I have a lot of clients who feel that they can't experience and work through strong or uncomfortable emotions with their pets present.
If they are sad, these humans might suppress their tears, or run away to another room to have a cry.
If they are frustrated, they will bottle it up and try to hide it.
If they are stressed they will do everything they can to cover it up, so 'it won't affect their pets'.
I've got some news for you.
Your pets can see right through you and out the other side, when it comes to how you are feeling!
And in fact- the more you suppress and deny your all too human emotions and feelings, the more your pets will feel them (and be impacted by them!).
It's better than ok to feel and express all of your emotions (in healthy ways) WITH your pets, in their presence.
This will not harm your pets. Rather, it gives your pets a beautiful opportunity to help and support you. And it makes the whole family healthier when there are no feelings and emotions being suppressed, and bottled up, or pushed down.
The truth is that whenever you suppress and try to hide your feelings, they always leak out all over the place and affect everyone (and not in a good way).
The more you can be with and experience your emotions in healthyways, WITH your pets present, the better!!!
I help animals all over the world heal and be well + happy with holistic veterinary care, kind training, and energy healing. If you want me to help your pets, message me! Zoom and in person appts available.