Paw Print Home Euthanasia- Pets

Paw Print Home Euthanasia- Pets We support our community of pet owners by providing euthanasia in the comfort of the home environment


Holiday dietary indiscretion

(Caution, there will be a lot of discussion about vomiting and diarrhea in this post)

As emergency veterinarians, we see a large spike in the number of pets (particularly, dogs) presenting to vet clinics after eating something unusual during the holidays. Some of these conditions can be serious, and even life-threatening. How do you know when to worry? These are some situations that may indicate that your dog needs to see a veterinarian:

Vomiting more than 2-3 times in 24 hours.
Severe lethargy (listless, uninterested in food or other activities)
watery and/or bloody diarrhea
vomiting/unwell within 12-72 hours of eating a non-food object, bone, or high fat food (such as pork fat)
blood in the vomit
not eating anything for over 24 hours
diarrhea that fails to improve after 48-72 hours

If in doubt, remember that you know your pet better than anyone else. If you think that your pet is unwell or just not themselves, head down to your local veterinary clinic. Better safe than sorry!

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Itchy petsVets often see itchy pets at this time of year, as the weather gets warmer and the pollen levels increase. Wha...

Itchy pets

Vets often see itchy pets at this time of year, as the weather gets warmer and the pollen levels increase. What should you do if your pet is itching?

Firstly- where is your pet itching? If it's itching around the base of its tail, it might be fleas. If you pet is itching its ears, you probably need a vet visit for examination and treatment.

Itchy feet and itchy groin/armpits can be difficult to manage. You can try using a gentle pet shampoo to clean the areas and you can apply a soothing cream (such as Bepanthen Nappy Rash, or a veterinary advised cream) to hairless areas. However, if the itch is not resolving, you may need to have a veterinary visit.

If your dog gets itchy at this time every year, you may want to consider a long-lasting allergy injection at your veterinarian. Remember, good food and appropriate shampoos often result in good skin, but sometimes your pet will need a veterinary visit to resolve skin issues.


Managing older pets in the heat

My Nellie is almost 13 years old and she has a long, thick black coat. Even now, with the weather warming up, I've noticed her starting to pant a lot during the warmest part of the day or when she's hard at work on the farm. Just like elderly people, elderly pets often have trouble coping with hot or cold weather.

My number one suggestion for managing long-haired dogs and cats in the heat is to give them a haircut. I usually shave Nell's hair just before Christmas, leaving about 2cm of fur. I find that this makes an immediate difference to her comfort in the sun and the heat. Some dogs have coats that don't tolerate shaving; these dogs can have their coats stripped with special brushes. Don't forget to put a jacket on them if there is a bit of cold weather after you shave them!

My other suggestion is simple, but sensible. Try to keep your pet inside or in a cool, shady place during the hottest part of the day. Take your dog for walks in the morning and evenings. This advice is especially important for brachycephalic dogs (smooshed face dog like pugs, bulldogs, etc) and overweight dogs.

Plenty of drinking water is always important. Some dogs enjoy a shallow paddling pool to lay in as well. Don't be afraid to get creative to help your pet cope with the heat, because your old pet will appreciate it!

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When is it time?

I've spoken about this in the past, but it is worth exploring again. I often get people asking me: "How do I know it's the right time to euthanize my pet?"

The answer is (almost always) Quality of Life. Can your pet eat and breathe with ease? Does your pet look relaxed and peaceful, or does it look disengaged and listless?

What I have learned is that almost nobody regrets putting their pet to sleep a few days too early, but they sometimes regret leaving it a few days too late.

And my experience with owners that are trying to find the exact right time is that they often end up putting their pet down urgently. This is OK, but it doesn't leave space for mental preparation and it may mean that the pet attends an after hours clinic.

Remember, if you need advice on your pet's quality of life, reach out to the vet that knows your pet the best, and to trusted friends and family.


What is body condition score?

During your pet's routine check-up, you may hear the phrase "body condition score", followed by a number indicating your pet's score. What does this mean and why do we use it?

