As a bit of an experiment, this year we've made small bales of baleage.
Made from the same pasture we do our hay on its specifically for horses.
Today has been a long day!
I feel like we're finally making progress!
2 days of Melissa Galloway lessons and I'm so pleased with how Charlie is going!
Melissa is such an empathetic coach who really drilled down to the gaps in our training.
And thanks to Sophie Hargreaves Horse and Rider Physio I can start to work on my sitting trot!
Huge thanks to Allie Harper for use of her lovely arena and for organizing Melissa.
Video thanks to Stacey Green
Bugsy is settling in so well.
She loves meeting people and is starting to win over the other horses! Summer still not impressed with the new pony who everyone talks to before her!
Just as well we got the gravel trucks in yesterday!!
40mm of rain overnight!!!
And still pouring down when Alysha and Ashleigh arrived so they rode bareback in the rain!
18 degrees and torrential rain!! Crazy Southland weather!
Big thanks to McGregors of Winton for delivering the washed crusher dust to top up our arena surface today.
Jess and Bear loved playing on the heaps before Dave started leveling!
What a lovely day it was on Thursday!
And what beautiful tails our horses have!
Flying Horse shampoo and conditioner, then I massage Flying Horse Hot oil into tail and plait to help oils penetrate hair shaft.
Much better canter today as I was better at keeping connection while also thinking about inside hind staying active.
Thank you so much Mura Love for understanding how Charlie thinks and for challenging me to ride each stride.
And thanks to Jade Ward for the use of her arena, and especially grateful to Dave for being parking person for me and videoing our lessons.
Bitterly cold for our lesson this morning but so pleased with the improvements in a month.
Charlie feels stronger and more consistent in the contact.
I'm struggling with sitting trot and am very sore afterwards but we'll get there!
Our Getting Started in Dressage seminar was such a success that the wonderful Stacey Green started a Baby Dressage Queens club and today they all went to Gore and had a play on the surface in preparation for the Dressage Southland Winter series starting in August.
Well done everyone!
Gosh I just love this horse!
Six years old and sensible enough to let 12 year old Alysha have a canter for the first time.
Bear is 5 and a half months old now and a tiny bit taller than Jess.
He's getting braver at going in the water but not sure about swimming just yet!