Dog Breeding for the Future

Dog Breeding for the Future Dogs must be bred sound and healthy! The Norwegian Society for Protection of Animals works for structural changes in dog breeding.


Social Media is a great way to disseminate good information to lots of people.
It's also a good way for misinformation to be shared and 'cute' images to reach thousands without thought to how it could encourage poor animal health and welfare.

'Bro was shocked' - a dog with extreme facial folds shows 'shock' when their folds are pulled up manually so they can actually see.
Bro was shocked, you know what? We are too.

Shocked, disappointed, disheartened.

Skin fold dermatitis results from skin friction, moisture and lack of ventilation deep
in skin folds, and can be very painful and irritating. Skin folds can occur within typical
conformation (body shape) in some breeds, or can follow obesity or skin diseases.

A study by Vet Compass at the The Royal Veterinary College (RVC) found:

➡️ Skin fold dermatitis is often a chronic
problem requiring life-long skin care.
Before purchasing a breed with marked
skin folding, owners should commit to
the dog’s need for life-long skin care.

➡️ Breed-typical skin folds promote undesirable antibiotic use in dogs.

➡️By moving away from extreme body shape such as short skulls in highly predisposed
breeds such as English Bulldog, French Bulldog and Pug , future generations could be protected from skin fold dermatitis.

✅ This research adds further evidence to
the welfare concerns around high popularity
of dog breeds with extreme body shapes.

In December the NSPA was invited to talk about dog breeding in the UK Parliament. Since then, many have been contacting ...

In December the NSPA was invited to talk about dog breeding in the UK Parliament. Since then, many have been contacting us asking about the talk🙏🥰🐕✨

Here it is, newly recorded:

A recent study from   concludes: "Almost one fifth of Shar Pei receive veterinary care each year for entropion, a condit...

A recent study from concludes:
"Almost one fifth of Shar Pei receive veterinary care each year for entropion, a condition linked strongly with the extreme conformation of thickened and folded skin and bristly hair that characterises the Shar Pei breed. Several other common disorders are also linked to hyaluronosis. Current UK legislation can help support efforts to avoid breeding or acquiring animals with extreme conformations and to promote adequate veterinary care for already-owned animals with extreme conformations."

Infographics here:

For full text:

Professor of veterinary neurology Clare Rusbridge says there is no way to save the Cavalier without outcrossing.        ...

Professor of veterinary neurology Clare Rusbridge says there is no way to save the Cavalier without outcrossing.

The dog breeding community finally seems to be opening up for the idea of crossbreeding🐕👍                               ...

The dog breeding community finally seems to be opening up for the idea of crossbreeding🐕👍

Flat faced dogs are bred to resemble a baby face. It causes numerous diseases and lifelong suffering. “People favor a sp...

Flat faced dogs are bred to resemble a baby face. It causes numerous diseases and lifelong suffering.

“People favor a specific morphology of flat-faced dogs because they have a resemblance to babyface,” said Enikő Kubinyi, an ethologist and biologist studying dog behavior and cognition who co-authored the paper. “The big round head, high forehead, big eyes, and short nose – people find it cute, and they’re the size of a small child as well.”

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It is time for change

It is time for change

Recently, a bioinformatician looked into the Kennel Clubs RFG scheme, which is still in its early days, and found there have been no well-bred Bulldogs.

Four years on since the official launch of the Kennel Club's Respiratory Function Grading Scheme, new statistics from the Kennel Club show that of the 452 standard colour litters registered in 2022, there were only FIVE litters where both parents had tested BOAS 0 - and only THREE litters where both parents were over two years old when they tested BOAS 0 .

➡️These three litters were all delivered by emergency C-section.

The two litters born naturally were from dams that were under two years old when BOAS-tested. The sire of one of the litters was also under two.

One of these dams has been retested and is now BOAS 1 (mild symptoms). One of the sires has been retested and is still BOAS 0.
In 2022, almost half (49%) of standard colour Bulldog litters registered by the Kennel Club were from parents that hadn't been BOAS-tested before the birth of the litter.

We are so pleased to see breeders engaging in health schemes such as this, and it is commendable that over time some breeders are attempting to improve their dogs health and welfare.

But, given the current evidence, do we need to take firmer action?

Seeing animals bred, who have health and welfare issues can cause us a lot of heartache. Despite years of education, people are still buying and breeding dogs whose extreme conformation causes them pain and suffering. We asked on Veterinary Voices UK what would veterinary professionals like to see?

Do we want to ban them, like the Netherlands have been moving towards and implementing?

Or would it be better to support more vets to become RFG vets to perform BOAS testing? It only takes a day to train and a review each year according to the KC website.

91% wanted to see legislation implemented that is similar to the Netherlands.

Learn more about the Respiratory function grading scheme below 👇

Read more about the ban and the health and welfare issues associated with extreme conformation breeding:


THREE WEEKS TODAY: Looking forward to co-chairing the All-Party Parliamentary Dog Advisory Welfare Group's (APDAWG) 2023 & Philippa Robinson Dog Welfare Award evening with Rosie Duffield MP. Join us & room full of dog lovers in UK Parliament for one of the most inspiring nights of the year. Limited places. More info & list of guest speakers see link in comments box below 👇


It’s not cute it is cruel! Thanks for yet another great video from The Vet


Honestly - A Campaign Against Extreme Breeding


Honestly - A Campaign Against Extreme Breeding's cover photo


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