatment doesn’t work? It does! :-)

Skanlab AS asked Roland Svensson for a wrap up of how much he has used the Skanlab Vet in 2021. Roland is B.Sc. Physioth...

Skanlab AS asked Roland Svensson for a wrap up of how much he has used the Skanlab Vet in 2021. Roland is B.Sc. Physiotherapy, horse-owner, competitor in Western Riding, Lecturer of students both in Physiotherapy and Equitherapy, and many years experience of treating horses.
This is what we received:

From Roland: A summary of the work with Skanlab Vet/ Tecarpuls VM during 2021.
We have been treating 17 horses during 2021.
5 cold-blooded trot horses, 1 warm-blooded trot horse, 4 quarter horses, 1 American Paint horse, 5 Icelandic horses and 1 Shetlands pony.
There have been several diagnoses such as:
• Collateral ligament distortion between the fetlock and the hoof
• Illiosacral joint problem
• Hind knee hydrops
• Degenerated front knee problems
• “Blocked” neck
• Traumas with swelling, tens and painful muscles around the
shoulders and in the back and the hind.
Some of the horses had more than one diagnoses.
All by all we been over the most of the body of the horse with Skanlab Vet / Tecarpuls VM, and so far, only seen positive effects and good results. Sometimes we have been treating an area as a support treatment to the veterinarian. Other times the veterinarian and/or equitherapist recommended the Skanlab Vet / Tecarpuls VM instead of injections. In a few cases we have done preventive treatments.
The number of treatments has varied from 5 to 20 +, depending of the diagnoses. And you can clearly see the horses benefit from the treatment. Also, the veterinarians and equitherapist have been very surprised and impressed by the results achieved.

Great News! The Skanlab Vet presented at London Vet Show in November by Phoenix Healthcare! Great response! Enraf Nonius...

Great News! The Skanlab Vet presented at London Vet Show in November by Phoenix Healthcare! Great response! Enraf Nonius will market this device worldwide as Tecarpuls VM (Veterinary Medicine), and Phoenix Healthcare ( had the first presentation. The Physiotherapist from Norway, Roland Svensson, was over to support with his experiences through many years! Skanlab Vet will still be marketed locally in Norway and Sweden. Looking forward to an exciting future in also helping animals. Follow us - and contact us!

December 2021: Coldblooded trotting horse – 11 years old mare. This horse was examined by a veterinarian 5 weeks ago and...

December 2021: Coldblooded trotting horse – 11 years old mare.
This horse was examined by a veterinarian 5 weeks ago and had some problems with her left shoulder. The diagnosis was: Very tense and shortened muscles. This made the horse move with a shorter stride, and due to the pain - being uncomfortable to ride.
After 5 treatments with Skanlab Vet, the horse moved much better and did not have any more signs of pain.
12 days after the last treatment the horse was re-examined by the veterinarian again, and the veterinarian was very surprised how fine the shoulder had become, with normal tension in the muscles and a good and normal stride.
The Skanlab Vet device again showed success!

Skanlab AS asked Roland Svensson to say something about how he  started up treating horses, and this is his story:"I am ...

Skanlab AS asked Roland Svensson to say something about how he started up treating horses, and this is his story:

"I am Roland Svensson, B.Sc. Physiotherapy. How and why, I started treating animals with Skanlab High Frequency Deep Heat Therapy?

