Shared from Darklady, check out her pages.
War Water
This is my basic recipe for War Water, sometimes referred to as Mars Water or Water of Mars. This is not a hex, but it can be stored and used for hexing. There are two kinds of War Water: The standard good kind which is commonly used for protection or removal of hexes, and the malignant kind which is used for hexing. Malignant War Water is just good war water with added things. These instructions concentrate on the malignant kind.
Standard/Good WW Ingredients:
1. Water collected from a thunderstorm. I live in Calif, so we don’t get many of those, so here are a few substitutions: Spring water charged during a full moon; Swamp Water or other nasty looking bog or creek water (I would use this specifically for malignant WW, but all other sources I would use for either kind); tap or spring water you charge or bless yourself if you are really in a pinch and can’t get other water.
2. Iron nails or studs, unrusted for standard water. I use 2-4 iron nails per 8-16 ounce mason jar, but use what you have.
Place items in a jar. I prefer a large mason or recycled pickle jar.
To make Standard WW into Malignant, add the following to the above:
1. Sulphur. This is important. Do not substitute You can buy it online cheap and in health food stores. It’s a common ingredient in zit zapping cream and readily available. It comes in little packets and is powdery and yellow.
2. Coffin Nails. This is a necessary ingredient. Word of note here, don’t go digging up any coffins to find these, because besides being illegal, you don’t want your neighbors to think you’re into necrophilia. They haven’t been used in coffins for probably a century or more. Whenever a spell calls for coffin nails note that the modern substitution is a rusty nail. You can buy online, find in your barn or garage, or science up some rust and create them yourself. I usually throw in 1-2 per 8-16 out jar.
3. P*e. Yes I said “P*e”. Your p*e. Don’t fill the jar with p*e - it’s not a drug or pregnancy test. Just add a little p*e. Menstrual blood is okay to add too, but not necessary and make sure you get some p*e in there.
You may also choose to add some of the following for added effect but no one of them is necessary. Sometimes less is more. Basically throw in a couple or few nasty things you can find. These are just a few examples of what you can use, but feel free to use your imagination. I once used broken pieces of a compact disc from a crappy band I hate, so there’s no limit what you can use.
4. Broken Glass or Broken mirror pieces.
5. Dead Bugs, spiders, moths, crickets, or mosquitos.
6. Scabs (I know, yuck!)
7. Spiderwebs
8. Boogers (Also yuck!)
9. Graveyard Dirt. This is also readily available online if you do not want to collect yourself
10. Damnation Powder. Please note that War Water is already highly effective and a serious “Don’t f**k with me” item. Some people believe the use of Damnation Powder will damn them to hell for all eternity. I don’t believe in hell or damning, but this is still some serious bad s**t, so if you’re going to add this to war water, or use in any way, please be advised that it’s like throwing gas on a lit fire. If you’re not an experienced hexer, don’t use it. If you are an experienced hexer, be careful using it. I’m an experienced hexer and I would only use it if I wished death on someone, and that would be in extraordinary circumstances, not because someone cut me off in line at starbucks. You can buy this online, make it yourself using a whole lot of palm fronds and your favorite recipe, or just call your best friend who makes it for special occasion gifts.
Once you put it together, put the lid on it and shake it up. Do NOT get this on you or spill it anywhere. If you do please clean it up thoroughly and immediately, but, really, please, do not get it on you. Shake the jar a bit, hold it tight, and get in touch with your rage and p**siness. There’s not need to imagine specific wrongs you wish to right because this isn’t the hex. You’re just charging the tool here. You’re charging it with you general rage and discontent and negativity. I try to imagine general things that really p**s me off, or think about smashing in the faces of animal abusers, tripping line cutters at starbucks, that sort of thing. But you need to concentrate and channel it into your war water. You may choose to light a dark candle for concentration here, and even call upon your go to goddess to ask her help in charging it with hate and negativity. I have been asked how you know when it’s charged. Well, how do you feel? Are you still angry with pent up rage? It’s not charged. Do you feel pretty f**king good and rage free like you just left the day spa? It’s because your anger has been focused into the jar and it’s charged.
So here’s the tricky part, explaining how to “Brew” it, which you need to before use, and I do not mean on a stovetop. You’re going to let it sit. For how long you ask? At least 7 days. Here’s my general rule of thumb for “Brewing” malignant war water: Before you put the lid on, take a big, long whiff. It will not smell good. You will not want to eat afterwards. Now put the lid on it and store it in a dark place like under your kitchen sink, but where your pets, children, and husband or significant other won’t get into. Now wait 7 days. Don’t open it yet. Do you remember the smell of that whiff you took a week ago? If you answer yes, then open it again, take a big whiff and ask yourself that question again. If you didn’t forget that smell, then it’s brewed and ready. If you did forget it, then repeat the waiting process until you remembered and you never, ever want to smell it again. Basically this will smell like a sick animal crawled up inside Satan’s bu****le, died, and Satan farted it out in your jar. If it smells like this, you are good to go.
