#doggiebirthday #doggiewaggietail #dehydrateddoggiebones #treatsfordogs #doggiecupcakes #doggielove #spoiltpooch #doggiebirthdaystoo #doggieslife
Another very happy wagging tail customer! #doggietreats #doggielove #doggie #howickvillagemarket #doggiewaggietail #doggiewaggers #livertreatsarethebest
I think Fergy is one happy doggie customers the tail says it all. See you on Saturday at Howick market Fergy.
#doggietreats #doggielove #doggie #treatsfordogs #doggiedehydratedbones #doggiewaggers #doggiewaggietail #howickvillagemarket
Lovely to see when the treats are going down well. These doggies get their special treats delivered to their door every week to ensure they can enjoy them, hold them and roll on them before devouring them!
#doggietreats #doggielove #treats #treatsfordogs #doggybones🐶 #dogtreatsnz #livertreatsarethebest #healthydogtreatsdelivered #doggiedehydratedbones
On a hot summers day Keko loves his frozen mutt peanut butter and yogurt treat.
The perks of being chief taster!
Frozen or ready to freeze tasty treats which also go well when stuffed into a trachea and popped into the freezer to ensure it’s nice and cold to cool pups down! #doggiefrozenyogurt #doggiefrozentreat #doggieicecream #doggiefrozenlickmat #doggiefrozentreats #doggiefrozenmuttoeanutbutter #doggiefrozen #doggieicepop
Another birthday cake done and another very happy customer. Ziggy was very keen to get stuck into his special birthday cake. Happy birthday Ziggy. #doggietreats #doggiebirthday #doggielove #doggie #doggiebirthdaylove
The beautiful Ruby who is so polite when having a taste of her 1st doggie birthday cake.
Happy birthday Ruby #doggiebirthday #doggielove #doggie #doggiebirthdaylove
Ruby. Another happy customer on her 1st birthday 🍰🦴🎂🐶 #doggiebirthday #doggielove #doggie #doggietreats #doggiebirthdaylove
Keko has enjoyed his day off in Oneroa.
Happy customer this morning! Toby working for his doggie treats #doggietreats #doggiebirthday #doggielove #doggie #doggiebone #doggiecupcakes #DoggieCakes
Keko is usually straight in the sea. It took him some time to get the ball 😂😂 #doggywalks🐾 #doggyswim #happydoggy #doggielove #doggie