Hi all
Just a wee heads up. Hayden is back at work with heavy restrictions under Level 3 meaning things are very different to we normally operate.
Please respect the guidelines, it is to keep everyone safe.
Hayden will be contacted via his phone, so please don't just turn up to the site and have a yarn. He will make contact with clients via the phone.
We have to order all materials via no-contact systems so things may take 3 days to arrive as our suppliers are delivering to us via a non contact method they have set. Please be patient. This is new territory for everyone.
Please stay away from the building sites. We must maintain no contact. Stay in your bubbles.
If we are needed to repair something inside your home, we are asking you to please respect our guidelines and stay clear. We know kids are fascinated by builders but they need to be kept away. Sorry if this seems harsh but the guidelines we have been given must be abide by .
If you have any questions or want to know more details about something, please ring Hayden or Kelly.
Stay safe, we are all in this together.