First float ride with mum today so much easier when they are small. 🙄
Hello everybody I would just like to share this short video of a Clydesdale that was struggling in a float that was slightly too small for her. It's commonly called scrambling and is slightly more common than you think. If there's marks on the side walls from going around corners it's probably a good indication that your horse is struggling to balance. In this particular case we modified the centre divider so she could spread her legs when going around corners. But not enough room to turn around and walk out the back like a truck.
NOTE: Video so done at slow speed.
Had to go the extra mile today with a green unbroken 3 year old with pretty much his first float ride after spending 3 hours float training him. Made it from Woodville to Otaki with no injuries (about 2 hours) travelling in a horse float sucks!
Hello everyone
Please be aware of buying Chinese imported floats even if they are checked out by a mechanic or engineer sometimes that is not adequate enough. They will look at the trailer differently to what a horse person would. So your best bet is to get it checked by somebody with a horse background and a mechanical or engineering background.
This is what happens when you give a endurance horse to a cowboy to start under saddle you end up with a Stockhorse!
Moved Moo this morning to Otaki no issues he’s got to big to transport in a horse float now 🙄 
Went to put the dog away in the kennel so I could ride Ash as I was coming back couldn’t see her! Ash she decided to untie herself and walk into the float. Don’t mind the saddle and bridal!!. Then she would rather eat hay all day rather than go riding. 🙄 
Ash is getting there starting to look like a horse in work more pictures next week 🙂