Equidemia - Celina Skogan

Equidemia - Celina Skogan Each horse is valuable - for riders who care

🥳 The last weekend of August, we are welcoming Rachael Draaisma up north at our home in Storsteinnes, Balsfjord.Rachaël ...

🥳 The last weekend of August, we are welcoming Rachael Draaisma up north at our home in Storsteinnes, Balsfjord.
Rachaël is the leading expert on the field on Calming Signals & Scentwork. Now you might wonder what this is about?

👆 This work is beyond all riding philosophy, and is basically interesting for everyone. Scentwork can be used as a form of enrichment for horses. It sets the horse mentally up for curiosity and prepares the ground for an open mind.

⭐🦄This is interesting for horses that have little enrichment in their daily life, but also for horses to start working with humans, horses in rehab or chronically ill horses to keep mentally fit. This is also interesting for horses with behavioural challenges, or just for a better mental balance to enhance performance.

As we are working with the horses on the farm, you don´t need to bring a horse for participating. We will work in small groups and set up and develop tasks for the horses. Rachaël is a great and engaging speaker, you shouldn´t miss this opportunity!
Some spots are still open. Sign in now!

Join us for an exclusive two-day course with renowned equine behavior expert Rachaël Draaisma, focusing on Calming Signals and Scent Work. Held in Storsteinnes, this hands-on course will immerse you in the practical application of these vital techniques. Learn directly from Rachaël Draaisma, a lea...

🔴 Live at 19:00 - tonight in German, tomorrow in English.-English below -⭐ Kennt ihr die neusten wissenschaftlichen Erke...

🔴 Live at 19:00 - tonight in German, tomorrow in English.
-English below -

⭐ Kennt ihr die neusten wissenschaftlichen Erkenntinsse aus dem noch rech frischen Forschungsfeld der Lateralität?
Wir alle kennen das Phänomen, das manche (viele) Pferde eine Seite stark bevorzugen. Welche Einblicke uns das in die Pferdeseele gibt, diskutieren wir heute auf Deutsch und morgen auf Englisch live im Horsefriends Live Podcast auf FB.
🦄 Seid dabei, einfach einschalten!


⭐ Do you know the latest scientific findings from the still relatively new field of laterality? We all know the phenomenon that some (many) horses strongly prefer one side. What insights this gives us into the horse's psyche, we will discuss today in German and tomorrow in English live on the Horsefriends Live Podcast on Facebook.

🦄 Join us, just tune in!

To uker til!Academic Art of Riding by Bent Branderup i Norge, Sarpsborg, Tune RidesenterOver ryggen med Bent Branderup. ...

To uker til!
Academic Art of Riding by Bent Branderup i Norge, Sarpsborg, Tune Ridesenter
Over ryggen med Bent Branderup. Vi gleder oss

Når bærer hesten riktig?That is the question we are asking during this course.In individual lessons, students on different levels are working on this topic.Bent Branderup is diving deep. We will not only look at technical issues, but also pedagogical skills, biomechanics and evolution are topics i...

It´s 13 years now that I am running my own company. When I moved up to Norway, it literally put my business upside down....

It´s 13 years now that I am running my own company.
When I moved up to Norway, it literally put my business upside down.
Ok, maybe it wasn´t only the move, but also Corona.
Suddenly, my "normal" work as a clinician and instructor, travelling each weekend was simply not possible anymore.
But what is also true is that one door is closing usually means another door opens. I took everything online, created a plattform & membership for Equidemia, and started to offer education in health & academic riding for riders international.
Now I am sitting here in my office, and for the first time after 5 years, I am organizing a real life course again. I am looking forward to smelling horses again, to the socialising factor, interesting discussions and meeting people I only know from the screen.
June 29th/30th, Academic Art of Riding by Bent Branderup will come to Tune Ridesenter in Sarpsborg.
We have a great academic community in Oslo, who is taking controll over the all the preparations. I am just helping a bit in the background ;-)
-> Follow the event:
Over ryggen - når bærer hesten riktig? Is the topic we have choosen. Appears to be more important than ever before to discuss this topic.
Like to join us as a spectator? get your ticket here:

Søssa Jørgensen Yvonne Sariberget Eli Hoel Mamen Anja Storli Keller


Once upon a time, I bought a horse. Pretty exactly 20 years ago. And though he had beautiful eyes, he was not at all greateful to become my horse.
What I literally bought there a lot of trouble! Everything, really everything was difficult. And some of my attempts of “healing” were taking him into even more trouble. If I would have known what I know today, I would have saved him, me, us - a lot. Luckily, our bond was strong enough to continue growing. Despino never stopped believing into developing me with new challenges.