It all started in 1998. I was asked if I could treat a warm-blooded trotting horse with DDFT on both hind legs. I was curious, and started thinking what I could use from my toolbox, as a Physiotherapist.
I decided to try the Skanlab medical device, which had given me so many good results on humans with tendon problems through the years.
After 1,5 month, the horse’s tendon had healed very well. I had treated the horse approximately 20 treatments in total.
We then started the rehabilitation training again of the horse. 3 months later the horse won V75 at Bjerke, and continued to compete for one or 2 more seasons.
After this experience I treated some horses yearly.
But I still had this result in my mind and contacted Skanlab AS, in order to develop a device for treating animals (dogs and horses). After some years, in 2019 it was finally developed.
The years in between I spent treated horses and dogs, and mostly with very fine results, sometimes surprising good results. In this period, I was also teaching at the HTU (Equitherapy Education) in Sweden for some years.
The last 2 years, despite the covid-19 challenges, more and more people have seen and heard about the results of Skanlab VET. Now I receive a number of calls, where owners or veterinarians call and ask if their horse could have effect of Skanlab VET treatment.
I always want a veterinarian, or equitherapist, to examine the horse first, to have a correct diagnosis, and then see if there is something I can do. With many conditions I can help, but sometimes I say “no”, due to that specific problem is not something the Skanlab VET can solve. This is based upon the scientific evaluation of the condition."

Thank You for sharing your experiences with us all!

November 2021: Retired Coldblooded trotting horse.This is a 11-year-old coldblooded trotting horse. He is now only used ...

November 2021: Retired Coldblooded trotting horse.
This is a 11-year-old coldblooded trotting horse. He is now only used as a trail ride and dressage horse.
This summer he was injured in his collateral ligament, became limb and had difficult to turn to one side. 5 weeks ago he was examined by the veterinarian who gave the horse the diagnoses. The vet recommended injection, but the owner preferred to try Skanlab Vet treatment instead. The veterinarian supported this alternative!
The horse received daily treatments for 5 days, and then, after 10 days after the last treatment the veterinarian examined the horse again. The veterinarian was really pleased of the result, and also recommended the owner to start ride and train the horse again. The veterinarian also recommended to treat the horse with 2-3 more treatments after 10-12 days with training. After having the last 2 treatments the horse is still fine and sound!

October 2021 Icelandic Horse: This is an Icelandic horse, 8 years old. He had a “blocked” hip, and very tens muscles in ...

October 2021 Icelandic Horse: This is an Icelandic horse, 8 years old.
He had a “blocked” hip, and very tens muscles in the hip area and the lower back. In addition to this, you could easily feel by palpation, a kind of “socket” in the area between Gluteus and Vastus lateralis. This could probably be associated with an injury, from maybe a kick. The borders of the socket could very well be scar tissue, and there was also some swelling in the area. A veterinarian and equitherapist was called for, to examine the horse. The horse was not able to counter due to the hip problems. Was also uncomfortable with a rider on his back.
After 10 treatments with Skanlab Vet (first 5 days once daily, and the next 5 days every second day) the swelling is completely disappeared, the scar-tissue and the tension has decreased. The hip is moving normal and free again.
Now he is in rehabilitation training, and so far, after 3 weeks, everything looks great.

2021 October - Cold-blooded trotting horse:  This is an elderly lady of 20 years. Half a year ago the owner asked me if ...

2021 October - Cold-blooded trotting horse: This is an elderly lady of 20 years. Half a year ago the owner asked me if I could do anything for this horse’s knees in the front legs. She has some small degeneration issues in the joints, and from time to time when the owner wants to go on a trail ride, she has difficulties to walk downhill and does not stretch out her strides.
In May I treated her front knees once daily for 5 days in a row. After that she walked proper again. Now, 5 months later, the same problem has come back again - not so surprisingly due to her age and issues. Also, this time she got 5 treatments (once daily), and her strides are normal again.
Both the owner and myself think this is a much better alternative than to inject the joints with medication. The treatment is painless for the horse, and you can see the horse enjoying it, and there is no restrictions on starting up activity again, compared to injections in the joint.
This is an excellent example of how Skanlab Vet treatment can be used preventive, and also maintain functionality of an elderly and long-lasting companion of a horse.

September 2021 - Shetland pony: This is 7 year old Shetland pony.  Was treated by a veterinarian for swelling and pain a...

