Kesira Atletica

Kesira Atletica Kesira Atletica Whippet breed, Fredrikstad, Norway sins 2008 We are a small-scale breeder. The whippet price are 13000 Bygget for fart og arbeid".

This ensures that we have sufficient time and strength to breed the puppies with genuineness. It is important for us to breed puppies from helthy whippets with nice temper who also take care of the best from the whippet breed. Our sole demand to you as a puppy owner is that you can offer a caring home where the puppy can get a long quality life. We do not require that you go on dog shows and other

wise compete with the dog – if you decide to compete with the dog, we offer you all the help we can give. Our puppies accept visitors afther they are 3-4 weeks old – you can easier get a valid impression prior at the age of 4-5 weeks. During the puppies maturing we note the unique characteristics of each puppy. This knowledge connected with what we know about you provides a recommendation of which puppy for you to have. Often more than one puppy can be recommended, and together with you we choose which one should be yours. The puppies will be handed over at the age of 8 weeks. The puppy on delivery

Is registered in NKK
Is chip marked
Is vaccinated against Parvo
Is dewormed according to the actual suppliers recommendation
Has no more than a week old health certificate from a veterinary
In addition our puppy owners receive a “start-up package” including

A puppy collar and leash
Dog food for approximately five days
A hound toy
A fleece blanket
Welcome puppy folder with practical recommendation regarding food, day-to-day handling, exercising etc. Pictures of the puppies and theire parents

"Vennlig, hengiven og stabil"

I "Rasestandarden" for Whippet står det: "Helhetsinntrykk - Balansert kombinasjon av muskelkraft og styrke med eleganse og vakkert linjespill. Whippeten er en mynde, som første gang ble anerkjent som rase av den Amerikanske Kennelklubben i 1888. Det er Storbritannia som regnes som Whippetens hjemland og de anerkjente den som rase i 1891. Opprinnelsen er ikke helt fastslått, men den antas å ha blitt krysset frem av små Greyhounds og iblandet 2 -3 forskjellige terrierraser. Whippeten er opprinnelig avlet for hetsjakt på hare og annet småvilt. Historien forteller at den tidlig ble den engelske arbeiderklassens "veddeløpshund". Den økonomisk velstående overklassen hadde sine Greyhounds som de brukte. Arbeiderklassen hadde like stor interesse for veddeløp som de rike godseierne, men de hadde ikke økonomi til å holde de større Greyhoundene. Whippeten var en mindre hund, rimeligere å holde og omtrent like rask som Greyhounden. Den ble derfor en hund for den engelske arbeiderklassen og gikk lenge under tilnavnet "the poor man's race horse". Så sier historien....

Whippet er en god allround hund. Den er tilpasningsdyktig og trives like godt i byen som på landet. Er du glad i å jogge, gå i fjellet, sykle eller bare rusle en tur. Whippeten blir med, da den er en sosial hund som mer enn gjerne vil være sammen med eieren/familien sin. Mange tror den er svært mosjonskrevende, men det stemmer ikke helt. En Whippet er godt fornøyd med en timestur om dagen, eller mindre. Den setter imidlertid stor pris på å bli sluppet fritt av og til, slik at den virkelig får tatt noen spurter og raske vendinger. Innendørs er en voksen Whippet rolig og lar seg lett skjemme bort med de "beste" liggeplassene. Til tider vil du lure på hvor det er blitt av hunden din,- ta da en titt i sengen din eller under og innimellom puter og tepper. Der vil du høyst sannsynlig finne din firbente venn i sin beste skjønnhetssøvn. I valpeperioden derimot kan de være noen ordentlige "slyngler", så det er lønnsomt å innarbeide gode rutiner på et tidlig tidpunkt. De er lettlærte og intelligente hunder. Hvis du ønsker en hund for elitelydighet bør du muligens velge en annen rase, da Whippeter ikke er noe glad i terping av øvelser. Dette kjeder en Whippet. Visst kan de lære og de lærer fort, så hvorfor gjøre det samme om og om igjen "tenker Whippeten" - Jeg kan det jo!? Whippeten har en kort og tett tilliggende pels uten underull. Alle farger og fargekombinasjoner er tillatt. Den lukter ikke hund, slik mange av dens artsfeller gjør. Den er lettstelt, blir raskt renslig og det eneste man bør gjøre er å klippe negler og stelle tenner. Mange har en oppfatning av Whippeten som "alltid frossen" og "pysehund". Dette er nok en myte og jeg vil på ingen måte karakterisere en Whippet som pysete når, den setter av gårde i et tempo som imponerer de fleste, eller står overfor ukjente situasjoner. Whippeten er en samlet og klok hund og som de fleste intelligente dyr, sensitiv. Dette må ikke forveksles med nervøsitet. Whippeten bør ikke akkurat bli plassert i en hundegård, eller stå ute i bånd ved flere "minus kalde", men været er sjelden til hinder for en tur. Noe annet er det at Whippeten gjerne foretrekker komforten inne på slike dager og kun stikker raskt ut for "nødvendige ærend", spesielt hvis det regner. Har du først fått en Whippet i huset er det lett for at det kan bli flere og de trives også godt i lag. Hannhundene bør være fra 47 - 51 cm i mankehøyde (mh) og tispene noe mindre, fra 44 - 47 cm. Whippeten kan være en ideell ledsager med sitt vennlige og stabile temperament. Vakker og "strømlinjeformet" er den også og enn så lenge en sunn og frisk rase. The Whippet

