Happy New Year everyone!
Time to start thinking about activities for the year? Have you thought about trying some agility with your dog/s? I have a foundation class starting in a couple of weeks and to kick the year off, I'm offering one week trial night for free :-) Come along and try it out!!
***Beginner Agility Class***
Next Course will be starting Wed 22nd January at 6:30pm at the Otago Equestrian Centre on Dukes Road, Mosgiel.
If you're interested in -
* playing training games with your dog
* improving your dog's desire to work with you
* improve your dog's ability to work with distractions
* build your dog's confidence
* learn the fun sport of agility
Dog's should be 8-12 months old (or older but can start at 6mth for foundations without equipment), and already have a reasonable level of control. This course is a fun, no pressure introduction to agility. The class costs $100 for the six weeks.
Please PM if you're interested.