My soul project is Equidemia.Equidemia is short for Equine Academy. I started the project 8 years ago, and as it is, it ...

My soul project is Equidemia.
Equidemia is short for Equine Academy. I started the project 8 years ago, and as it is, it takes a while to put all the puzzle pieces on its place.
My dream is to empower horsepeople, and to create easy access to information. Scienced based, but easy to apply in practice. I want to empower trainer, therapists and riders to take informed decisions.
People and horses are different. Therefore, we offer two different roads to success.
The Online Academy is created for YOU & YOUR HORSE. Here you find information for your horse, can book private lessons, learn the tools of academic art of riding and get a broad perspective on equine health. You can connect with other riders from all over the world. We are billingual, and offer all courses and webinars in German & English, and you can be with just for watching and enjoying the plattform, but also as a rider with regular online lessons.
Check out the Membership: https://equidemia.com/membership/

Our new path is the MASTERCLASS. This pathway is for you if you like to build a science based fundament under whatever you do with your horses. It is free from riding philosophy. The Masterclass is the Summit concept, but more. It´s a deep dive. I am lecturing alongside people who do groundbreaking research in their field. It will be a blast, and I will learn at least as much as any of the participants. We are pioneering in the field of multidisciplinary education.
The first Masterclass will start April 26th 2024. And I am super exited to get this project online. We are open to 5 more people until we are fullbooked.
Check it out: https://equidemia.com/masterclass/

What if ...  it´s not about talent?I do hear very often, even as an excuse, that a horse is not talented enough to do ce...

What if ... it´s not about talent?
I do hear very often, even as an excuse, that a horse is not talented enough to do certain things. And than we aren´t talking about high school excercises, but about basics. Like a constant trott. Or clean canter on the longe line.
Let´s keep it simple stupid: That is not normal. Each healthy horse should have access to three very unspectacular gaites.
🔴On Friday evening, 18:00 Oslo Standard Time I am inviting you for a Live Call about Trainability.
Safe your spot with signing in.
We will cover the difference in between training and movement,
what is important if we deal with chronically ill horses.
I will share with you the different stages of training, that are applycable on each riding style that each trainer and rider shall know beyond training philosophy.
We will also shortly take a detour to science and pseudo science, and why it is important to differ.
What if .... there is already a clear road to walk that is not about talent?
I will also share with you my protokoll for horse health that I discuss with my students.
The spots are free, but limited.
💌My Love letters readers are always informed first and already took half the spots over night!

"You are always sick, you have too much stress."When it´s getting very silent here on social media, it´s usually me bein...

"You are always sick, you have too much stress."
When it´s getting very silent here on social media, it´s usually me being down with another infection. So it was the last weeks after the summit. The very well mend advice I usually get is to take it calmer and have less stress.
Too much stress has a negative impact on our immun system and is a real immun killer. But that is just a part of the story. Too little activation is also a real immun killer.
The immun system needs movement and activation to train and stay functional. Meaning: If we only sit on the sofa eating potato chips, our bodys will neither stay healthy. Though activation goes along with a certain amount of stress.
The same is true for our horses. If they only stand on the hay feeder eating, they will get fat, not fit. That is also called "undertraining" or "underactivation". Overtraining, on the other hand, is also a health killer. So, if we are having horses that constantly catch something, it´s worth to also check the training and see if it´s over- or undertrained. Sometimes, the solution can be simple (and often it is).
What is overtraining and what is undertraining? Now, that is very much depending on the individual. Each horse has a story, and that needs to be considered and the training needs to be adapted accordingly. One very good parameter can be monitoring the heart rate and signs of fatigue in the movement pattern. Hitting the sweet spot for training is quite an art on it´s own, but is neither rocket science. I actually teach it in the academy.
Another real stressor for the immun system is the general living conditions, and of course exposure to viruses and bakteria. That is leading me back to the introduction of this story. Because I am sharing my life and my bed with the most wonderful little human being I can image. But my daughter is 4, and goes to kindergarten. Kindergarten is a super spreader event. So, if you are an average parent of a toddler and spend most of the winter season with one or the other disease: Relax. It´s normal. It stops when they go to school. However much or little you train ;-).
Fill your toolbox with Knowledge:
Online Academy for leisure riders: equidemia.com/Membership/
Masterclass to professionalize: Equidemia.com/Masterclass/

Did you know that in Norway Easter already starts Wednesday afternoon? No? Neither did I.And, to be honest, I forget it ...