(Whippet breed guide written by : Gay Robertson (Moonlake))

The most popular of all the sighthound breeds, the Whippet is a beguiling combination of gentle companion and keen sporting hound. He can also shine at racing, coursing, lure coursing, agility or obedience, not to mention putting a rabbit in the pot. A small to medium size dog -- he can vary in weight from 18lbs to more than 30lbs - his short, fine coat can be any colour. Whippets have been mentioned in literature and depicted in tapestries and paintings for hundreds of years and like most dogs, they have been crossed with other breeds from time to time. They were recognized as a show breed by the Kennel Club in 1890 and in 1899, the Whippet Club was formed to promote the interest of the pedigree whippet. Whippets were already well known as racing dogs but they were frequently crossed with greyhounds and terriers in order to increase their speed or determination. That situation still exists today: alongside the purebred whippet, many of whom are kept for racing under Whippet Club Racing Association rules, there are cross-bred dogs which race under British Whippet Racing Association rules for which the only criterion is that the dog should be "whippet-like" in appearance and with a short coat. Before purchasing a puppy, newcomers to the breed should ensure that the dog they are buying is the kind of dog they want: a written pedigree or even Kennel Club registration is no guarantee that the dog is pure bred and it would be sensible to check that the breeder of the puppy is known to one of the whippet breed clubs as a breeder of pedigree stock. Most breed club secretaries keep lists of breeders with puppies to sell so that is a good starting point for someone looking for a puppy. Whippets have no known inherited diseases or defects and given a share of family life and a good daily walk, they make excellent pets and are easy to keep clean. Before deciding on a whippet, however, it would be sensible to ask yourself the questions that a reputable breeder will certainly ask

Who is going to feed and exercise this dog every day? Does every member of the household want a whippet? Have you the time and resources to make sure that an active dog will have a happy and healthy life with you for twelve to fifteen years? Are you prepared to take trouble to train your dog not to be a nuisance to others, not to chase stock or neighbours' cats? A whippet's instinct is to chase and kill what it catches. Is your garden securely fenced? Are your children of an age to behave responsibly with a dog? Are you looking for a pet to be part of the family or is your idea of a dog something to be left in a kennel until required? A whippet will not thrive on such treatment. Can you return the affection a whippet gives? Sure you can give a whippet a happy home? Then here are the answers to some frequently asked questions:

