Iskcon Pokhara sankirtan tommorow at 8AM in Pokhara Gaushala. All are Heartily welcomed.
An effort to protect the local cows of Nepal. #pokharagaushala #harekrishna #savecows #nepalicows
Today is the second Day of her in Pokhara Gaushala. She is doing better Today. #pokharagaushala #savecows #cowrescue #nepalicows nepalicows
जीम्मेवारी लीन न सके किन खानु गाईको दुध। #pokharagaushala #savenepalicows #pokhara #nepal
पोखरा 15, शिव मन्दिर नजिक को गाई को ऊद्धार।
एकादशीको शुभ दिन पारेर गौशाला लाई सहयोग गर्नु भएकोमा नमन छ मानव मीलन संस्था लाई।
Lumpy Skin disease impact on the cows at Pokhara Gaushala. Its been more than a month we are still struggling hard to cure the cows as soon as possible.
Pokhara Gaushala
Pokhara Gaushala पोखरा गौशाला is badly impacted by the ongoing viral lumpy skin disease. We are working hard to minimise the loss. #pokharagaushala #pokhara #savecows #nepalicows #lumpyskindisease
Cows at Pokhara Gaushala are being impacted by the Viral lumpy skin disease. We are trying hard to control the damage being caused to the cows.
Viral Lumpy Skin Disease infects Cow at Pokhara Gaushala. Praying to GOD that we are able keep it under control.
Pokhara Gaushala.
#pokharagaushala #pokhara #savecows #nepalicows
One month old calf has come under the shelter of the Pokhara Gaushala. Theres no certainity of life. Only take away from this world is only Karma.
#pokharagaushala #nepalicows #pokhara #savecows
Pokhara Gaushala family would like to thank the Art of Living Family for donating Rice Straw to cows on the occasion of the birthday of the Gurudev. #pokharagaushala #artoflivingpokhara #pokhara #nepalicows
Pokhara Gaushala family would like to thank the Art of Living Family for donating Rice Straw to cows on the occasion of the Gurudev's birthday. #artoflivingpokhara #pokharagaushala #pokhara