Did you know that in Norway Easter already starts Wednesday afternoon? No? Neither did I.
And, to be honest, I forget it each year. Growing up in Germany, I am mentally set up for Easter starting Friday. Most often, I will forget to schedule vacation for myself. Regularly, I am even setting up group meetings or webinars in the evening.
If my husband wouldn´t remember, I would probably starve over Easter. Because here, the shops are closing Wednesday afternoon.
On the picuture, you see typical north Norwegian Easter weather: Snow and Sun, giving you the warm spring feeling in the air and a craving for sunglasses (though it actually still hast - 5 or something ;-))
I start teaching now, because I of course forgot again it´s Easter and to block my calender. While I am stuck, I send my family for the traditional norwegian easter tradition: skiing ;-), building a snow "burg" and eating oranges in the sun. Making a fire for coffee, and grilling something. With a lot of sunblock, of course.
Why am I telling you that? Because I believe that my little family story is a beautiful reminder of that we are different, and big part of how we perceive the world is our environment, and the environment we were raised in. That is also true when discussing horses. We need to understand that words are only words, neither more nor less. People are having different understandings when they are using their words. And with horses, we even need to go one step further. We need to understand the species specific issues we are talking about. Being aware of it creates a better understanding for each other, and more room for peaceful development.
For the Equidemia Masterclass, already people from 5 different countries signed up. Also our teachers are coming from different traditions and backgrounds. One thing that unites them: The science based interest in horses, and being excellent in their fields. I am looking forward to listen to their stories and learn from them!

Masterclass: Equidemia.com/Masterclass/

I think hosemanship is a difficult thing. A lot is based on "gut-feeling" and personal experience. It also is pased on f...

I think hosemanship is a difficult thing. A lot is based on "gut-feeling" and personal experience. It also is pased on from generation to generation. Meaning: if there is a gap, knowledge is lost.
Not each generation has a great teacher that can multiply into making great students. And of these students, not each will again be a great teacher. So far, so normal.
Nowadays, we life in a world that has easy access to a lot of information. Don´t get me wrong, that is a great thing. But it also offer quick access to falsified information and believe based systems. A problem it gets when pseudo science is sold as scientific.
What is the difference in between Science and Pseudo-Science?
👩‍🔬 Science: Grounded in evidence, peer-reviewed research, and the scientific method, genuine science seeks to understand the natural world through systematic observation, experimentation, and analysis. It's open to revision based on new evidence and thrives on skepticism and inquiry.
❌ Pseudoscience: Conversely, pseudoscience often lacks empirical evidence and relies on anecdotal accounts, cherry-picked data, or flawed methodologies. It tends to cling to preconceived notions, resisting scrutiny and failing to undergo rigorous scientific testing.
To put it in a nut shell: When working with science, one is aware of the fact that a thesis is a thesis, knowing the weak spots that need further research. When working with pseudo science, it becomes a religion. It is not set up for falsification and doesn´t want to develop. It´s a religion.
I see the big damage that many of these pseudo-scientific methods that are spread are doing to both, humans and horses.
Please sahre your experiences with me: Where do you have experienced pseudo-scientific methods?
Fill your toolbox with science:
Summit : equidemia.com/summit-2024/
Online Academy: equidemia.com/Membership/
Masterclass: Equidemia.com/Masterclass/

🦄 Ich konnte mich nicht entscheiden. Reha Trainer? Osteopathie? Teacher Training? Irgendwie ist es alles davon, und viel...

🦄 Ich konnte mich nicht entscheiden. Reha Trainer? Osteopathie? Teacher Training? Irgendwie ist es alles davon, und viel mehr als die Summe seiner Teile. Nun heisst es einfach Equidemia Masterclass.
👆 Wenn man ein neues Produkt auf den Markt bringt, ist es immer unglaublich spannend. Was hat mein Hirn hier ausgebrütet? Und wie reagieren die Anderen darauf?
📌 Wenn die erste Runde unserer neuen Masterclass bereits gut gebucht wird, ohne dass ich sie beworben habe, dann nehme ich das mal als gutes Zeichen. Ich nehm das mal als Zeichen, dass noch mehr Menschen als nur ich das Konzept mega spannend finden.
👆 Lange habe ich mit verschiedenen Referenten gesprochen, rumgedacht, alles wieder verworfen, neu gedacht.... jetzt steht das Konzept. Und die Technick ;-)
🦄 Die Ausbildung, die ich mir selber gewünscht habe. Die Aus- und Weiterbildung für alle, die ihre Arbeit wissenschaftlich basiert und praktisch anwendbar haben möchten.
🗓 Ende April geht´s los. Und eins kann ich euch versprechen: Es wird sehr sehr spannend.
🥳 Neugierig? Schau mal rein:

Die einzigartige multidisziplinäre Ausbildung auf Universitätsniveau, geleitet von Celina Skogan und einem Team hochkarätiger Experten. Erlerne wissenschaftliches Fachwissen und praxisorientierte Fähigkeiten, um Pferde ganzheitlich zu verstehen und zu trainieren.

When I started the   in 2021, it was a typical Corona Project. Let's do something before we cannot do anything. I am bet...

When I started the in 2021, it was a typical Corona Project. Let's do something before we cannot do anything. I am better in activism than in nihilism ;-)
It started as a one day life event on Zoom, with short mini lectures, maximum 20 mins, TED Talk style. Short, sweet, inspiring. Out topic in that year was "Connection", from different perspectives.
Since, the summit grew each year. We were getting more and more professional with setting up the event. This year, we even had a landing page ;-)
My trust into the project also grows. Last year, we looked at the topic of Trauma & Stress in horses. This year, we dared to pick up the sensitive topic of "Painrecognition & Rehab".
I am really proud that we managed to create a save environment for speakers and listeners to share experiences. To inform without blaming. To fill toolboxes without shaming. To bring up the latest science, and connect it with practical experience. Because that is what we do so often miss: The bridge in between practical application and science.
I am overwhelmed by the fantastic feedback we got from many listeners and speakers. What Equidemia - Equine Academy as a company and me as a person are standing for is exactly this: creating a safe space for development for both people and horses. Providing science based facts with empathy and finding a starting point for development, wherever that point is.
I never wanted to "sell my soul" in the projects that Equidemia is doing and stay true to my core values. Still, huge projects like the summit simply don't work without support from the industry. Finding these two companies as supporters meant also finding partners in crime who are sharing my core values of horsemanship. I couldn't wish for better partners in the team. Great thanks to Barock Flair - art of riding shop & Centaural Studio equestrian couture.
I would like to say thank you to all the people who made this event special. Many of the speakers are also becoming a safe space for me to brainstorm with and to share ideas, or even friends. I could tell you little stories about each which encouraged me to push forward when I got insecure.
As Julica Valentiner always says: We are many! Let's not stop. Together, we can drop our ideas and help to make the horseworld a better place. For man AND horse.
Next step with joint forces: Masterclass

How did that happen?Already last day of the Equidemia Online Summit!If you joined us before, you might have found out ab...

How did that happen?
Already last day of the Equidemia Online Summit!
If you joined us before, you might have found out about the upbuild of the Summits.
We start with background knowledge, and what we need to understand for filling our toolbox.
First, we need to realize that something is off at all. Than we can take informed decisions about the next steps.
Therefore, we spend the first two days with training our eye, and filling our toolbox to see that "something is off". Under the headline of "Beahiour or Pain" we started the Summit.
Yesterday, we looked at a more multidisziplinary approach of rehab: Next to training, what might be the management adjustments? How to carry the load as a human?
And today, we look at the perspective of what can we actively do for Rehab? What are the green lights in Training, and what are the red flags?
Today we listen to: Ralf Frehse & Tanja Friedburg, Anke Recktenwald BKB Pferd & Mensch in Balance, Krischke - Reiten mit Ziel Diana Krischke, and my dear collegue Stine Larsen Straume. Julica Valentiner & me will wrap the event up in the evening.
In the end, you have an overall toolbox and are well equiped to navigate your horse back to trainability

When, at the end of the day, I could add something to my toolbox, I always believe it was worth the work.This is the gui...

