If you have a pig or piglet, we strongly encourage you to provide them with engaging activities to alleviate boredom (and therefore hopefully reduce the amount of rooting occurring without the need for a nose ring or clip).
Here are some great ideas for enrichment:
💦Mud bath or paddling pool to wallow in
⚽️Swiss ball or football
🪢 Hanging ropes
🔶 Road cones
🛖Hay/straw bedding in their hut to allow nesting behaviour
🐽Providing them with access to an area that they can root up
🌾 Ad lib access to hay/roughage in a slow feeder or hay net
🐷🐷 Companionship (pigs are generally very social animals, and will often thrive with a friend)
For more information follow the link to read the full article or download the full Spring Lifestyle Farming newsletter
📬To get our seasonal lifestyle farming newsletters direct to your inbox email: [email protected] they can add your name to the list.
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🐑 Most owners prefer to remove the tails of lambs when they are young to reduce the chance of poo (faeces) becoming stuck to the wool on the underside of the tail and on the bum (dags). Preventing the build up of poo also prevents the establishment of flystrike (flies laying eggs in the skin).
Vaccinations are often done at the same time as tailing, as it is convenient and helps protect lambs from infections due to tailing or docking wounds.
For more information, tailing advice, and vaccination protocols follow the link to read the full article or download the full Spring Lifestyle Farming newsletter
To get our seasonal lifestyle farming newsletters direct to your inbox 📬email: [email protected] they can add your name to the list.
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Do you, or anyone you know, have cute lambs this spring? 🐑🐑
Check out our lamb rearing guide for tips and advice on keeping your lambs happy, healthy, and bouncing around just like Ruby and Rio 🤍🖤
To get our seasonal lifestyle farming newsletters direct to your inbox email: [email protected] they can add your name to the list.
#rangioravetcentre #KiwiLife #waimakariri #northcanterbury #lifestylefarming
How to: Tube feeding your lamb
Lambing season is just around the corner! We have put together a comprehensive video on how to tube feed your lamb. Be prepared for lambing season with these helpful tubing tips and techniques.🐑🐑
➡️Share this video with anyone who have lambs due this season.
#rangioravetcentre #rvc #nzfarming #ruralnz #lambing #lambhealth #largeanimalvet #northcanterbury #canterburynz
Today is love your pet day! What is your favourite way to indulge your poultry friends? These hens are loving a bale of straw bought for them to rip apart and scratch through.🥰🥰
This week's Behind The Mask😷 we catch up with Tristan Kamps one of our Large Animal Veterinarians. Watch this video to learn more about Tristan and his top tip for large animals.🐄🐏🐖
In part 2 of our Animal Poison Prevention Videos mini-series, learn what to do if you livestock eats something they shouldn't have.🐐🐖🐑🌿
This week is Animal Poison Prevention Week, watch the video to learn some tips from Vet Paul Blondell about how to keep your livestock safe from poisons, toxins and plants to prevent your stock from eating. 🐂🐖🐑🐐
Happy Valentine's Day! We hope you are able to spend the day with someone special.
Here are the special furry, wooly, hairy, and feathery pets our staff ❤️.