Old Mountain Fold began with the purchase of an in-calf Highland cow because of their aesthetic and being good at foraging on hills. We purchased a few more cattle, making several mistakes along the way. Coming across the New Zealand Highland Cattle Society, we learned how to breed the animals to maintain the integrity of the breed. With the help of the president of the NZHCS, we were able to purc
hase our first Fullblood, assessed and registered, pedigree Highland bull - Eadon Selkirk. In the poultry department, we initially started off, like most people, with four Brown Shaver hens for eggs. When it came time to replace our stock, we decided to try some heritage breeds and breeds that lay coloured eggs. We ended up collecting several breeds, because, you can never have too many chooks, right (ducks an geese too!)? Then we purchased an incubator and thoroughly enjoyed hatching our own chicks - watching a chick hatch out of an egg never ceases to amaze us. HIGHLANDS: Old Mountain is a New Zealand Highland Cattle Society registered fold. We breed Scottish Highland Cattle, all animals being registered with NZHCS. Highland Cattle are an ancient, heritage breed, They are hardy and low-maintenance, bred originally in the Scottish Highlands. They are excellent cattle for hills and rough pasture. Highland beef is marbled and renowned for its tenderness and flavour. It has high iron and protein content, more so than usual commercial beef breeds. The beef is good enough for the Queen of England to consume, having her own Highland cattle fold. The cattle have loads of personality, good looks, calve easily, and are extremely good mothers. While the breed is slower to mature, the heifers calving at three years old, the cows can continue calving up to twenty years old. We sell heifers, cows and steers. Occasionally Bull lease. POULTRY: We breed a range of heritage poultry and waterfowl. Breeds include:
Lavender Araucana
Barred Rock
Salmon Faverolle
Belgian D'uccle
Muscovy Ducks
Sebastopol Geese
We sell fertile eggs for hatching, POL pullets, purebred roosters, hens, ducks, ducklings, geese and goslings. Please inquire to check availability.