This Fella is super tame, loves nibbling you, sitting on your head and loves phones.
Sadly I can't keep everything😄, Pm me if interested.
He is a show quality budgie and is split recessive pied but he also would make an awesome pet😊
And we are back🤗🤩🤩
Episode 4 of the variety videos
All about Dominant Pieds
Its finally done 🤩🤩
Episode 3 of the variety videos is done.
Lets learn all about spangles!!
Sorry if a was tripping over my words abit in the video, but hope you can still understand it well.
Let me know what you thoughts about it😁 or if you guys have any other ideas in what you would like me to cover.
Also what else ideas or things you would be interested in to see, updates on nests, nest vlogs, what aviary tours involve, diet for birds, etc..
my goal is to help people and share my knowledge and passion to many people as i can😊 and make a safe place were people can feel like they can ask questions and learn about budgie breeding, showing, and genetics.
and if those who are not interested in that and just enjoy seeing the posts of birds and a few of the parrots thats fine too 😊.
Hope you all have a great week ahead.
Episode 2 learning about the variety called Opaline 🤩
Hey guys, finally its done 🤩. Sorry for the late video, my day didn’t go as planned and the video took way longer to edit it all then the last one. But anyway here it is 🙂 Hope you enjoy it😁😁😁
Episode 2 learning about the variety called Opaline 🤩
Would love to hear others feed back on the video as well 😊
NOTE: so i forgot to mention about how you tell what is what when they are really young in the nest and haven't coloured up yet.
So first off those who dont know (down) is like fluffy feathers they have before they start to colour up) so all chicks with white down will be opalines and grey down for normals.
Sorry guys I didn't manage to get the whole variety video done today, but will be posted tomorrow afternoon.
In the meantime enjoy this wee hen
She loves people and extremely curious, just shows how much time i spend in with the birds 😅 as she was not handreared or specially hand tamed.
She is one of the hens i will keep for foster pair and breeding pretty colour for pets for people.
Any name suggestions for her ?
I dont normally name my birds as i wouldn't remember all their names, but shes a wee special bird, everyone loves her on the aviary tours as she comes right up to you and interacts with you😊
Its finally done!
Hope its easy to understand ?
Please let me know what you think of it🙂
As gives me an idea of what the next variety video will look like, either similar to this one or more too it.
This is a variety not many people have seen before. (Sadly the camera doesn't show the true beauty of the red violet cock bird, due to cameras can't comprehend violet)
So red violet is technically a df violet with a gene modifier, which is the red hue /sheen to him, but you only can see it in person.
You can see the colour shade difference between the cock(red violet spangle(possibly opaline, but hard to tell as hes very poorly marked) and the Hen df(double factor) violet normal.
These are paired up to get more red violets
And to produce even more deeper purple birds. In person this is pretty much his real shade of colour 💜 which if you have been here in person you would have seen before.
Note this cage is just for video purposes, not their living place.
Charlie is off on one of his farm adventures
Those who dont know about Charlie,
He is a 90 year old sulfur crested cockatoo
He can't fly at all due to being neglected in his past which he has permanent damage to both his wings and damage to one of his foot.
Very exciting!! this pair which i call the male odd ball as not sure what his variety is, i have my suspicions but won't beable to prove it till i breed him. They have 2 eggs now, hope they are fertile as half siders sometimes are not fertile.
The hen is your typical normal blue, shes not carrying anything in her pedigree. Which you want when trying to figure out what this male is, as if i get a random mutation from this pair i will know it has come off the males side and not the hens.
Note for those new Here, this cage is not the birds cage they live in, they are only in this cage for photo and video purposes.
Even tho Charlie's 90 years old he still has lots of energy and very cheeky . He hates me changing his news paper at the bottom of his cage, its all ripped it all up in minutes 🤣 very demanding in scratchs as well, and if he doesn't get scratches screams till he does😅
Looking for new post codes, pm me for more info.