September 2021 - Shetland pony: This is 7 year old Shetland pony. Was treated by a veterinarian for swelling and pain at the back. It was not possible to pet, nor brush him, due to the pain. He received a 10 days cure with anti-inflammatory and pain reducing medicine . Still, after the medication cure, the problem wasn’t any better.

The veterinarian then recommended Skanlab Vet treatment. We decided to treat him initially for a total of 8 sessions ( first 5 days one treatment daily, and then one session every second day for 3 days). The swelling and the pain was already reduced after the first three sessions!
Now, 2 weeks after the last treatment, the problem is completely gone, and we have another happy horse after Skanlab Vet treatments.
Roland Svensson, physiotherapist B.Sc.

A story from this summer - 2021: This is a warm-blooded trot horse. He was injured 2 months before he came to me for tre...

A story from this summer - 2021: This is a warm-blooded trot horse. He was injured 2 months before he came to me for treatment with the Skanlab Vet, due to an injury on the fetlock with some swelling around the tendon and scar tissue. After 2 weeks and 10 treatments with the Skanlab Vet the swelling is gone in the tendon area, and there are only some small residual scar tissues left beside the fetlock - which will not affect him. He is now back in training again and soon ready for racing. The effect of treatment shortens the healing time and the result speaks for itself!

Video  # 7 in the series - 6 Tendinopathy Bowed Tendon Skanlab VET. Does your horse have a tendon looking like the bow i...

Video # 7 in the series - 6 Tendinopathy Bowed Tendon Skanlab VET. Does your horse have a tendon looking like the bow in bow and arrow, has pain, and is in need of treatment? Many different treatment recommendations when you ask around. But Skanlab Vet treatment has shown good results in rehabilitation of this! And it makes common sense! And the horse likes the treatment! Watch the video!

Video  # 6 in this series: "9 Arthritis Skanlab Vet". This is well known in joints in humans. Also in horses! See what R...

Video # 6 in this series: "9 Arthritis Skanlab Vet". This is well known in joints in humans. Also in horses! See what Roland says about Skanlab Treatment in these cases. For a horse with this pain, treatment can slow down processes and decrease the swelling in the joints. And less or no pain for the horse!

VIdeo  # 5: Does your horse suffer from pain caused by osteoarthritis or bone spavin? Skanlab VET treatment has shown to...

VIdeo # 5: Does your horse suffer from pain caused by osteoarthritis or bone spavin? Skanlab VET treatment has shown to be a really fine add in the toolbox for treating this misery for the horse. Heating the tissue accelerates the healing process. Look and listen to the video.

Video  # 4: 7 Partial Muscle and ligament rupture Skanlab Vet. Today a short video, but still an important and painfull ...

Video # 4: 7 Partial Muscle and ligament rupture Skanlab Vet. Today a short video, but still an important and painfull issue in a horse' life, if it occurs. And YES! This occurs. Skanlab Deep Heat Therapy is a helpful device in the toolbox of treating these horses! Of course, several parts of the body can be affected, so this is a "talk through" by Roland!

Video  # 3: "8 Sacroilliacal joint syndrome and Low back pain". Does Your best friend and/or athlete competion companion...

Video # 3: "8 Sacroilliacal joint syndrome and Low back pain".
Does Your best friend and/or athlete competion companion obviously have a pain issue in the deep of the back? Does the horse need deep massage and help? Skanlab Vet treatment "softens" the tissues, so the rehab phase shortens. Easier to treat afterwards. And you know what? The horse likes the warm feeling, decrease of pain, and you will experience some results faster then expected! See and listen to the whole video!

Video  #2: Digital Flexor Tendonitis. This is an issue that several leisure riding horses and horses in competitions exp...

Video #2: Digital Flexor Tendonitis. This is an issue that several leisure riding horses and horses in competitions experience once or several times during the career. See how treatment with Skanlab VET is used to accelerate the healing of this painful issue for the horse. The instructor here has used Skanlab as part of the toolbox for 25 years, with great results!


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