Body condition simply refers to the amount of fat that a pet has. Pets are usually scored on a 1-9 scale (there are different scales), with scores 4 and 5 being ideal. Scores under a 4 are considered underweight and scores over a 5 are considered overweight.

The reason veterinarians use a scoring system instead of a description is that it is much easier to understand what a "6" is than what is meant by "slightly overweight".

Not all pets are built the same, and some pets will sit around a body condition score 6-7 for most of their lives. Other pets may struggle to keep weight on due to illness and will be closer to a 3. Using body condition scoring helps give us target body condition, monitor changes, and ensure pets are not reaching the extremes of the body condition scoring scale.

How about you give it a go on your pet?


When one pet is euthanized, how should we manage the other pets in the household?

I often have other household pets present at home euthanasias or, if they are quite disruptive (think, young Labrador), they often visit the euthanized pet soon afterwards. I will preface my opinion (below) with the comment that- you know your pets the best and your opinion about how to manage them during the euthanasia of another household pet is the most valid opinion.

Some pets don't really ah.... love.... the other pets in the house. These pets generally don't show much grief and move on with life with minimal fuss after a household pet has been euthanized.

But some other pets don't deal with the loss as well. Every pet is different, and you may find that your deceased pet's best buddy just continues to live life normally. Or you may find that your pet is quiet and lonely for quite a bit of time.

If you have a pet that has a strong bond with a pet that is being euthanized, and it is possible to show them the deceased pet soon after the euthanasia (it's not always practical)- I suggest you do. Some pets don't understand that their friend has passed away and can search for the deceased pet for quite some time.

I also suggest that you make time (especially for dogs) to spend one-on-one with your pet, over the next couple of weeks after their friend has passed away. It is reassurance for them... and for you as well.

And my final comment is about cats. Although you can't bring your cat to an in-clinic euthanasia, at home I find cats decide if they want to be a part of the process. Some disappear, and some stay close by- give cats the option and they will process their grief in a way that feels right for them.

Raw Food dietsRaw food diets are steadily becoming more popular with pet owners, especially for dogs. Is raw food right ...

Raw Food diets

Raw food diets are steadily becoming more popular with pet owners, especially for dogs. Is raw food right for your pet?

Most veterinarians, myself included, feel that a good quality dog food (wet or dry) fills all of your pet's nutritional needs. However, it is clear that some pets do specifically benefit from a raw food diet- especially a portion of dogs with skin/coat issues. So how do you do a raw food diet right?

First, find a raw food diet that is designed by a veterinarian. It can be difficult to properly balance a raw food diet, to ensure that sufficient micro- and macro-nutrients are provided. Please understand that a good raw food diet is not cheap; cost will often be similar to a good quality dry food.

Second, be careful to handle all raw food as instructed. Raw food poses a risk of bacterial contamination, which can result in diarrhea or upset stomach (for both human and furry friend!). Raw food is likely to be more work than tipping dog food out of a bag or tin.

Third, please be careful when feeding bones. Bones pose a risk of cutting the mouth, and can cause life-threatening blockages if swallowed in large pieces.

As with all dietary changes, if you are going to try a raw food diet, please introduce it slowly (over 3-4 weeks). If you have questions about raw food diets, don't hesitate to approach your local veterinarian.


Remembrance options

It is hard to think about the 'after', but a bit of planning ahead of time often makes the period after losing a pet just a tiny bit easier. I find that the time I take to do paw prints often aids the transition for the owners, and there is often something comforting for people having something tangible to hold after I leave.

This article discusses some simple remembrance options. Many veterinarians offer paw prints, but it is good to have a think about your options and preferences before a visit.

Just a note about the options below- most are not tolerated in an awake dog, and the plan is usually to have these done after euthanasia. Especially since it is often helpful to trim the hair between the toes.

Clay- Our vets always have air-dry clay in the car. We use Jovi air-dry clay, roll it out and use a cookie cutter to cut a circle about 1-2 cm thick. I firmly press the main pad and each toe into the clay. Then the print is left somewhere warm, but not in direct sunlight, for a few days until fully dried. It is essential that it doesn't get wet again.

