Gypsy was the videographer today.
This is what she filmed
Here’s the latest B roll. Hopefully there’s no repeats. Taking pictures of dogs can be hard sometimes 😂
Water in its various forms this week.
A fine day but an icy trail at Waihaha on my day off with my friend Andrea from Golden Oaks then into a week of foggy mornings, rainy mornings, raincoats & dodging showers.
I STILL love my job even in the rain ❤️
First in the caption this series is Kitten
She was amazed!
A smattering of videos & pics from this week & the last half of last week.
All my new friends are settling in well with their groups.
Cooper - so consistent! He’s an easy going lad & fits in with the girls so well 😊
George (doesn’t matter which one) love the George dogs.
Chester - what a sweet little man
Sage - so good to see her confidence growing. She’s making friends amongst her regular pack mates
Today tho… Cooper, Nellie, Kitten & Jessie came on a brisk walk around Lake Ngaroto. I can walk pretty fast & there aren’t a lot of people who can keep up for very long. Andrea from Golden Oaks is 1 & today, I met another. Eric from Hamilton. He not only kept up, he closed the gap!!! Surprisingly quick AND older than me 😮
Also, I propose Nellie as a unit of measurement.
Eg “the Lake Ngaroto boardwalk is 5 Nellie’s wide”
This week in pictures!!!
Also There is nothing better than taking your dog for a run in the forest.
Here’s a couple of my top spots:
What: Te Miro Mountain bike park.
Where: Waterworks road Cambridge
Love this little spot for hot summer days. It’s very sheltered & shady. There is a toilet in the carpark & a large man made lake in the centre. It is a mountain bike park so on lead walks only & take a look at the rules on the board by the gate.
What: Cougar Mountain bike park
Where: Mossop Road, Tokoroa
As above. Quite a big park with loads of forestry roads & tracks. Dogs on lead only. Toilet in the carpark
What: Timber Trail
Where: Maraeroa Road, Pureora
You need a DoC permit for this one. Email the Te Kuiti office & they’ll sort you out.
Beware of cyclists approaching from behind. Everyone is pretty good at sharing this amazing resource tho. No dogs allowed after the Maramataha Suspension Bridge (about 55 km from start) as the trail changes to privately owned land.
Toilets at the start & along the trail. 11 km, 27 km, 40 km, 56 km… I stopped counting after that but there are a good number of toilets dotted along the entire trail roughly 15-20 km apart
Better work stories.
Cat attacks. Just terrifying!!!
I was out one Thursday with Jessica & my lovely Cambridge Goldie. George was having a day off so it was just me and the Thursday girls.
We were just cruising around a newish route in Cambridge. I saw something appear in my peripheral vision & turned to see a large standard issue tabby. It was following us & looked very confident. It took me a second to realise that HOLY MOLY! The cat was after us.
We walked on faster & it sped up 😳 I stopped & tried to repel it by squirting it with my water bottle. It made the kitty stop for a split second but it seemed it was intent on having a piece of us so we abandoned our dignity & RAN. The blimmin thing chased us 50 metres up the road 😳
We were stalked & chased by a cat!!!
Never thought I would put those words into a sentence in that order.