Nelson A&P show done and dusted for another year.
Our Star pony Zinzan (Cardonald Zinzan)
Expertly piloted by Isabella had a fantastic show
Champion c Ring Pony
Reserve champion paced and mannered pony
And Supreme Pony of the show 😎 against some very strong competition.
So proud of these two, their hard work is really starting to show.
Rosa Tom Thumb (Tom)
Champion led purebred welsh
Reserve champion ridden welsh
2nd in the open saddle hunter class
1st novice paced and mannered lead rein pony
2nd in the lead rein open class doing a great job of looking after his little 5yr old rider Keanu.
Spider was a super good girl for only her second outing with us. 2nd in her open in the lead rein.
Ratabank jack Daniel’s (Jack) played show pony again and looked after his rider super for some seconds and thirds in the leisure ring on Saturday. Superb performance for their first outing as a combination 😍😍