All donations are welcome: 06-0837-0408374-00 PUSSN BOOTS KITTY RESCUE. Registered not for profit charity. We rely solely on donations to operate, all donations are much appreciated:
Bank transfer: 01 0886 0171625 47 PUSSN BOOTS Kitty Rescue Acct
Welcome to PussnBoots Kitty Rescue. We are a local Temuka fami
ly that have decided that its important to take in these animals and give them a fresh start. We give them all they need - food, love, warmth, socialising, medications etc and spend as long as it takes with each kitten so they can be rehomed into a loving forever home. We put huge time effort and $$ in and believe in what we are doing, we don't ever like to see an animal suffer and we have cats, dogs and birds of our own. We are grateful - and completely reliant on the community - for all donations, and we are very grateful for the donations recieved no matter the size. We need full community support to be able to maintain the rescue. PUSSN BOOTS Kitty Rescue Acct
01 0886 0171625 47
As of 11 April 2022, PUSSN BOOTS is a registered charity - this means you can receive a 33% tax rebate for all donations of $5 or more. Charity Registration No. CC60029
Alternatively, you can donate directly into our vet account:
Temuka Vetlife
03 08870417199 00
reference PNB1
Paddock Vets
02 0836 0055773 00
Reference: kitty rescue Hodgs19
Our adoption fee is $200 per kitten
A $50 non refundable deposit is required to hold your kitten for you unless the kitten is ready to go on the day of adoption. Waimate, please pm page
Oamaru, please pm page
Timaru Drop off - North Park .Motels Washdyke
Temuka drop of point is The Tea pot Inn
Pleasant point - Envy Hair Salon main rd point
Ashburton, please on the page for detailsMethven, Please pm page
Christchurch, please pm page
We thank them for being on board. We thank each and everyone for their support.