This is a post to let you all know, we're rebranding! VIPets has been through a few changes over the past 10 years, we started out as mostly pet sitting with a few solo walks at lunchtime. The most major was moving away from pet sitting to focus exclusively on group adventures. VIPets has always had a focus on the health and wellbeing of the pets in our care, this will continue with the release of a range of organic, plant-based, human-grade treats for your dear friends to enjoy. This page will be sharing health-based information about your darling doggies. The dog adventures will move here: https://www.facebook.com/DogAdventuresNZ where I will still share photos and notes of my dear friends and I out on location. Please follow us there if you are interested in seeing updates. Thanks for bearing with me while I make the transition. Thanks also for your support over the years, I do appreciate it! Thanks again, Lesley xx