Reef by Adenbrant

Reef by Adenbrant Reef by Adenbrant, service, drift och underhåll av akvarier samt salg av allt saltvannsrelaterat. REEF BY ADENBRANT!

Akvarium kan vara ett underbart och rogivande inslag i vardagen, både på arbetsplatsen och i den enskildes hem. Fler och fler personer upptäcker och finner glädje, spänning och intresse i akvaristik men rykten om osannolika omkostnader, behov för avancerade system och bristande tillgång på tid och resurser avskräcker många från införskaffelse. Reef by Adenbrant underlättar och erbjuder utifrån beh

ov och önskemål förslag på uppsätt och underhåll till klienter som önskar uppstart och drift utav akvarium. Klienter kan, oberoende av om akvariet skall stå på arbetet eller i en privat bostad, enkelt och individuellt välja anpassningsform och medverkandegrad i den omfattning som de själva önskar. Vid intresse för mer info eller prisförslag ta kontakt på:

Tlf: 47153072

E-mail: [email protected]

/Reef by Adenbrant

If you know someone who could be interested please let them know. :) (English below Swedish text)Till salu.Välutvecklad ...

If you know someone who could be interested please let them know. :)

(English below Swedish text)

Till salu.

Välutvecklad och gott etablerad korallodling till salu.

På grund av hälsa måste jag avveckla korallodlingen som är belägen i Porsgrunn i Norge och jag önskar att komma i kontakt med djurbutiker, zoo, tropikarium eller privat personer som är intresserade i hela odlingen eller en stor volym av det jag har ståendes i systemen.

Det är mycket koraller till ett stort värde som skall säljas ut.

Allt kan säljas samlat till ett väldigt gott pris eller om det är önskvärt att beställa styckvis/partier så går det också bra.

Pris vill oavsett vara lägre än standard grossistpris i Europa.

Detaljerade bilder och sammandrag på vad som är tillgängligt kan sändas över vid genuint intresse.

Export till andra länder är möjligt om det är utländska intressenter som önskar att ta del av denna möjligheten.

Jag önskar helst att korallerna stannar i Norge då huvudpoängen med korallodlingen har varit att erbjuda och tillhandahålla den norska marknaden med kultiverade koraller till lägsta möjliga pris så att så många som möjligt kan ta del av hobbyn.

Norska intressenter med liknande målsättningar eller utställningar t.ex. marina akvarium eller museum vill därigenom ha goder.

Ta kontakt vid intresse.

Har många bilder på anlägget och närbilder på olika typer av koraller.

Mvh Andre.


For sale.

Well developed and well established coral farm for sale.

Due to health reasons I have to close down the coral farm which is located in Porsgrunn in Norway and I wish to get in touch with pet shops, zoos, tropicarium or private people who are interested in the whole farm or a large volume of what I have left in the systems.

There is a lot of coral at a great value to be sold.

Everything can be sold together at a very good price or if it is desirable to order individually/lots, that is also fine.

Regardless, the price will be lower than the standard wholesale price in Europe.

Detailed pictures and summaries of what is available can be sent over if there is genuine interest.

Export to other countries is possible if there are foreign buyers who wish to take advantage of this opportunity.

But I prefer that the corals stay in Norway, if possible, as the main point of coral farming has been to offer and supply the Norwegian market with cultured corals at the lowest possible price so that as many people as possible can take part in the hobby.

Norwegian buyers with similar objectives or exhibitions, e.g. marine aquarium or museum therefore has some advantages.

Get in touch if you are interested.

I have many pictures of the facility, cultivation and close-ups of the different types of corals in the cultivation.

Best regards Andre.



REMINDER!!We still have lots of corals available and that will continue throughout the entire summer :)  If you want som...


We still have lots of corals available and that will continue throughout the entire summer :)

If you want something from the website or have other requests, please get in touch.

We have price guarantee and go to great lengths to offer customers the best.

Among other things we offer wholesale prices for private individuals who wish to place larger orders.

Have a look at:






REMINDER!!We still have lots of corals available and that will continue throughout the entire summer :)  If you want som...


