Fluff Busters has relocated to 44 Vercoe Road, Beerescourt!
Hey Fluff Family,
As some of you have noticed, Fluff Busters is no longer at Lorne Street. It has been a great location to operate from for the past three years, but I am excited to be able to move the business home in Beerescourt.
My thanks to everyone who has been a customer at the Lorne Street shop.
Your support has meant so much and I have enjoyed interacting with you and your doggos.
Hopefully, the new location with excellent parking and access will work for you as I would love for you to stay with Fluff Busters.
If distance is a problem, please text me as I will be experimenting with a drop off and pick up service (depending on location) for long-term customers.
The new space is up and running and I’m taking bookings. I really hope to see you there soon!