Simba's message for the week is "I nurture myself so I can nurture others". How do you look after yourself so you can be the best version of YOU?
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Herd dinner time
Dinner time! It all flowed smoothly tonight with everyone parking themselves in the right yards, no scwabbling or resistance. Peace and harmony all the way!
#equineassistedtherapy #manawhaikaha #equineassistedactivities #equineassistedservices
The boys helping with the dishes 😁🤗🤣
My heart is full! New paddock zoomies! Who would think Simba (white pony) is well into his 20’s!
Peace or conflict? Which would you choose in your “herd”?
It has always been our dream to work with these beautiful beings 💕 so thankful we get to be with them all the time!
You might not know this but studies have shown that people who work with horses experience decreased blood pressure, lower stress levels and reduced feelings of tension, anxiety and anger! 🐴💖
There isn’t a day that goes by that these guys don’t make us laugh! 😄
In a session that touches on fighting and conflict this is how our ponies reflect it! It was incredibly helpful for our clients to see this and it led to some amazing conversations!
#equineassisteddevelopment #equinefacilitatedlearning #horsesofinstagram #horsesnz #horseshelpinghumans
If you are or know someone who needs help with their trauma, emotional regulation, learning difficulties, anxiety, neurodiversity, self esteem, relationships, bullying, grief, peer pressure and more, Equine assisted development might be just the thing for you/them!
We would love to chat with you! It’s as easy as flicking us a dm 🐴
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