When, at the end of the day, I could add something to my toolbox, I always believe it was worth the work.
This is the guideline with that I also optimize the summit program and hand-pick speakers.
Though I get each year many application for speakers (and thank you for that, don´t stop doing it!), I am always very "special" and picky with the lectures. Different to other summits, this is not a pure marketing event (though we all need to earn money).
My wish is to offer deep content, that inspires you, fills you toolbox and creates curiosity for more.
More tools, more awareness, more ligthness and as a result of this, more welfare. Equine AND human. Because we can only create equine welfare with a human that feels good and empowered.
That is also the reason why I never work with guilt (If you don´t buy that, your horse will suffer. If you don´t do this, your horse get.... fill in whatever sh**** you heared), but with empowerment. The same our speaker do who team up for events like this.
In an ideal world, not only me, but also all the speakers are getting inspired by each other, start communicating and discussing.
We all are learning while walking - äh, riding - too.
My take home yesterday was:
- When Massaging can make a difference (Tanja Friedburg)
- It is human to protect our selves getting overwhelmed (Anja Hass)
- Watch your horses face carefully in different situations and they will tell us how they feel (Marlitt Wendt)
- The cervical spine can be a telescope or a bottle neck (Thirza Hendriks)

And in the end, each story is as individual as each horse. Thank you for your bravery to share, Ylvie Fros.

What did you take home so far?
Fill your toolbox :
Summit : equidemia.com/summit-2024/
Online Academy: equidemia.com/Membership/
Masterclass: Equidemia.com/Masterclass/

Today is office day. Because tomorrow, the Equidemia Online Summit starts.On my to do list for today is:-> Uploading the...

Today is office day.
Because tomorrow, the Equidemia Online Summit starts.
On my to do list for today is:
-> Uploading the presentations from tomorrows speakers into the live events.
-> Last Teck check (the last one of minimum 1000 ;-))
-> Helping to answer questions to our listeners and presenters.
And, maybe I forgot something... ah ja, preparing my own lectures. Luckily, I work best under pressure ;-)
One should think that their is a lot of competition in between horse-professionals. My experience is the opposite. The better we get, the more we can share experience and cooperate respectfully. Because we all share the same vision: A better horseworld.
And though it appears often opposite on social media, we we see all the gruesome pictures: We are many. And we are many with different specialities. When I am talking about specialities, I am not talking about riding philosophy. I am speaking about professionals riders, who seek for communication instead of pressure. I am speaking about scientists, who make us understand that behaviour always has reasons. I am speaking about ethologists, explaining the equine behaviour and nutritionalists, who give us the simple understanding how to understand the species better.
Don´t miss the chance to learn form professionals, scientists and practitioners. Support our speakers missions: A better horseworld. Over 500 people are already joining the summit as active participants. If you are one of them, congratulations. If you aren´t, run and safe your seat. Pay what you can: starting from 1,- Euro and fill your toolbox.
We are many who are sharing this vision. Our Sponsors Barock Flair - art of riding shop and Centaural Studio equestrian couture are supporting our event, and I couldn´t wish for better partners in this mission. THANK YOU!
Fill your toolbox:
Summit: equidemia.com/summit-2024/
Pain Signal for download: shop.equidemia.com
Membership: equidemia.com/membership/

We are looking forward to listen to:
Equidemia - Equine Academy Anja Hass Zentauer - Harmonie zwischen Pferd und ReiterAcademic Art of Riding by Bent Branderup Zefanja Vermeulen Functional Horse Training by Thirza Hendriks Andrea Kögler Kim Stubbe Frauke Musial Science for Horse Lovers - Dr. Frauke Musial Anke Recktenwald BKB Pferd & Mensch in Balance Diana Krischke Ralf Frehse Linenhof - Art of Riding School Tanja Friedburg Kingsmoor Manor - Holistic Praxis for Horse and Rider Marlitt Wendt Ylvie Fros Conny Röhm Tierwissenschaftliches Institut Merle Andresen- Unabhängige Beraterin für Pferdefütterung Julica Valentiner Katrin Obst Diana Landskron Science for Soundness Sandra Ruzicka Karen Gellman and Dyson .
Sharing is caring

"Not perfect, but...."When I am looking around at social media lately, many horse posts are starting with this sentence....

"Not perfect, but...."
When I am looking around at social media lately, many horse posts are starting with this sentence. I am wondering why this sentence is so popular.
Is it for beeing less vulnerable towards critics? Is it because our stomache feeling tells us something is wrong in the picture / video, but we need to post something anyway? Is it the focus on the end result, without keeping the eyes on the road? Or is it simply the fact that anonymous hating is so easy on social media, and we like to protect ourselves from that?
I tell you a secret: Nothing ever is perfect in horsetraining. Waiting for perfection will create a very stiff horse under a lot of pressure. But not only this, also a very stiff rider that is missing the most important ability: Enjoying the journey together with our horses.
When I am looking at horse pictures, I am looking at three things. And non of them is the performed excercise
🦄 Is the horse free of pain (signals)?
⭐ Maybe that sounds strange, but once you see a pain face and pain signals, you cannot unsee them. Even in positiv examples, even in rehab posts most often the horses are showing multiple pain signals: face, tail, posture. Does the horse show signals of fatigue?

