⭐️ ⭐️ Proud to have completed the Dog Trainer Professional Programme to become a KPA CTP (certified training partner)at the leading positive reinforcement academy in the world. The Karen Pryor Academy for Animal Training & Behavior. ⭐️ ⭐️
Busy 6 months of written & video assignments, knowledge quizzies, lessons, virtual workshops, followed by teaching, knowledge and training assessments. Ending with 99.5% in teaching & 98% in training for graduation 👩🎓
Gizmo my Cavoodle was a fabulous training partner, along with Stewart my pet sheep who loves a good chin rest! 🐑
I have an exciting new look and changes to make to my animal training & services, that I can’t wait to share soon ❤️
Thank you Alexis & KPA team 🥰
Positive Vibes 🤩 🐕