Does a whippet need a lot of exercise ? Not while it is a puppy and still growing but the adult whippet of 15 months or more should have at least an hour's walk every day and some of that time should be running free. How much does a whippet eat ? The breeder should give you a diet sheet for while the puppy is growing. An adult needs an ounce of food for every two pounds of its body weight: a 24lb dog should eat 12 oz of food each day. A fit whippet will show not more than three ribs. If you can see more than three, it is too thin and if you cannot see any, it is too fat! Is it a destructive breed - I am at work for six hours each day ? Any dog that is regularly left alone for hours is likely to become lonely, stressed, noisy, anxious and destructive. If you are out at work every day, you cannot offer a whippet a suitable home but you could ring your local breed club secretary (the Kennel Club will give you the details) and ask if there is a breeder near you who would welcome some help on a regular basis, either walking or dog sitting. We already have a small dog and a cat. Would they be at risk from a whippet ? Whippets are gentle, affectionate dogs, and a puppy growing up with other dogs and cats will recognize them as "family" and happily curl up with either. Even an adult whippet coming into a cat-owning household will soon learn to live with cats, although care to supervise both will need to be taken at first. However, even though he has learned not to chase the family cat, any other cat that a whippet sees, running through the village or across the garden, for instance, will trigger an instinctive chase reaction. If the cat stands its ground, the whippet will lose interest, particularly if he has previously received a scratch from an outraged cat. Do they need a lot of heat? They look such shivery dogs. A whippet's coat is as fine as a racehorse's and there is no undercoat as there is in breeds like the Labrador. This means that if they get wet, they are wet to the skin. An active whippet will not notice cold and rain while running about but when he stops, he should be dried off with a towel or coated up warmly. Whippets can develop thicker, coarser hair if they are regularly left in the cold but as the sleek, satiny feel of the dog is part of his attraction, this is not just unkind to the dog but counterproductive for the owner. Because they are so warm and silky to touch, whippets make excellent PAT dogs. In winter or unusually cold weather, a whippet needs a warm, waterproof coat while walking on a lead, or in a stationary car. These can be bought by mail order, at breed club shows or from the Rescue: your puppy's breeder will advise on what to get and when. Inside the house, the whippet's favourite place is lying by the fire or against a radiator. He will appreciate being covered with a warm blanket at night (or getting under the duvet with his owner) but he does not normally shiver unless he is unwell or in an icy draught. A dog or a bitch ? Dogs make better single pets, they are more fun and they have a stronger desire to please - bi***es tend to regard their owners as slaves to their comfort and are less likely to put their own wishes second to their owner's. If you want to compete at shows, racing, coursing or any other competition your whippet can enter, dogs do not have long periods of inactivity due to coming in season. In almost any sphere, it is easier to win with a dog! Anything else I should know ? A whippet is an intensely affectionate dog who wants to be with you at all times and will thrive with a touchy-feely owner. At the same time, he is a hound, an inveterate hunter and an inveterate thief. Anything left within reach is likely to find its way into his mouth. He is a sporting dog with boundless energy for country walks but once in pursuit of a rabbit or a hare, he cannot be recalled until the chase is over. At the same time, his keen desire to please his owner means he will do obedience or agility against his natural instinct. He is a wonderful companion and with a modicum of training will earn you lots of compliments on your beautifully behaved dog. He is sensitive, quick to learn, elegant to look at, easy to feed and groom.

Ønsker vårt nye familiemedlem velkommen i morgen ❤️ Athena ❤️ hun er datter av vår Chika's sønn Albert ❤️ Cayahogas Bica...

Ønsker vårt nye familiemedlem velkommen i morgen ❤️ Athena ❤️ hun er datter av vår Chika's sønn Albert ❤️ Cayahogas Bicas Girl on Fire/Athena

(Kesira Atletica's Uriel/Cayahogas Louises Bianca)

Kennel Kesira atletica har 8 vakre whippet valper som er leveringsklare i midten av august 2017 og født 14.juni 2017. Det er 4 gutter og 4 jenter etter Far: Sobers Lucifer/ Lusen og Mor: Kesira Atletica's Magic/ Chika Valpene leveres Registrert i NKK, Chippet, Helsesjekket, vaksinert og med en valpe...

Put youre pictures of youre Kesira Atletica dogs here so everyone can see how they live and grow :)

Put youre pictures of youre Kesira Atletica dogs here so everyone can see how they live and grow :) En gutt og en tispe ledig
31/05/2016 En gutt og en tispe ledig

Kennel Kesira atletica har 7 vakre whippet valper som er leveringsklare i slutten av juni 2016 og født 1. mai 2016. Det er 3 gutter og 4 jenter etter Far: Utzon Admiral Von Schneider/ Nick og Mor: Kesira Atletica's Magic/ Chika Valpene leveres Registrert i NKK, Chippet, Helsesjekket, og med en valpe...

VI har nå en tispe og en gutt igjen for salg. Kennel Kesira atletica har 7 vakre whippet valper som er leveringsklare i slutten av juni 2016 og født 1. mai 2016. Det er 3 gutter og 4 jenter etter Far: Utzon Admiral Von Schneider/ Nick og Mor: Kesira Atletica's Magic/ Chika Valpene leveres Registrert...

"Jugend love":Photo/ Retuch: www.sisselnystad.comModel: Elise HalkjelsvikDesign/ styling: MAKELØS. Kristin E Halkjelsvik...

"Jugend love":
Photo/ Retuch:
Model: Elise Halkjelsvik
Design/ styling: MAKELØS. Kristin E Halkjelsvik
Teknical assistent: Kenneth Johansen
DOgs from Kesira Atletica

5,5 weeks

5,5 weeks

wish you all a wonderful springtime :) The puppies are 3,5 weeks old and they all have got new nice homes they will move...

wish you all a wonderful springtime :) The puppies are 3,5 weeks old and they all have got new nice homes they will move to next month :D


Kennel Kesira atletica har 7 vakre whippet valper som er leveringsklare i slutten av april 2015 og født 23. februar 2015.Det er 4 gutter og 3 jenter etter Far: Utzon Admiral Von Schneider/ Nick og Mor: Kesira Atletica's Magic/ Chika Valpene leveres Registrert i NKK, Chippet, Helsesjekket, vaksinert…


WIch you all a wonderful summertime :D


Kirkeveien 47



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