We still have lots of corals available and that will continue throughout the entire summer :)

If you want something from the website or have other requests, please get in touch.

We have price guarantee and go to great lengths to offer customers the best.

Among other things we offer wholesale prices for private individuals who wish to place larger orders.

Have a look at:






Frag packageIn addition to previous offers such as the best price per size of corals in Norway and the possibility of a ...

Frag package

In addition to previous offers such as the best price per size of corals in Norway and the possibility of a wholesale price for private individuals.

We now offer something we call the "frag pack".

Frag pack will mainly consist of temporarily available frags and will change to a new one after sale.

First of are some zoas.

The frag pack contains more than 100+ polyps in total, disk anemons and some sps.

Package ordinary price: around 5000 - 6500+.

Package price: All frags on picture (and then some) to the highest bidder over 1500.

Happy hunting.

PRICE DROP AND WHOLESALE FOR EVERYONE!! We have reduced most of the prices on our corals, along with an update regarding...


We have reduced most of the prices on our corals, along with an update regarding the opportunity for wholesale prices for all "ordinary" aquarists who want a larger quantity of corals.

At the same time we announce the possibility of exporting for foreign customers and stores.

Please let us know if this is of interest to you.

Best regards


Goniopora sp "neon green with glitter skirt"Today's goniopora has gained an undeserved reputation from the time when Gon...

Goniopora sp "neon green with glitter skirt"

Today's goniopora has gained an undeserved reputation from the time when Goniopora was difficult to manage due to little knowledge, weak import channels and poor collection management.

Fortunately, times have changed both in relation to imports and cultivation. Our Goniopores are well acclimated through cultivation from many generations of clones. 🪸🪸

We offer everything from frags to larger colonies for all aquarists.

Interested!? - Get in contact for a good deal.

Zoanthus sp "lord of the rings"Zoanthids are a small, soft coral that spreads by growing outward from the main colony.Th...

Zoanthus sp "lord of the rings"

Zoanthids are a small, soft coral that spreads by growing outward from the main colony.

They are very colorful and far less picky about water parameters than LPS and SPS corals. Zoas are a variation of palythoa coral with small polyps.

Zoanthids are photosynthetic coral, however they do not demand nearly as much light as many other corals.

Zoanthids grows on all kind of substrates, have no need for dosage or buffering to provide the coral with building blocks and all zoas/palys for sale at reef by adenbrant are well-known morphs. Handle correctly and there's no need to worry. :)

MONEY DRIVE!!We want to make money.. 💵💰(so that we get one step closer to dismantle the cultivation 😢) But we still want...


We want to make money.. 💵💰
(so that we get one step closer to dismantle the cultivation 😢)

But we still want our customer to save money. 📈🔄💲

That is why we, in addition to price guarantee and coral credit, offer free shipping between Porsgrunn and Oslo in connection with an already planned trip. 🚗

If you wish to have a little extra 🪸🪸🪸 delivered on the road or in Oslo, please get in touch for information and clarification.

We will be driving the third of May.

Salty greetings Andre.

Having a unit hitting 4500 tests which has helped me immensely with the coral cultivation so I would really like to try ...

Having a unit hitting 4500 tests which has helped me immensely with the coral cultivation so I would really like to try this new and improved unit out. 😀

We are excited to release the preliminary spec of the upcoming Mastertronic Essential. To celebrate this, we will be having a giveaway for a unit of the MTE.

Please watch the video for full details and the giveaway event for a brand new Mastertronic Essential.

DELIVERY / MEET UP SERVICEPossibility of delivery by car on Friday 3 of May.We are going on a trip so why not take the o...


Possibility of delivery by car on Friday 3 of May.

We are going on a trip so why not take the opportunity to offer a little more to our customers 😃

Check what you want on at or send a pm to get info about offline corals.

Best regards


Favites pentagona   Caring for Favites is relatively easy, making them an excellent choice for both beginner and expert ...

Favites pentagona

Caring for Favites is relatively easy, making them an excellent choice for both beginner and expert reefers.

