Obedience course - The next course will start on Jan the 22nd 2025.
There will be two classes running.
6.30pm to 7.30pm - This class is full but a name can be put on a short list if this is the only time that suits you
7.30pm - 8.30pm - This class has just opened up so pop your name down if you are interested.
Mosgiel Indoor Equestrian Centre. Corner of Dukes and Hazlett Rd.
Wed nights. 6 Weeks. $125
Suitable for pups from 16 weeks onwards or any adult dog that needs a reminder/socialising/confidence building
Course will cover -
Teaching sit/down/ (on the first command)
Walking nicely on lead without pulling
Recalls - How to get your dog to come back when called each time.
How to focus on and listen to the handler
Stays - Teaching a good solid stay
How to ignore other dogs (this will benefit dogs that lack in confidence or social skills )
Building a better relationship between you and your dog
Teaching tricks and playing games
All ages and breeds welcome
There will also be an agility class running at the same time.
If you're interested in -
* playing training games with your dog
* improving your dog's desire to work with you
* improve your dog's ability to work with distractions
* learn the fun sport of agility
Dog's should be 8-12 months old (or older) and already have a reasonable level of control. This course is a fun, no pressure introduction to agility.
The next obedience course date following this course will be March the 12th. I am not sure if I will run one or two classes yet. You can also pm to pop your name down for this date.
Send a message to learn more