Hope your week has had these vibes!!!
its a great training day when your pony Is so proud of herself she keeps practicing just for fun! This was after about 5 mins of following a target and receiving food rewards on the float and ramps, when she entered voluntarily (she did not have a lead rope on). Snowy has not been on or near the float in probably a year, and I cant actually recall if she has ever been the whole way in. Very proud of my big Snowball!
I realised I have an accidental habit of only posting sad things on this forum, so today it is happy things! this video might look pretty simple, but it is an amazing milestone for me, and for Wren. Wrens first ride using his bit-less bridle, and using my aids to communicate with him. He is calm and happy, and I am calm and happy. I have always wanted to 'start' my own horse, and having bred and cared for wren since the day he was born, I want the process to be kind, fair and fun for him always. I feel truly under way with it now. A massive thanks to my awesome friend Vince Meineke for being my right hand man all along the process, and Bex Tasker from Positively Together for being a key part of my positive reinforcement learning. And a massive shout out to all the amazing WM students who have helped Wren grow into the fabulous horse he is today.
This video is a bit longer. This is the course for this months international horse agility club starter level. Here is Rebecca and Addie practicing their liberty! Haven’t they done a nice job today in the rain! Such a fun way to hang out with our equine friends.
Bonnie, the words biggest scaredy cat, doing the best job of the flag station! This is part of this months obstacle course. Rebecca Wootten has done such a great job helping Bonnie with her confidence.
Hope your weekend is going as well as this! The big kids having a mini vacation into the long grass.
When your student lovingly bathes the white pony for half an hour…….
Hope you are enjoying a bit of sunshine today, like our friend Wren 🙂
What a stunning winters day it was today! ☀️
Lessons today were about learning how to work with a clicker. Tia absolutely LOVES this way of working - as you can see by her big, enthusiastic, joyful movements! 🌟🐎💃🏾
#tia #clickertraining #whiskymeadefarm
Hello Whisky Meade crew. Me and the ponies are missing you all very much, and will be working hard to get horse time up and running as soon as we are able to, once lockdown restrictions reduce. Until then, check out this AWESOME video made by our talented student Poet Kent. It totally made my day!!