They need moderate lighting for best coloration combined with moderate water movement. To much flow or lighting will damage their polyps.

We offer home grown Favites pentagona in two different morphs, "war coral" and "alien eye", from our coral farm right here in Norway.

So if you would like an environmentally friendly and more sustainable alternative than imported corals for your tropical aquarium and
at the same time best possible price, please contact us.

We have what you need. 🪸😁

Montipora palawanensis, "hunter"Montipora is a nice first time SPS for aquarists who want to try SPS corals. 🪸🪸They are ...

Montipora palawanensis, "hunter"

Montipora is a nice first time SPS for aquarists who want to try SPS corals. 🪸🪸

They are available in many different variants and colors, from ordinary single-colored, bicolored and multi-colored. 🌈

Montipora palawanensis is one of our absolute favorites and an incredible splash of color in any aquarium. 🔴🟠🟡🟢🔵🟣⚫️

Many different sizes for sale, from frags to show size colonies. 🤏🤲

Remember coral credit with each order above 1500 nok.

Everything grown in 🇳🇴🇳🇴🇳🇴

Reef on!!

Ricordea yuma.Imported yumas can be grumpy and demanding due to stress and changes, mainly because of lighting issues.Bu...

Ricordea yuma.

Imported yumas can be grumpy and demanding due to stress and changes, mainly because of lighting issues.

But these cultivated ones called "strawberry" with red bubbel tentacles on a purple body are not.

If you have fish you have nutrients in you water. There's no need for any other supplements to keep this coral healty and happy. 🪸

Nutrients, moderated lighting and water movement - that's it.

Want to try them out?

We have frags, small clusters of polyps and fully grown polyps for all types of aquarium sizes.

Send us a message and we will get back to you. 😀

Have a look at for more corals, pictures and movies.

Duncanopsammia axifuga,An easy coral of forgiveness. It can withstand a lot and therefore suitable for both new and expe...

Duncanopsammia axifuga,

An easy coral of forgiveness.

It can withstand a lot and therefore suitable for both new and experienced aquarists.

Sold by the polyp.

Do you want 1 ok, do you want 100 no problem, 500 we will make it happen 😃

Unbeatable prices, starting at 75 nok.

CORAL CREDIT IS BACK!!To all interested in corals. 🪸😀🪸We have now introduced coral credit as a permanent feature of our ...


To all interested in corals. 🪸😀🪸

We have now introduced coral credit as a permanent feature of our sales. That means more corals with every purchase.

Visit our page: to find out more. 😀

Lowest prices in Norway just got lower and even better than before 😁

Do you have questions? Please send us a message and we will reply as soon as possible.

Best regards.


UPPDATERING!!Att sälja en helt komplett korallodling med ett stort antal koraller och allt man har behov för i teknik oc...


Att sälja en helt komplett korallodling med ett stort antal koraller och allt man har behov för i teknik och underhåll är inte så lätt.

Intressenter som droppat av gör det svårt och jag må göra något för att minska på antalet koraller / få systemet ut.

Öppnar på bud för hela anlägget.

Koraller, teknik och akvariesystem säljes samlat för cirka 1/5 del av ordinarie grossistpris.

Ta kontakt för mer info och för att göra avklaringar.

mvh Andre.

INFO!Förstår att det går lite runt att verksamheten är stoppad. Det stämmer inte. Jag söker efter en avtagare/köpare til...


Förstår att det går lite runt att verksamheten är stoppad.

Det stämmer inte.

Jag söker efter en avtagare/köpare till hela odlingen men under tiden produceras det koraller som aldrig förr.

Om du har lust på någonting som rör sig i akvariet, droppa några bitar färg i vattnet eller bara önskar något som ingen annan har.. ta kontakt så ordnar vi något :)

Ett litet axplock.

More goodies.Sänd en pm om du finner ut att något är av intresse. :)

More goodies.

Sänd en pm om du finner ut att något är av intresse. :)

Odlingen skall förhoppningsvis gå vidare till någon dedikerad saltis men fram tills dessa är det öppet som vanligt.Tog n...

