Second day of the TB clinic at Selwyn Equestrian Centre, we brought out the hoofball. None of the TBs had ever worked with a hoofball before, and they all took to it, some finding the whole affair so much fun. Thank you to RacingNZ and Lisa Wilson from Pinoaks for organizing the weekend.
Thank you Charlotte Bennett for this lovely video clip sent in from the Cross country training at Eyreton grounds on Saturday. Charlotte on Grey showing us how it's done.
Our next cross country training day will be on sunday 2nd June at Rangiora grounds. Group sessions for first start, 65 and 80. Get in touch to book a spot.
Getting a good connection on the ground through movement in balance and relaxation. Here, Peanut is learning all about having the saddle blanket on. She has learnt the pattern of moving her shoulders, hind quarters and going forwards and backwards. I personally love this pattern and use it every time we introduce something new in their education. The same pattern will help her understand wearing the saddle and eventually carrying a rider.
Only 2 sessions and handler now has her horse self-loading confidently. If you are floating mostly on your own, you are in a better position to load your horse from the ramp. It is easier and safer to then secure the bum bar and place the ramp up and THEN go round to the front to tie up your horse. Your horse learns to load himself confidently without force instead of needing to be pulled from the front.
If you are wanting some help with float loading, send a PM. Happy to travel out to yours and assist with all float training issues.