Ink- Ink paw prints can be done with the baby hand/foot print kits, or with a simple ink pad. Ink seems to work better than paint, but you are only limited by your imagination. Ink nose prints are lovely as well.

Fur- Many people appreciate having a small vial of fur clipped from their pet.

Just a little reminder to ask your veterinary clinic if they would be happy to do a remembrance piece for you. Don't be shy- if they don't routinely do prints, just bring the clay/ink/etc with you and they will be happy to help you create your remembrance item.


We are very excited to welcome two more vets to the Paw Print team! Kate and Jo are wonderful additions to the team, and will help me further support our community by expanding the availability of our home euthanasia service.


We are very excited to announce that we will soon be expanding the availability of our services in Hamilton. We are bringing two new amazing and lovely vets on board, Kate and Jo. They will help us offer more visits after-hours and when I am away on leave.

It's always heart-breaking when I don't have availability for a visit, and I am looking forward to expanding both our team and our availability in the Hamilton area.

More information to come soon!


They call her Smelly Nelly!

Yes we do actually call Nell "Smelly Nelly". It's kind of a joke... and kind of true, too!

Skin disease is very common in dogs. Some dogs are more likely to have allergic/senstive skin problems, such as short-haired white dogs and Shar Pei's. Some dogs are almost guaranteed to have allergic/sensitive skin problems (I'm looking at you, West Highland White Terriers).

Skin disease can be very challenging, frustrating, and costly to manage. What can you do?

There is a lot you can do at home. The number one treatment for allergic/sensitive skin issues is a high quality diet to support skin health. This is especially important in the first year of life, when dogs are developing the skin that will protect them in the coming years.

Some dogs need special prescription diets (often due to food allergies); this is something that you may need to discuss with your veterinarian. However, if you are suspicious that your pet is allergic to a specific ingredient (such as chicken or soy), you can always purchase balanced food/treats that do not contain that specific ingredient to trial for 6-8 weeks.

Another significant home treatment for skin is shampoo. Some dogs with severe skin disease (especially those with greasy, ye**ty skin) require prescription medicated shampoo. But most itchy dogs (with dry flaky skin) will benefit from an oatmeal or soothing shampoo on a regular basis (no more than twice weekly). Always observe your dog the day after a shampoo- is it more or less itchy?

Managing a dog with itchy skin is a journey that often involves both the medical expertise of your veterinarian and the specialized, day-to-day knowledge that you bring as a pet owner. It may take a while to figure out exactly what will work for your dog's skin, but you'll get there- and your dog will appreciate it!

I was recently contacted by Kylie, from Kylie Perry Photography. Kylie is a photographer providing sessions for elderly ...

I was recently contacted by Kylie, from Kylie Perry Photography. Kylie is a photographer providing sessions for elderly pets and her photography looks lovely. If you are interested in this service, I suggest you have a look at her website:

I believe that photography is not just about freezing moments in time, but weaving stories that resonate with the core of our shared human experience. With my Lens focused on authenticity, I bring you three distinctive packages; LIFE, SOUL, & FURever PETS, see more....

Pet insurance So just to start with a disclaimer, this is not financial advice. It always pays to do your research with ...

Pet insurance

So just to start with a disclaimer, this is not financial advice. It always pays to do your research with these sorts of decisions.

As an emergency veterinarian, I have seen first hand the benefits of pet insurance. It allows owners to proceed with the testing necessary to get a full picture and potential treatments in a timely fashion. Pet insurance can, in some cases, actually be a life saver.

However, Pet insurance is not free, and there is a cost benefit ratio that needs to be considered. Odds are that you won't end up in that dire scenario that I just mentioned, but what sort of decisions would you want to make if you did?

There are multiple Pet insurance providers in NZ so do your research. What is the excess fee? Are there any conditions they won't cover for your pet's breed? What about cover for pre-existing conditions? Is this just surgical cover or medical as well?

One piece of advice that I can give is that, if you don't think Pet insurance is right for you, consider creating a savings account for your pet. That way if you have an urgent visit to the vet, and you've saved $10/week for 2 years, you have $1040 to start treatment.