Odlingen skall förhoppningsvis gå vidare till någon dedikerad saltis men fram tills dessa är det öppet som vanligt.

Tog några bilder sist jag var där..

check för pris. Fråga för info tillgänglighet.

Need for clarification!Thank you to everyone who has reached out and shown care and support.Yes.. the farm is for sale. ...

Need for clarification!
Thank you to everyone who has reached out and shown care and support.
Yes.. the farm is for sale. Exactly everything must go.
While I look for a suitable buyer, I will, in consultation with my doctor and with the help of other aquarists, continue selling for a period. Hopefully this will help make it easier to find a buyer willing to take it all. If you know of anyone who might be interested in a complete farm, I would be grateful if you could guide them to me.
The website will be open for sales as usual, but with a slightly greater need for clarification regarding pickup, shipments, etc
The website will remain online until the farm is sold.

Coral cultivation for saleDue to health problems, I will wind up or sell my coral farm.The farm has been in operation si...

Coral cultivation for sale

Due to health problems, I will wind up or sell my coral farm.

The farm has been in operation since the 2010s, so there are large amounts of corals and equipment.

See some of what is available at

The system is automated through equipment from GHL and mastertronic, all of the circulation is tunze, skimmers and filtration from Deltec and lighting from GHL.

6 aquariums in size 285x85x35 with several pipes down to a connected and common sump.

Dosing by balling from large containers from Nowas.

Equipment for a few hundred thousand and corals for far more.

Taking bids and questions.

Want a solution as fast as possible, so this is an opportunity for a good deal for those genuinely interested.

Thank you for this time and good luck with a wonderful hobby.

Best regards


ON THE ROAD AGAIN!!Då var vi på ny tur. Lördag 3/2 blir det en svipptur mellom Porsgrunn - Jevnaker. Säg ifrån om du har...


Då var vi på ny tur.

Lördag 3/2 blir det en svipptur mellom Porsgrunn - Jevnaker.

Säg ifrån om du har lust å få något levererat längs vägen.

Goda möjligheter till å skaffa sig det man vill från och om man saknar något på sidan är det bara att fråga. :)



Vi rensar upp i de olika systemen och har satt igång med skivanemoner och zoanthus.

Det betyder många koraller tillgängliga och klara för nya akvarier.

Check sidan för att se priser och lager.

Saknar du något så bara fråga. Vi har flere 🪸🪸 liggandes. :)

BERGEN!! Samordnad beställning till Bergen. Till alla er som önskar att vara med på en runda till Bergen anordnar vi nu ...


Samordnad beställning till Bergen.

Till alla er som önskar att vara med på en runda till Bergen anordnar vi nu en samlad sändning för akvarister i och runt Bergen.

Sitter du och funderar på och tänker på ting du ville haft från till ditt akvarium i eller runt Bergen?

Inte tänk mer.. bara ge besked om att du vill vara med så ordnar vi :)

Ge besked via PM eller genom att lägga in en order med kommentar.

Glädjer oss till att förse er med färg och liv. 🪸🪸🪸




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Kontakt Bedriften

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Reef by Adenbrant

Akvarium kan vara ett underbart och rogivande inslag i vardagen, både på arbetsplatsen och i den enskildes hem. Fler och fler personer upptäcker och finner glädje, spänning och intresse i akvaristik men rykten om osannolika omkostnader, behov för avancerade system och bristande tillgång på tid och resurser avskräcker många från införskaffelse. Reef by Adenbrant underlättar och erbjuder utifrån behov och önskemål förslag på uppsätt och underhåll till klienter som önskar uppstart och drift utav akvarium. Klienter kan, oberoende av om akvariet skall stå på arbetet eller i en privat bostad, enkelt och individuellt välja anpassningsform och medverkandegrad i den omfattning som de själva önskar. Vid intresse för mer info eller prisförslag ta kontakt på: Tlf: 47153072 E-mail: [email protected] /Reef by Adenbrant

Andre Kjæledyrtjenester i Porsgrunn

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