Friday 21 March
Clear blue skies and sunshine. Metservice said 26ยฐC but it felt more like 30ยฐC. No bunnies or possum were spotted so they had to made do with the geese who are far smarter than the crew.
Thursday 20 March
Today Willow joined us and was as expected a distraction for wee lan who received several reprimands for mouthing. By the time we'd reached the fields they'd sorted themselves out and played relatively nicely. Spud l believe was miffed by the attention Willow received and tried to take it out on wee lan for which he got a righteous bollocking. Overall however proceedings were peaceful. Well done Willow you've earned your stripes today ๐
Bonnie Batsy Nuku Ranger and Piki were todays spectators.
Wednesday 19 March
Today was a massive hikoi for them. They bagged themselves a possum. Got shocked by an electric fence on the other side of the Rubicon. I few ears needed fine tuning but overall they did extremely well. I'm very proud of you all my darlings โค๏ธ๐ฏ
Tuesday 18 March
HRH Kasey girl did not want to walk with us today which makes me sad๐
I've yet to work out the details for our shelter from the rain but today's impending deluge was the impetus to pull finger and get it done. Meanwhile we tried and succeeded to stay ahead of the wet stuff. Got back to the van just as the first salvo arrived - phew.
Wee lan gets better by the day - yus๐
Apologies for the weird video - l'm experimenting - sometimes unintentionally - with settings.
Monday 17 March
I can see the subtle difference in wee lan. Already listening and complying as best he can. Very pleasing to see. Now it's just a case of consistency. Rocky was his best bud today while l made sure wee lan was respectful - thank you so much Rocky for your forbearance๐๐ผ๐
Otherwise it was business as usual. Spud, Piki and Rocky played the stick game, Bonnie tried to supervise, Batsy, Bongo and Ranger plodded along at their own pace. A good day ๐
Sunday 16 March
Today's hikoi was totally impromptu. I've wanted to do it for some time but haven't felt up to it until today. Off we went to Mangaokewa i te rohe potae. It was awesome and the crew thought so too judging by the exploration and paddling in the gorgeous stream was anything to go by.
We had to walk through a busy carpark with many people with dogs. When they saw us they put their pooches on leash while the crew walked beautifully to heel off leash - l was so so proud of them all ๐
To celebrate l bought each of them a tub of real fruit blueberry ice cream which they scoffed in two or three wags of a tail - yummy.
Love & miss you Jackie-girl ๐ lf Leo wasn't infirmed l'd have called you to come with us. Thank you so much for showing us this wonderful placeโผ๏ธ
Saturday 15 March
Today's crew ; Batsy, Barney, Spud, Kasey, Bonnie Willow Piki and Ranger
This trip was specifically for Willow to walk with mature, sensible non-reactive role models. What a difference it made. What was once a nightmare to supervise has now become a pleasant meander. With no distractions - apart from Barney and that was easily controlled. Willow was a joy to work with. It was the right decision to make.
Friday 14 March
Macie, schnauzer and wee lan, Beardie bitser enjoy playtime companionship. Luna, kelpie cross supervised as did Barney.
Friday 14 March
Today's crew; Pongo, Tink, Spud, Batsy, Jock, Piki, Rocky and Timone.
Unfortunately the girls; Chanel and Birdie objected to some of the dogs. Safety first always! Sorry girls - no walkies. Maybe next time ๐ค
Concerned regarding over stressing the girls - I left Ranger, wee lan and house guest Barney home also. Wee lan got some necessary basic training with Amy and made a new friend of Macie (vid to follow) Barney helped put the little guy in place - well done Barney ๐
Pongo was initially reluctant as its been awhile since he's walked with me but a handful of treats and lots of praise soon won him over. I put him in the cab rather than the hold - to comfort and reassure him.
Jock and Spud were carefully monitored to ensure no argy-bargy.
Tink did her usual disappearing act.
Timone guarded the treats like a pro.
Batsy does things at his own pace and that's all good.
Piki kept us entertained with all out sprints.
Rocky is as his name suggests a rock - steadfast and dependable.
Thursday 13 March
Today's crew; wee lan, Bonnie, Spud, my beloved Kasey, Nuku, Batsy, Birdie, Chanel, Ranger and Piki.
It saddens me to see Kasey slowing down. I have to face reality that she will eventually cross that bridge. She's been my right hand, knows me better than l know myself. All l can do is love her with all my heart until we say goodbye ๐ข
On to a happier topic - todays walk. The girls, Birdie and Chanel were happy to join a familiar crew compared to yesterday. They were very good with Wee lan but even they will tire of the disrespect. Ian listens when he's able but it's time to tune those ears in which is up to his owner.
We saw no bunnies or hare for them to chase but the geese kindly obliged.
Wednesday 12 March
Today's crew; wee lan, Spud, Jock, Batsy, Timone, Rocky, Sandy, Kotiro, Piki and Ranger. Chanel and Birdie were also scheduled to join us however they objected to dogs they were unfamiliar with. Safety first - they stayed home. See you tomorrow instead girls. I'm starting to see the issues l need to address with Wee Ian. 1) respecting others boundaries in particular senior dogs! 2)scragging; grabbing hold of another's flesh and hanging on. As a rescue pup he would've missed all those valuable socialising lessons with his mum and litter mates. Steep learning curb ahead buddy. Rocky was very tolerant as was Kotiro, Sandy and Timone but even they have their limits.
Tuesday 11 March
Today's crew; Bonnie, wee Ian, Spud, Tink, Kasey Batsy, Piki and Ranger.
With great freedom comes great trust.
Unfortunately despite my best efforts a difference of opinion over a prized possum carcass occurred and wee lan ended up coping it๐ฑ
Thank you Rototuna Carevets for taking us at such short notice ๐๐ผ They were so wonderful with him he didn't even notice when the staple went in ๐
His fabulous dad said to lan as they walked off - "wow buddy more scars - the Chics are gonna love it" ๐๐คฃ
Hopefully wee lan now knows not to try to take food from a senior dog ๐ค