Lifelong student of the horse.
Over the past couple of months Memphis and I have attended two clinics. The first was with Ben Longwell True West Horsemanship. I’ve attended 4 or 5 of Ben’s clinics before and love his approach – particularly the focus on how to use our energy and life vs over reliance on tools (flags, rope twirling).
At Ben’s clinic I talked to him about how I felt I was a bit stuck progressing with Memphis. Given her history I've been reluctant to ask her to go faster/move with more dynamism. He reassured me of how far we had come in terms of mental engagement (connection) and to take confidence in that to ask for more movement. Essentially I needed to let go of her past and be confident that she’ll come with me. Well as soon as I mentally made that shift I had a different horse! Was it perfect? No but we now had much more to work with to continue our journey together. So, the lesson here ‘change the way you look at things and the things you look at change’.
The 2nd clinic was with the amazing Elsa Sinclair organised by Jane Pike of Confident Rider. Freedom based training is a whole other dimension and rabbit hole of horsemanship. What I loved about this work was how present, observant and patient you need to be. You have to be very mindful in order to work in this way. It was lovely to hear from Elsa that Memphis and I have a strong connection, she wanted me to be close and to take me places😍. Elsa’s clinic reminded me that this is a lifelong journey with many moments where I thought “I know nothing ” but isn’t that wonderful at the same time? 🐴