We are still cleaning so excuse anything that looks nelgected after the 24 hour cat bomb exploded. Here are some of our intakes from around Christmas time and now. These guys don't live in these crates, they get more freedom than crate time. Its for human sanity and cleaning purposes sleep times and time outs for repeat offenders. 11 of our intakes came from a cat hoarder with pavo. All are doing really well now. It was a soul breaking journey for myself and Brittany nursing them through the constant poonamis and such. I will try find time to photo all individually and post with namesin the very near future as we have more than just these guys.
I hear and spy a Pip having a snuggle.
Little Miss Butterscotch enjoying a scritch.
Little Miss Butterscotch enjoying a scritch
Everyone outside enjoying the fresh summer air.
Mayde says throw her hair tie.
Bea and Martine, stopping off for a quick purr and a pat before joining their brothers for lunch. Beas got a pretty big purr for such a little kit.
its a busy Good morning from some of the gang.
A very good morning from some of the gang here today.
Fresh biscuits, hot off the press, courtesy of Maudes Bakery here at Paws this morning.
Resident cat Maudes has been enjoying her New Year and has fired off a batch of bisc to celebrate! 🍪
Didnt take long to adjust to a human mum, food bowls empty. What am I gonna do about it they all ask?!
Got that free kitten desexed??? Nope you didn't. Here she is still a young kitten herself feeding her own litter and another younger litter. 10 kittens in total. Mums in bad shape and i think pregnant again herself. We were under the impression we were picking up a dumped mum with 4 kittens. This what our rescuer found when she got to the property.