The perils of cars and older pets

I was working an emergency shift this weekend and one of the many consults that I attended was a 15 year old cat and his devastated owner.

The owner had hit their cat, very close to home. It seems that the cat had tried to get past the car after the owner had decided that it was staying in a safe spot.

I want to provide some small solace for owners who may have run into or run over their elderly pets- this is very common. In my experience, older pets are almost always hit by a family member and almost always in the driveway. This is despite the owners' best efforts to ensure they are always aware of where the pet may be.

Older pets have poorer vision and hearing, which limits their awareness of an approaching vehicle. Their reactions are slower and, just like people, they may over estimate their speed and agility when maneuvering around vehicles.

Always be aware of the risk of older pets around vehicles. But also, if something does happen, be kind to yourself.


Coming up on Christmas, I thought it would be worthwhile re-posting this. Happy holidays to you and your pets!


I recently found a page called Deathwives. Sounds strange, but bear with me here, it is interesting.

This group of amazing human beings aim to be a family's companion and emotional support during an end-of-life journey (for humans) in the role of a death doula, just as doulas and midwives provide a range of support during the start-of-life journey.

I know that a lot of people, especially in the medical profession, already regularly fill this role but I found it interesting that a group of people would dedicate time and resources solely to this aspect of death.

As veterinarians, we find ourselves in the companion/support role during the end-of-life process for pets. We explain the changes during, and prepare our clients for, euthanasia. We acutely understand the loss and we guide the family along the beginning of the grief process. We are familiar with the role of deathwife.

I really appreciated a particular concept that came up on the deathwives posts, which is that grief is just another form of love. The idea is that the love that we have for our animal during its life doesn't disappear after its death, it just transforms to a new shade of love. I found this very comforting and thought I would share this concept for anyone experiencing the loss of a pet.


Pre-anesthetic bloodwork

Your pet is booked in for a routine procedure, such as desexing or dental work and you are offered pre-anesthetic bloodwork. What does this mean?

There is some variation in what bloodwork is run, but the general tests include a Biochemistry Profile, Complete Blood Count (CBC) and sometimes thyroxine (T4). Your vet may choose to run only some of these tests or may choose to run additional tests, depending on the age and health status of your pet.

A biochemistry profile looks at the general health of the body. It helps indicate the health of the liver and kidneys, as well as protein and glucose levels.

A CBC looks at the numbers of red blood cells and white blood cells. Red blood cells are responsible for carrying oxygen around the body and white blood cells are activated during infection or inflammation. The CBC can also show changes in platelets, which are needed to help the blood clot normally.

Thyroxine is not always run, but is one of the more common blood tests added in to pre-anesthetic bloods. Hyperthyroidism (high thyroxine levels) is a relatively common disorder in older cats.

If you have questions about the benefits of running pre-anesthetic bloodwork on your pet, don't hesitate to ask your vet for clarification.

Preparing to go away on holidays.Are you planning to go away on holidays and leave your pet with the kennels/cattery or ...

Preparing to go away on holidays.

Are you planning to go away on holidays and leave your pet with the kennels/cattery or with a trusted person? Here are few tips to consider.

Start thinking now. Everyone gets very busy leading up to the holidays, and you don't want to miss out on an important aspect of pet care because you left it too late.

What does your pet need while you are away? Do you have enough food and medication to last the whole time you are away?

If your pet is going to the kennels or cattery, are its vaccinations up to date? It is VERY hard to get a vaccination appointment from mid-December to early January, so please make sure you get this done early. It is SAFE to do your vaccinations a few weeks early, if this makes the logistics of an appointment easier.

Remember, a vaccine takes around 10 days to be fully effective, so try to ensure that your pet is fully vaccinated at least 10-14 days prior to a stay in the kennels or cattery.

My final tip is to leave very clear written instructions for the person in charge of your pet regarding medical expenses. It is important that the people looking after your pet have an idea of how much money they can spend on your behalf, if your pet becomes ill or injured and they are unable to immediately contact you.

If you have any questions about how to prepare your pet for your trip away, have a chat with your local veterinarian.




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