🌤Reduced rainfall can cause issues with pasture cover, feed supply and the body condition of your animals. The amount of feed your animals require depends on factors like growth, pregnancy, lactation and weather conditions.
During dry times and drought, pasture quality is often poor and limited. You may need to bring in supplementary feed or relocate your animals. Always prioritise animal welfare when making these decisions.
💡Make a feed plan
Ensure your animals have enough feed in the coming months by creating a feed plan early to avoid potential shortages. You can find feed budget templates and resources online:
• Beef+LambNewZealand: beeflambnz.com/knowledge-hub/feed-budgeting
• DairyNZ: dairynz.co.nz/feed
📞Consult your local veterinarian
Your local veterinarian can provide essential information for planning – especially pregnancy scanning and body condition scoring.
They can offer nutritional advice, guidance on animal health and welfare, and assistance with humane culling if necessary.
🟨 Buy extra feed
Order supplementary feed like hay or grain as soon as your feed plan indicates the need. Introduce supplementary feeds gradually to prevent digestive issues. Seek advice from your veterinarian or feed supplier for the best options.
Consider sourcing feed through online communities for farmers/ lifestyle block owners e.g. web forums or social media.
Be prepared this summer to ensure your animals are safe and happy. Follow the link to read the full article about summer precautions to consider for your stock - https://www.rangioravetcentre.co.nz/fah-prepare-for-a-dry-summer?rq=summer