She may be a few steps behind Jacko with the ridden part of things but she’s sure got everyone’s heart around here.
Real wee pocket rocket this one, he’ll be a good one to watch in the future when he’s got all the buttons.
Baby having a wee jump last Tuesday.
Little tack up video of Jacko showing how patient he is, he no longer goes from side to side while getting his gear on (thank god).
This horse will be bomb proof by the time she moves on from here. 🤞🏼
When you know the boss will tell you to bugger off if you get to close…..
Jacko trying to keep his distance but make sure the bucket is empty😂😂
Miss Daisy also had a go at jumping today, definitely not as enthusiastic as her sister about the whole thing, finally got the hang of it at the end.
Cleo having an absolute blast jumping again after not having jumped for a while.
Caro was very quick to show Jacko that she got the new sheet after he destroyed hers!!!!
Baby having no trouble loading up, wasn’t too sure why she was ment to go backwards when they nnormally come straight off the trucks.
Also loves having a long rein when she’s at a walk, if you told me that a few weeks ago I would have never believed you.
No loading problems here.
First load onto a float (im assuming) and was not and issue for Jacko.
The one and only video of Baby today before my phone went flat.
Super happy with how Baby went today, she was happy to just walk when I got on instead of wanting to get straight into a canter, and was fairly relaxed for the first time.