Kiaora Team!
This a bit of a unusal post, but I feel it my duty to inform you of the following.
Fb is a very scary and accessible place to a person's private life, because of this I have removed my work page and personal page from the invercargill community pages so you will no longer be able to tag me on them when people are looking for animal care providers. My page can still be shared and I am still able to be messaged privately. Unfortunatly an individual has made it her life goal to deform my name and business by now targeting potential and new clients through their private messages, and I certainly do not wish this upon any of you, she is dangerous and should not be engaged with. This matter is currently with the police and has been going on for some time. I am so very sorry for any inconvenience this has caused and I assure you this does not effect my business or the care provided to your animals. I understand this is very cryptic but I am very strict on protecting all my clients privacy and would hate for the harrassment to spread any furthur than it has. I do hope removing my tags prevents furthur messages and again I am sorry to anyone who has been caught up in this mess and if you feel threatened please contact police directly.
On a brighter note I spent the day traveling up through to otago, how good is this weather! This beautiful boy had a mobile groom today and I forgot how much work it was to travel my grooming gear around the country side so thankyou to everyone who has made adjustments to have grooming done at my salon. It certainly saves me ALOT of time, but I am still happy to attend mobile grooms where necessary ๐
I have seen an increase in puppy and kitten microchip appointments this season, which means word is getting out that it's accessible and affordable so thankyou for that too!
Other than that business is same as always ๐ Alot of fun jobs coming in big and small. I'm off to tend to the sheep. Have a wonderful night and remember no question is a silly question.
Nga mihi