I have worked in many aspects, from training, to grooming and for the last nine years have been a professional photographer on the NZ breed show circuit. I started by volunteering for ten years with Waikato Canine Obedience Club, a fabulous club to train and learn with. I ended up with the long-stayers and problem dogs class, I was always learning!!! At the time, I had a crew of seven dogs, six Am
erican Akitas and an older Bull Terrier/Huntaway. So there began my interest in how the dynamics with dogs works. I attended many training seminars, and qualified myself as a behaviorist under a highly copy-write system to which I no longer pay for affiliation. Over the years I have had many successes with problem dogs, but have been mainly focused on my photography. In that trade, I have learnt to get the desired response from dogs in a very short space of time! And have such fun along the way...
I train in a simple manor, approaching basics first. And I always have a multitude of ideas of how to work on problems. Currently I have two Tibetan Mastiff males, a breed that is very primative and has hard-wired behaviour. These two have been excellent breed ambassadors over the years, not obedience dogs, but taught basic manors. That all starts at home.