This is my favorite hex because I find it to be very effective:
1. Take a little glass jar or bottle. It doesn’t have to be huge.
2. Write the name of your intended victim on a scrap of paper OR cut just their face out of a photo (Make sure no one else is in the part of the photo you’re using or they could get hit with your hex) OR use something personal from them like hair. I do not find one thing more effective than another. I use what I have.
3. Drop in an extra coffin/rusty nail if you have it and you’re bottle is big enough, but not necessary.
4. Fill most of the bottle, and at least covering the personal item or paper/pic, with your war water WHILE NOT GETTING ANY OF IT ON YOU BECAUSE THAT WOULD BE REALLY, REALLY BAD.
5. Cap the bottle really well so nothing will leak and, without dropping and breaking the bottle, because that would be bad (see dire warning in #4 above), give it a good shake and get to channeling your rage and hatred for your intended victim. Channel every last ounce of hate and anger you’ve got. I prefer to mediate before starting the hex so I’m rage free before channeling. I also like to light a black candle, put an offering of something off to my favorite goddesses Persephone and Tyche, or Hecate, Styx, and Hades. Basically call for help from whoever you feel comfortable with. And while you are channeling your rage, clearly state your intentions. Those intentions and plea will be personal to you so you should know or write down what you wish to say before starting, and feel free to F Bomb as you wish.
Example plea/stated intent:
“I call upon you Persephone to please hear my plea and help me. This Bitch (insert name of Bitch) has done me wrong. She (state wrong doing) and I want retribution for it. I want her to lose everything she has and for her to get herpes (or whatever your intent is). Please hear and help me. This is my will, so it is done (or so mote it be).”
6. When you’ve got all that rage and p**siness channeled into your hex bottle and your intentions clearly stated to your satisfaction, there are different things you can do with your bottle, which is now charged and ready. You can stick in a dark place on your property where no one can get into, but you still have access to, where you can periodically shake it up and rechannel your hate. You can bury or place it at a crossroads where your victim passes on a regular basis. I would not advocate going onto your victim’s property to place because that’s illegal. In the past the two most effective things I’ve done are 1) Smash the bottle at the edge of the person’s property so it seeps into the ground. Again, I don’t advocate because it’s probably illegal and also it’s hard to neutralize if you decide to undo the spell. 2) Burry it in an empty flower pot I keep on my back porch for people to put out cigarette butts because they aren’t allowed to smoke in my house. The nasty butts are good for added effectiveness and the pro of doing this is that you can dig up and neutralize if you have any remorse.
1. Don’t get caught up in the ritual. The most important part is your intent, and stating your intent.
2. Tailor your spell and incantation to you. Make it personable. Use your own gods/goddesses. Be creative.
3. Be very specific in your stated intent because…
4. Understand that there can be unintended consequences. No I don’t mean the 3-fold law. I don’t believe in it. I’ve never seen any indication of its existence. What is mean, to give an example, is if you wish utter destruction on a person, and that person dies, can you live with that? What if you ask for death and they die by getting into a car accident with your child and your child dies? I once performed the hex on someone, justifiable deserved, and she lost her job, boyfriend, got evicted from her apartment, alienated her family and friends so no one would let her stay by giving bed bugs to all of them, lost her cat, her car broke down, and she had to move out of state, all within a relatively short time of about a month. All of this I was okay with except the lost cat. I love animals. I felt horrible and neutralized the spell. So please, please, please, clearly state your intent when you are performing this hex.
5. I perform protection charms on myself and family/house, etc prior to performing the spell on the off chance I end up not stating my intention as clearly as I meant to.
6. I can’t start a hex if I’m really, really p**sed. I have to calm down first so that I can channel my energy/rage, emotion. I highly suggest meditating before starting this or any hex, or even a non-hex spell.
7. The most effective spells are the ones you believe in and perform yourself for yourself or on your own behalf or for a loved one. This is because 1) You are asking the gods for what YOU need and being humble enough to do so instead of asking someone you don’t know to do it, and 2) You’re the only one who completely understands the emotion and acts behind your reason for performing the hex, so you are the best person to send it out, and it’s your emotion doing it, not the placement of your alter facing the setting sun or any other stupid, insignificant thing. I do not advocate paying anyone to perform a hex on your behalf or offering to perform a hex or other spell on someone's behalf. Please be wary of anyone who approaches you to do this in return for money.
8. A little non-magical self-help goes a long way. Hire an attorney. File a restraining order. Call the police. Block the person on facebook. Try talking to the person and see if you can resolve your differences. Do not rely on a hex to get you what you want.
9. Sometimes what you think you want is not what you want. Think your hex through clearly before resorting to it.
I put some salt in a bigger jar, put the hex bottle in, and cover/fill the larger jar completely with salt then cap the lid. I then bag it up tight and throw in the trash, or I bury it NOT on my property. I will give a quick shout out to my goddess I called to perform the hex and ask her to end it while I’m pouring the salt in, but that’s as elaborate as I get.