🦄 Is the overall condition of the horse well?
⭐ How is the coat, how is the expression? Is it obese? How are the hooves? are the muscles well developed? A 4 year old doesn´t need to look like Schwarzenegger, and a 28 year old neither. Age appropriate, healthy would be more than enough for me.

🦄 Can the horse breathe?
⭐ Maybe stupid but: Are the horses basic needs supported? Can the horse breathe? Can the horse see where it steps towards? Does it have enough space to swallow its own saliva? We are so used to seeing horses that are too narrow, too deep, too round.
I do believe that respecting the horse as a partner is much more important than any perfection in the picture. And after all, a picture is anyway just a picture. Usually, we post our best moments, not our worst ones. Maybe we should do that instead for striving for perfection. Comparing, if our worst moments still cherish and respect the horse as a living being. That would be a valid guideline.
The problem with riding is one can only learn while walking, sorry, while riding. Each of us who is on this journey knows that. Personally, with all the years of experience I have nowadays, I feel there is more too learn that what I have learned already. I am very aware of: The journey never ends.
I feel a deep respect too all the beginners out there, to all the people who are on the way of seeking more knowledge and trying there best. Who are on the road and filling their toolbox. And I know: It´s a difficult one. Developing ourmindset and body at the same time as not loosing our horses out of focus.
Also our horses are on a the road. And also the very best horse needs to be educated. Also the oldest, most stiff horse has a message to teach. All of these steps have the same value, as all them are part of our journey.
So why do wee seek for perfection? If we can let go of this, there might be the space for a different horseworld. With less abusive training methods and more space for togetherness. With more true joy on each step of the way, however perfect it might be.
On this picture, you see my youngster Phoenix in a perfect unperfect moment. I do believe that he smiles a little. He often does that when we are together, however unperfect we are.
Please share your perfect unperfect moments with me

Do you know Sue Dyson´s 24 behaviours? In 2018, Sue Dyson published a study with 24 typical behaviours and compensation ...

Do you know Sue Dyson´s 24 behaviours?
In 2018, Sue Dyson published a study with 24 typical behaviours and compensation patterns that are hinting on muscosekeltal pain.
The idea was simply:
The reserachers realised that 50% of all horses are suffering from subtle lameness / pain issues owners and trainers were not aware off. They wanted to develop a tool easy applicable for everyone without years of study to evaluate their own horse, so horse owner would get empowered to aeventually seek help from professional side if necessary.
Though the study is highly recognised within professional circles, I still do experience that many horse owners, trainers, therapists and even veterinarians are not aware of the ethogram. Another misunderstanding I see is that people think the horse in in pain because of the rider. Thinking of abusive training methods, that is of course an issue. But that is just secondary to the pain ethogram. The Ethogram also reveals these issues, but is primary meant for discovering hidden pain, that is subtle enough to be difficult to be discovered.
With the help of the Ethogram (and my wonderful vets who support me in my crazy ideas) we discovered several issues in my own flock. Here's one of them:
My 6 year old Coldbloodtrotter suffer from a genetic joint disease in all distal joints in 3 from 4 legs. Thanks to the Ethogram, I discovered 6 behaviours in his training that made me suspicious and got me searching. He wasn't "lame" for a day. He never backed or was disobedient. He just couldn't trott forward down, tail switching was often, fell over the outside shoulder. He also didn't lift the right hind well enough (no wonder after I saw the x-rays). He showed counter stellning to the right, and his eye got triangular when I started to trott. We researched everything in his body, took a while until we found the joint degeneration - that was the last thing we looked at, the horse covered up so well, it wasn't obvious.
After the shock, I started proactively to change my training. Applying the ethogram detecting dsicomfort, I trained him according to his wishes. Let's face it, he will never become a full performer. But we can keep him as happy and healthy as possible with a mix of fitness, proprioception, slow pole work, long walks outside and academic art of riding (or groundwork) with low intensity. Always keeping an eye on expressions.
And isn't that what we are here for? Using the training for the horse, not the other way around?
The ethogram is essential and available to all horse owners.
In the Equidemia Shop you can download them - in German and English, for the price YOU can afford.
go to-> https://shop.equidemia.com

The money of the product goes into other projects for equine welfare. Next, we would like to realise the Equine Grimace Scale.
Don't forget to share with others!

Interested in the real study? Continue Reading:


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