If anybody can help please flick me a message! Or message the page!
Currently there has been a large outbreak of Avian botulism discovered in timaru resulting in the death and paralysis of a unprecedented number of birds. Though the local rescue is doing all they can they are currently being turned away for assistance from EVERY organisation and the ones that have been found alive required euthanasia because of this. They have more that will be flooding in and with lack of resources they don't have the ability to take these birds on for rehab. We are looking for ANYONE traveling from timaru to anywhere within a hour of Alexandra that would be happy to transport as many as possible for us to transfer into intensive care for emergency treatment. Please if your able to help get in touch. Alot of the adults are leaving behind chick's when they die meaning even greater numbers of mortality but with treatment the adult ones can be better within as Shor a time as 4 days as opposed to the usual 2 weeks+
If you or someone you know is able to help then please reach out and share so we can try help atleast a few of these birds