Free shaping with 2 yr old Sammy 🌟 #freeshaping #freeshapingdog #dogtraining #obedinece #offlead #offleadtraining #ovediencetraining #behaviourtraining #bordercollie #nzdogtrainer
09.08.23 Tuesday Onlead Adventures!! #packwalk #onlead #adventures #colourfulcaninesnz
04.08.23 Fridays fun in the sun ☀️ 🌟🥰 #packwalk #offleadadventures
02.08.23 Todays lovely chill Wednesday Onlead walk through bushland 🌲 ❤️
31.07.23 Dog days 😎 #monday #packwalk
01.08.23 Tuesday floofers out and about! #packwalk #offleadadventures
28.07.23 Fridays big crew of muddy puppers 🐾🐮
26.07.23 Wedensays Onlead crews 1 & 2 checkin out the scenery ☀️🐩🌲
27.07.23 Thursdays Packwalkers! 🐕 Aida’s first day back with us after injury, such a pleasure! #packwalk #walkies #colourfulcaninesnz
24.07.23 Advanced class showing how far they’ve come with their poochies! So proud of you guys! We’ve covered: ⭐️Focus ⭐️Heel/Loose lead walking ⭐️Bed/Place ⭐️Come/Recall ⭐️Leave it ⭐️Impulse control ⭐️Owner engagement ⭐️Onlead & Offlead reactivity with all the extras! ⭐️ Our most recent works have included ECollar training, appropriate offlead socialisation & concreting our down-stays ! Go team! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 Ft. Our homestay doggies helpful as training aids! Tī & Harry! 💖
20.07.23 Thursdays happy bunch frolicking in the fields ✨🌲
19.07.23 Wednesday’s wicked farm adventure ✨🌟🌿