Socialising dogs:: Social media will have you believing that you need to have a super friendly dog that can go to doggy daycare and be mixed with a whole group of random dogs that are just chucked in a small confined area all day long. Well let me tell you…. There are other, better ways out there to socialise your dog and have them become a well rounded member of society. #dogwalking #onleaddogwalks #dogsocialization #reactivedogs #pawsrewindwalks
Red flag signs that could indicate pain in your dog... Changes in coat patterns or texture. 🚩Odd changes in your dogs normal coat pattern or texture could mean that your dog is holding pain in this location. 🚩This can be caused by fascia adhesion, muscle tension or muscle atrophy. Canine massage can help with releasing the tension in these areas and helping to loosen the adhesive fascia. Have you noticed these signs in your dog? Reach out about how Canine Massage can help your dog. #caninemassage #dogpain #musclepain #pawsrewind
All the different breeds, sizes, ages, fitness levels. All dogs should be invested in good dog walking and socialising.
A day in the life of a Canine Remedial Massage Therapist and a Dog Walker. Here’s a little bit of an insight into a very busy day in my life lately… ☀️ Sun rises. 💆♀️ Doggy Massages. 🦮 Walkies. 🐾 Dog Photographer. 🚙 Car Rides. 💤 Sleepy Doggos. 👟Tens of Thousands Steps. 🦵Foam Rolling
Do you have a dog that walks YOU when you are out? Does taking your dog out for a walk embarrass you, or is it too much hard work that you just don’t want to do it?!. Are they pulling you along on lead, choking themselves, dragging you from here and there, uncontrollably lunging at people, dogs, cats, cars everything in sight….. You need to invest in an on lead dog walker. On lead dog walking is more than just “walking a dog” it’s a training session. 🐾Your walker spends time getting to know your dog. 🐾They work hard to know the ins and outs of your dog as an individual. 🐾 They train your dog to ignore triggers such as other dogs, cats, people or cars. 🐾 They invest in your dog so that you can enjoy your dog. So why don’t you invest in your dog too. On lead dog walking helps you to help your dog. #investinyourdog #dogwalker #onleadonly #dogtraining #leadwalking #hamiltonnz #pawsrewindwalks
Getting prepared for the winter months with a senior dog….. 🐾 With the cold weather upon us our older senior dogs feel the chill more than we realise. Commonly pains that were easier to hide in the warmer months become more obvious. 🐾 Keeping an eye out for signs of pain such as slowing down on walks, struggling to get up out of bed, reluctance to jump up on furniture or limps that haven’t always been there. Dogs are extremely good at hiding pain. 🐾 Making sure our best friends are kept warm and dry. 🐾 Slower and smaller low impact exercise routines with more frequency will ensure they are kept fit and active. 🐾 Regular therapy sessions such as massage, range of motion or gentle canine conditioning exercises. 🐾 Even if you don’t notice these signs - prevention is better than cure! Let’s keep our seniors happy and pain free for a longer happier life!#seniordog #painfree #caninemassage #yourdogmoreyears #pawsrewind
Did you know that the "sweet spot" or itchy spot on your dog could be due to an area of tension or adhesion on the body caused by a trigger point. The scratching from the dogs hind leg is a natural scratch reflex controlled by the dog's nervous system to protect them from irritants. A trigger point can cause adhesion of the fascia causing irritation under the skin. Canine massage often helps to release these trigger points and loosen the fascia. Fascia build up can cause potential injuries to your dog. Want to find out more how massage can help? #caninemassage #caninerehab #fascia #sweetspot #itchydog #massage #dogmassage #dogrehab #pawsrewind