Rønningen Tær, Fjær og Veterinær

Rønningen Tær, Fjær og Veterinær Små oppdateringer og bilder fra vår hverdag. Alt fra dyr, skoinger av hest og veterinærbehandlinger.

Historien om EiraLille Eira ble 3 uker gammel mistet av moren sin under flytting fra et rede til et annet. Til tross for...

Historien om Eira

Lille Eira ble 3 uker gammel mistet av moren sin under flytting fra et rede til et annet. Til tross for at finner gjorde alt riktig, kontaktet ekornhjelpen for råd og la Eira lett tilgjengelig for mor der hun ble mistet, kom aldri moren og hentet henne. Etter 5 timers forsøk på gjenforening ble det besluttet å gripe inn, og jeg hentet henne hos finner. Den lille kroppen veide bare 49 gram, og vi hadde litt startvansker med diaré av og på til tross for forsiktig fôring og nøye rehydrering. På et så lite ekorn er diaré veldig alvorlig, men vi klarte heldigvis å få has på det raskt. Løsningen ble en miks av rehydreringsvæske og morsmelkerstatning over en periode. Etter noen dager lå Eira og skrek da jeg kom for å hente henne og hun hadde ekstremt anstrengt pust og symptomer på infeksjon. Heldigvis er Eira sin matfar veterinær med mye erfaring med ekorn, og vi hadde passende antibiotika liggende så hun fikk umiddelbart. Vi gav også væske under huden så vi kjøpte litt tid i forhold til eventuell dehydrering. Utrolig nok kom Eira over også denne bakketoppen, og er nå en frisk og sprek liten ekornunge på 78 gram, med utallige egne meninger. Fremdeles får hun mat i ganske små mengder hver 3 time hele døgnet for å ikke overbelaste magen og tarmene.

Det har vært en berg og dalbane Eira, men en vi gladelig hadde kjøpt billetter til igjen for deg ❤️

When visiting the cabin over the weekend I saw Odin, Petronella and F***g. They were all in excellent shape 🤩 always suc...

When visiting the cabin over the weekend I saw Odin, Petronella and F***g. They were all in excellent shape 🤩 always such a pleasure to see them doing well after their release!

New family members:) A flock of bantam phoenix chickens. Meet Petrus and his girls Patella, Pleura and Papillae 😄

New family members:) A flock of bantam phoenix chickens. Meet Petrus and his girls Patella, Pleura and Papillae 😄

This little foster duckling was found with a leg injury in a ditch, but seems to be doing splendidly 😄 kind people took ...

This little foster duckling was found with a leg injury in a ditch, but seems to be doing splendidly 😄 kind people took care of it and called us 🦆

Babies are getting big 😊 I’m looking forward to seeing them in the trees 🌲

Babies are getting big 😊 I’m looking forward to seeing them in the trees 🌲

I forkant av årets hektiske tid ❤️Vil du hjelpe oss rehabilitere ville dyr i nød? Litt drahjelp til utgiftene settes sto...

I forkant av årets hektiske tid ❤️

Vil du hjelpe oss rehabilitere ville dyr i nød? Litt drahjelp til utgiftene settes stor pris på 😃

Eventuelle bidrag går til nødvendige ting til dyrene.

Happy new year ❄️🎉 The birds handled New Year’s eve very well  👌

Happy new year ❄️🎉 The birds handled New Year’s eve very well 👌

Conker ❤️ I love this guy, he’s so sweet and special. this weekend he and the a-team are making their big move to the ca...

Conker ❤️ I love this guy, he’s so sweet and special. this weekend he and the a-team are making their big move to the cabin, and eventually freedom.

Eiolf and Olea ❤️

Eiolf and Olea ❤️

Olea and Eiolf 😄

Olea and Eiolf 😄

Memories from earlier this summer with the A-team. Now they are soon old enough for release ❤️ they have welcomed Conker...

Memories from earlier this summer with the A-team. Now they are soon old enough for release ❤️ they have welcomed Conker into their midst and all 5 of them will be released together 🤩 photos by

Two of our girls, Krumle and Duffy Andert. Photo by

Two of our girls, Krumle and Duffy Andert. Photo by

Fosters Olea and Eiolf ❤️🐿️🐿️

Fosters Olea and Eiolf ❤️🐿️🐿️

Enjoying some quality time with Conker ❤️

Enjoying some quality time with Conker ❤️

Eiolf ❤️

Eiolf ❤️

Eiolf has opened his eyes ❤️🐿️ he’s also gained 30grams in just 9 days, and now weighs 82grams. Such a trooper.         ...

Eiolf has opened his eyes ❤️🐿️ he’s also gained 30grams in just 9 days, and now weighs 82grams. Such a trooper.

The A-team gathered for breakfast 😂❤️

The A-team gathered for breakfast 😂❤️

Conker is doing very well. I’ll try introducing him to “the A-team” when they move to a new room. It would be good for h...

Conker is doing very well. I’ll try introducing him to “the A-team” when they move to a new room. It would be good for him to be released with some friends 😃 photos by

«The A-Team», Cashew, Hazel, Peanut and Almendra 😄 Photos by

«The A-Team», Cashew, Hazel, Peanut and Almendra 😄
Photos by

One of our pea chicks 😄 photo by

One of our pea chicks 😄 photo by

Fostersquirrels Hazel and Alma ❤️ photo by Edward Noble

Fostersquirrels Hazel and Alma ❤️ photo by Edward Noble

Meet our new foster Eiolf. He’s about 3 weeks old, and has been injured by a cat. He’s on antibiotics and is doing well ...

Meet our new foster Eiolf. He’s about 3 weeks old, and has been injured by a cat. He’s on antibiotics and is doing well 😊 Eiolf came in via Ekornhjelpen together with a pinky (not yet coated squirrel) who sadly passed away soon after due to injuries from a fall.

Our foster Conker out exploring 🥰 not long until he’s ready to move to the cabin for release. Photo by Edward Noble     ...

Our foster Conker out exploring 🥰 not long until he’s ready to move to the cabin for release. Photo by Edward Noble


Conker vokser seg stadig større og sterkere 😄🍼 han kommer nok til å kose seg på finnskogen ❤️🐿️

Goodbye Helge the Hedgehog. I wish you the best of luck and hope you enjoy your second chance at life 😄🦔 after a last ch...

Goodbye Helge the Hedgehog. I wish you the best of luck and hope you enjoy your second chance at life 😄🦔 after a last checkup Helge was given the all clear and was released into a suitable environment far away from cars, lawnmowers and other man made dangers.

Conker is doing very well, and is soon old enough to move to one of our climbing habitats 😄 it has plenty of natural bra...

Conker is doing very well, and is soon old enough to move to one of our climbing habitats 😄 it has plenty of natural branches and is good for learning how to navigate the forest.


Meet our new temporary resident Helge the hedgehog 🙂 Helge was found lying lethargic in full sunlight on some gravel. My friend contacted me and brought him here. He was severely dehydrated and appeared to have blood on the spikes in one area. We couldn’t find any wound, so there’s a possibility it’s paint or something. He was also incredibly dirty and had engine oil on his spikes and skin. After some medication, subcutaneous fluids and a bath he perked right up. For now he appears to be in good shape, and will be released back to the wild when he’s gained some weight.


Rønningsvegen 202


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